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Size acceptance good news?

Dimensions Magazine

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Dimensions' loiterer
Sep 29, 2005
The great white north, eh?
I was recently reading an article (here: ) talking about how, while it is important to know there are problems out there, that good news is important. That we have to recognize successes, and dare to dream of more successes. One particular paragraph really stuck in my mind:

The American civil rights movement wouldn’t have been much assisted, Turner notes, if Martin Luther King Jr. had stood up in Washington and said: "I have a nightmare."

Which brought to mind that often on these boards we share stories of bigotry against size, places big folk are not well accommodated, and so on. But less often do we really bring forward the success stories. The new theatre with seats where you fit, the doctor who added armless chairs to the waiting room, the compliment about how great you looked (without a caveat about your size), the store which just extended its size ranges, or whatever. So I was thinking, maybe we could all use a thread of good news on size acceptance. People and places that seem to get it.

Or maybe it is just a lame idea, but it seems worth a try.

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