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Seated dance (Boston) : first session free for answering survey!

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Hi, all:

I'm writing to gather some information before Big Moves Boston starts up an experimental dance and movement program for folks who would prefer seated options during an exercise or dance class. If I wanted strictly quantitative information, I'd put this on survey monkey, but I'd also like a little bit of expanded feedback about this concept.

I'd appreciate your input wherever you are located, but the first 3 people who respond to this survey from the Boston area will be able to take the first session of this program for free! (we are planning to start it in the latter half of March) So if you'd like to take a movement class that feels good and fits your lifestyle, please respond to this survey. It's the first step toward getting it going!

You can also email me directly with questions. Thank you so much for your input!

Yours in motion,

Marina Wolf Ahmad
Big Moves

Big Moves: Because Every Body Can Dance


1. Where are you located (city, state)
2. What kinds of movement or dance classes have you taken in the past, if any? What did you like or not like about them?
3. Have you ever seen a movement or dance class that you wanted to attend, but decided not to? What influenced that decision?
4. Please rate the following factors by how important they are to you in deciding whether or not to attend a movement or dance workshop (scale is from 1 = "very important" to 5 = "not at all important")

- genre being taught

- availability of public transportation

- cost of workshop

- reputation of the teacher

- time of day

- recommendations of friends

5. What are the top three movement, dance, or musical genres that you would be most interested in moving to? (choose three)

hip hop
musical theater/Broadway jazz
contact improv
exotic dance
social dance (i.e. salsa, two-step, swing)
other (please specify)

6. If you were to find a regular class in a form of dance or movement that you enjoyed, how often would you want to take it? (choose one)

2-3 times a week
once a week
every other week
once a month

7. If you found a movement or dance class that you enjoyed, how long would you like each session to last?

8. What is the maximum that you would pay for a classroom hour of dance instruction, in the genre that you are most interested in?
$15 $18 $20 $25 $30


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