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Republicans Showing True Colors

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
Looks like Texas Republicans passed their 2010 platform. Makes for very scary reading:


For those who don't want to read the entire document here's a summary of some of the wackier positions:

Texas GOP Platform: No Blow Jobs, Strip Clubs or Porn

Posted By Steve M. On June 24, 2010 @ 1:05 pm In Uncategorized | 1 Comment

This post first appeared on No More Mister Nice Blog.

Via the New York Daily News, Blue Texan of Firedoglake has learned what the platform writers of the Texas Republican Party think is vitally important:

The GOP there has voted on a platform that would ban oral and anal sex. It also would give jail sentences to anyone who issues a marriage license to a same-sex couple (even though such licenses are already invalid in the state)….

In addition, the platform says that homosexuality “tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit and leads to the spread of dangerous communicable diseases.”

Texas Republicans also want to ban strip clubs and “all pornography.”

Oh, but there’s way more to their platform than that. As Raw Story reported a few days ago (hat tip: Zandar):

In addition to this, the Texas GOP seeks to end the state’s lottery, which provides millions in funding to public education; restrict citizenship to children born in the United States whose parents are citizens; end federal sponsorship of pre-kindergarten schools; impose a jail sentence on any illegal immigrant in the state; shut down all day-labor centers; cut off all bilingual education after a student’s fourth year in a U.S. public school; legalize corporal punishment in public schools; mandate that evolution and global warming be “taught as challengeable scientific theory”; and demand that Congress evict the United Nations from U.S. soil and end American membership in the global body.

You can read the whole thing for yourself (PDF). My favorite plank?

Livestock and Pet Locations – We oppose a mandatory national animal identification system requiring registration of all animals, of animal owners and their properties, including GPS coordinates and the use of RFID technology.

A burning issue, no doubt.

Notice the resemblance between this and the recent Texas textbook standards? Those didn’t amount to a curriculum so much as a loose collection of talk-radio-fueled right-wing resentments; this platform is pretty much the same.

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