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Rio Vista High.. (Ch 1-3, complete) - By Victim (~FFA, ~BHM, ~BBW, Magic, Adventure)

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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
~FFA, ~BHM, ~BBW, Magic, Adventure - Young women coming of age share a love of the big boys, a secret power, and an unknown destiny.

Rio Vista High
aka The Rio Vista High School Senior Girls Bridge Club
and Conquistadors Defensive Line Appreciation Society

A young adult adventure - Episode 3 of the Phoenix Heart saga
by thevictim
[email protected]


Fireflies danced around the edges of his vision and the moonlight shone down through the tops of the California Redwoods. There was a peace here he hadn't felt since his awakening in another world. This forest was much like the one he began his life in. Faylish never did understand why his kind came into being simply by waking up in the forest. Someday he hoped to find out, as did most elves.

This forest would be a good place for him to stop and rest. He was weary from his recent defeat. There were forces in this particular world far stronger than his magick. To battle these forces he would need even stronger allies.

Faylish was being drawn south by the music. It called to him much like it had in the past. He pulled his pipe from the pack on his motorcycle and sat down on a fallen tree. He played through the night, answering the call.

Somewhere beyond the veil separating the worlds, ancient forces began to stir, yearning for entry into the world, where they could roam free. Roam free and take what they willed from the world, after their price for entry was paid of course. Faylish had found the allies he needed.

Chapter 1 – The Bridge Club Initiation

A pulsating techno beat synced with the flashing of the strobe lights, making everyone in the under 21 club appear to strike various poses. The smell of sweat mixed with that of assorted perfumes and colognes permeated the air.

As the throng bounded and shuffled around on the dance floor, Melanie kept a sharp eye out for something else. Something that slinked and slithered above the crowd, waiting up in the lights. She could feel its presence, as though it was crawling around in her mind. That ability was one of the many perks of her membership in The Bridge Club.

Melanie could feel it was very close indeed. She moved her arms down to the side of her black vinyl skirt, where two half-moon shaped plates of polycarbonate draped from either side. They had been sharpened to an edge on the curved portion, allowing them to function as blades. Otherwise they seemed to be as decorative as the other pieces of plastic and metal that adorned her outfit. They appeared somewhat dull, but were very effective against some of the creatures she had been encountering recently.

Melanie never saw it coming. Barbed tentacles whipped around her, preventing her from drawing her blades. The tentacles slid under her black hair and around her ivory white neck. The tentacles began to squeeze, the barbs burying themselves into her flesh. She tried to scream out for help, but she couldn’t find the breath to do so.

(Liz) Ewww. That thing was SO gross! Melanie really had her hands full there. Oh, who am I? My name is Liz. Liz with an I, buster. You say it any other way and we are going to have words you and I. Yes, I like girls too. No, I’m not some kind of perv. It’s just how I am. No you can’t watch, you’re the perv!

(Melanie) Liz, lay off…

(Liz) That’s Melanie, but you’ve already met her. I guess you know she makes it out of there now, don’t you? Don’t let the tattoos and the shrink wrap miniskirts fool you –

(Melanie) * sigh * Shrink wrap is low density polyethylene. Most of my miniskirts are vinyl. Get the story straight, unless you want me to tell it.

(Liz) Fine. Don’t let the tattoos and the VINYL miniskirts fool you, she knows her stuff. She’s our scientist. When we’re done fighting off whatever the heck those things are, she’s going to save the world from cancer and stuff like that. She was my first one. No, not THAT first. You ARE a perv, aren’t you?

(Melanie) Liz…

(Liz) Sorry. Besides, I like my men AND my women to have a bit more meat on their bones, but I’ll get to that in a bit. Shortly after I turned eighteen, I started to see and hear things that other people couldn’t. It didn’t stop there. Soon I found out I was stronger and faster than anyone else in gym class. It didn’t take long to actually FEEL where this was coming from. Inside my head there was an area that I could feel doing these things to me. I called it The Bridge because it seemed to be connecting things up there.

(Melanie) With our enhanced physical abilities, I think cells in the basal ganglia are being connected to neurons linked to the cortex.

(Liz) Uh, yeah, what she said. Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m plenty smart, I’m just not a total geek. Anyway, I noticed I could feel inside the heads of other girls that had this bridge, only it hadn’t been bridged yet, and none of the boys had it. It seemed like I could just reach in there with my mind and flip it just like a switch. I thought that would be a bad thing to do though, at least not without asking. Maybe someone flipped my switch. Oooh, that sounds like fun –

(Melanie) LIZ!!!

(Lucy) * chortle *

(Liz) Oh, sorry about that. Really, I’m not a perv, honest! That was Lucy laughing. She doesn’t talk much, but that’s okay, I talk enough for both of us. I’ll get to her later too. Anyway, back to Melanie. I figured that ‘bridging’ someone under 18 wouldn’t be too cool with their parents. We keep an eye on them though, the ‘things’ we run into like to go after them for some reason. Yes, I actually AM a responsible person.

(Lucy) * sprays diet soda restraining laughter *

(Liz) HEY, I am! I met Melanie right here in the Club Wing. It’s a newly built area of Rio Vista High School that was supposed to be used for more classrooms, but they can’t pay enough teachers. Sheesh, make up your minds people! Anyway, school clubs use it for meeting space after school. Some even come here during the summer. Geeks! There are a lot of clubs in here. There’s the Phoenix Heart fan club. I’d just like to say that thing creeps me out, I mean, is it alive or not? The Comic and Anime club. MAJOR geeks, but they have their uses, as you’ll see. Then there is the Magick Users Club. They are BEYOND geeks, but also have their uses. Students aren’t allowed to use magick or have magick items outside of the club area, but that doesn’t stop them. Then there is us, or at least what we started as. The Conquistadors Booster club. That’s our football team. We love our football. Especially the defense. And the seniors on the defensive line…

(Melanie) Oh yeah!

(Lucy) Yum!

(Mirasol) At least we agree on ONE thing.

(Liz) See, mention the big boys and even Lucy pipes up. Oh, and you’ll meet Lucy and Mirasol soon enough. Anyway, I was checking out the team stats at the booster club when Melanie wanders in from the Science Club room to tell us to shut up because we were making too much noise. Of course now she yells even louder than I do at the games.

(Melanie) Damn right, we got eight sacks so far this season!

(Liz) Teighlor has three of those himself!

(Lucy) Eyes off Teighlor! He’s mine.

(Liz) * sigh * Sometimes I think I would have been better off on my own, at least I’d have my pick of the fat guys at school. But that wouldn’t have worked out, as you’ll see. Anyway, Melanie comes barging into our club room in the middle of us coming up with a new taunt and starts telling us off. That is when I felt it. She had one of those bridge things in her head. Well, we settled down a bit and I leave the meeting early and go into the Science Club. Talk about geeky! They got wires, and test tubes, and computers and lab rats, and all sorts of weird stuff in there. I tell her I want to see her after her club meeting. I guess she heard the rumors, she gave me a look like I was hitting on her or something.

(Melanie) * stares at Liz *

(Liz) Yeah, that look! Anyway, I tell her she really isn’t my type, with like the ‘no offense’ thing, but I like boys and girls that are much bigger. Then I tell her about the ‘bridge’ and she really doesn’t believe me, but then digs a piece of this Tyvack

(Melanie) Tyvek.

(Liz) Yeah, that stuff. She digs a piece of this Tyvek out of her bag and tells me if I can tear that up she’ll believe I have super strength. Well, strength really isn’t my thing, I’m more speedy than anything, but I was plenty strong enough to shred that Tyvek sheet into little bits with just my hands. Only took half a second too. Told you I’m fast. Then I told her I could give her super powers too.

(Melanie) Just for the record, it was more of a scientific curiousity.

(Liz) Uh huh, sure… Well, she DID ask if there were any side effects. I told her what I thought at the time, which was I didn’t think so. She says “What do you mean ‘I don’t think so’?”. I said I don’t know, you’re the science geek that carries Tyvak around in your purse.

(Melanie) * sigh * TYVEK. I only had it in there because I want to make a blouse out of it. You should check out my Lexan plate outfit, I should have it finished by the end of football season.

(Liz) Huh? Whatever! So she says to go ahead and I go ahead and flip this bridge thing. Sure enough, she gets all strong and fast and stuff. THEN I get a text message one morning that she took her tongue stud out for one night to clean it and the piercing sealed shut and completely healed by that morning. I can heal real fast too, but not THAT fast.

(Melanie) I guess we’re all a bit different. That is also when I found out I can shut off pain when I want to. I pierced it again myself.

(Liz) Hey, I’m telling the story here. Quit butting in! Well, one day I’m in the Booster Club room watching a game tape and Melanie just sits down and starts watching with me. Then she starts telling me how hot Carlos DeRosa looks when he lines up with his big butt in the air and his belly hanging down. I agree totally of course and then we just LOOK at each other. I guess there WAS a side effect after all.

(Melanie) I really didn’t mind, it just seemed that is what I liked all along. Now this liking football thing, we still have to talk about that.

(Liz) I know what you’re thinking. No, she didn’t start liking girls too. That’s just me. So we were like “What do we do now?” with our super powers and stuff, then things just started to… happen…

(Melanie) Like that night in the club.

(Liz) Yeah, let’s get back to that…

Melanie Firsch cleared her mind and told the pain to go away. Free from the torment of the barbs piercing her skin, she concentrated on finding the body of the creature around her. She could feel it above her, hanging on to a light bar with one tentacle, and onto her with myriad others. Melanie thought the creature had much less of a grip on the light bar than it did on her. She pulled her legs up, hoping that the extra 125lbs of force was enough to bring the creature’s body down to her level before she ran out of air.

Liz was only a few feet away, and could get there in an instant, but had problems of her own. She was behind the DJ’s stand dodging something that was almost as fast as she was. Almost. A jet black crab-like creature was skittering back and forth, trying to find an opening to jump. It had six legs, much like an insect, but a torso and head that stood up from the center. It occasionally snapped at Liz with a long, thin beak, lined with razor sharp teeth. It didn’t appear to have eyes, but had no problem figuring out where Liz was. The entire creature was slick jet black, like a fresh pool of oil, glistening in the moonlight. It stopped darting around for a moment, feinted a leap at Liz, and skittered underneath the DJ’s stand.

Melanie fell to the ground as the creature’s grip on the light bar gave way. She took this chance to slightly loosen the hold that the tentacles had on her. That is when she saw the body of the creature face to face. At least what it had for a face. It looked like a two foot wide head of rotting cabbage, and it smelled like it too. There was something resembling a mouth, but Melanie couldn’t see any teeth. But she could feel a numbness spreading from the barbs buried in her flesh, as though some sort of toxin were being delivered. Her vision began to blur.

Liz dropped to the floor and looked for the creature. It was nowhere to be seen. She crawled under the DJ’s stand and thoroughly searched under the apron, but there was no sign of it. As Liz crawled out from under the DJ’s stand, the creature leapt onto her back. It held her arms back with its claws latched onto the sleeves of Liz’s black and silver jumper, and snapped at her head with its beak. Liz rolled over and tried to crush the creature against the floor, but it was too strong. It clamped its beak around Liz’s buckwheat hair and pulled her head back.

As Melanie’s vision continued to blur she caught sight of one of the dancers split off from the writhing throng and come around the side of the DJ’s stand. She was an Asian girl, about 5’6”, wearing a gold skirt and white cotton top. Rather conservative dress for this club. Her hair was tied back into a knot, which was secured with two long white sticks that tapered to a point. She had an engraved jade bracelet on each wrist. The girl look fairly nonplused at the fact there was a two foot wide tentacled head of cabbage strangling someone in front of her.

The Asian girl worked the clasp on one of her bracelets and removed it. It snapped into a completely different shape, forming what looked like a crescent moon with a short handle protruding from the middle of the outside edge. She did the same with the other one. She held the crescents by the handles and reached behind her head with them. The handles locked onto the thicker ends of the sticks in her hair, and she drew them out. The jade handles and sticks resembled small sai. Her jet black hair fell down around her shoulders. She held the weapons out before her, and assumed a fighting stance. She stared at the creature with her piercing yellow-brown eyes and barked out a challenge to it in an ancient dialect of Chinese. It immediately retracted its tentacles and made its way towards the girl, leaving Melanie gasping on the floor.

The cabbage creature wasn’t the only one that responded to the challenge. The crab-like creature released its grip on Liz and sidestepped its way to where Melanie and the Asian girl were. Liz rolled over, leaving smears of blood on the floor from wounds on her back, arms, and back of her head. Liz began to crawl toward Melanie, her strength already beginning to return.

Melanie’s recovery was even quicker. Fortunately, her healing power also included the ability to detoxify. She made a mental note to study this further when she got the chance. She stood up and began to catch her breath.

The Asian girl dashed for the crab-like creature. It skittered closer to its cohort, hoping that together they could overpower the girl.

The cabbage creature lashed out with several tentacles as the Asian girl approached. She leaped over the spray of tentacles and sank her sticks into the shell of the crab-like creature. It split into pieces that scattered around the girl’s feet. Without so much as looking behind her, the Asian girl backflipped over the cabbage creature. She landed directly in front of it, standing on several tentacles. The girl crossed the sticks over the creature and drew them through it, cutting it in half through the center, spreading what resembled rancid coleslaw over the floor.

(Melanie) You really bailed us out there.

(Liz) Yeah, but you never did tell us what those sticks are. Give it up already girl!

(Lucy) You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

(Liz) Try me!

(Lucy) The fangs of The Dragon.

(Liz) You mean ‘A’ dragon, like that fossil they dug up?

(Lucy) That wasn’t really a dragon, but it is the closest thing we’ll ever see to one. A real dragon is an ill omen brought into the world by mankind themselves. The last real dragon was only defeated when all the greatest warriors from around the world gathered to battle it over 400 years ago, when magick was much stronger. At least that is what my grandmother said. She said the beast was born of all the greed in the world, made real by our desire to conquer everyone else.

(Liz) Um, whoa. Okay… So your weapons are the fangs of that thing, right?

(Lucy) That is what my grandmother said. She also told me that I was the next in line. I would find others to fight with me. That is why I didn’t object when you ‘bridged’ me. Part of my destiny. So is drooling over fat guys I guess.

(Liz) There she goes with this destiny thing again. Her grandmother was a couple Froot Loops short of a well balanced breakfast if you ask me. I met her once before she passed away. Her Cantonese was a bit odd, but I could talk to her. YES, I can speak Chinese. Cantonese AND Mandarin. I told you I’m not stupid. Anyway, she told me that all the descendants of all these ancient badass warriors need to gather to fight what is coming. If a mutant lobster and a reject from the cafeteria salad bar are the worst we have to deal with I don’t think the world has anything to worry about.

(Lucy) She told me that is why we moved to Rio Vista. This is where all the warriors would gather. You have to admit this Bridge thing sound an awful lot like that. There also seems to be people from everywhere in this town.

(Liz) Yeah, tell me about it! Mirasol’s background is a bit odd. Half Mexican and half northern Californian native American. She is quite an eyeful that’s for sure. Too bad she has a boyfriend. They were together when we discovered her. Something else discovered her as well. We were almost too late that day. All we wanted to do was watch our game tape…


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