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Sick of Negativity

Dimensions Magazine

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Mar 27, 2008
Hi I'm Morgan, I'm squishy, and I'm sick of negativity.
I know that people can't always get along all the time, that's a part of life. And trying to please people all the time isn't possible, but trying to not hurt people as much should be, at least for me and people I know it is.

This thing I'm writing is sparked by a recent mini-word-battle on the "Ladies, Post a cute pic of yourself" thread. What I see is just some major insensitivity. Yes. People are allowed to have their preferences, yes they are allowed to say them, but sometimes they are said too harshly or in an offensive way.

Then people start to defend themselves and maybe someone else thinks it's too harsh, so they comment back in another harsh way. What I'm saying is the cycle of harsh insensitivity should stop. Tiny things get blow way out of proportion, then you have people like me who feel the need to write stuff like this.

Yes this part of the boards is for BHM/FFA, and yes there are both skinny and BBW FFAs. Perhaps the feelings of BHM else where have been overlooked, but that is no excuse for doing the same to BBW here. Yes the BBWs have pretty much the whole rest of this site, but they deserve respect here too, as do SBWs*. Neither is more important, and there are people that have certain preferences, but sometimes there are nicer ways to say things, and nicer ways to respond to those things.

And I just wanted to say that I want to invent a new acronym since I feel that some people need them. SBW (slim beautiful woman) because they certainly exist and FFA doesn't allow for that beautiful.

So just say what you think here and if you want to argue with me go ahead, but I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not much of an arguer.

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