Can you share with us how you cope living in a world which is often not size friendly? In other words has your size ever been an issue getting around in a world designed for smaller persons. Do you have any trouble getting around at work, shopping, or when you are out with friends. Do you ever find you are too large to navigate through the many small places you need to be able to fit through in order to get to where you want to go? One of my large friends will visually size up a resturant before she is seated so she can plan her route so she will be less likely to encounter tight spaces too narrow to walk between. This is a often a good tactic to employ, but is not fool proof and does not work if you cannot determine a route which might be wide enough to walk through comfortably. What are your experiences? Have you ever misjudged the amount of space required to walk between cars in a parking lot? Have you been surprized that when you attempted to fit between the posts used to keep shopping carts from leaving the store and you fit/did not fit. Do narrow isles in stores fustrate you? Will you attempt to fit through a narrow space when you are alone, but if you are with friends will take a longer route to avoid embarassment in front of friends? Can you share how you have learned to cope getting about in a world which often is not size friendly? What issues or problems has this created for you? What solutions have you learned over the years? Have you or your friends been surprized when you fit through a space you thought would be too small?