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So yes - I have been moody lately....

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In Rememberance
Sep 29, 2005
Here's why. My baby Peanut isn't well. I'm not handling it very well. She is a big dog 75 lbs and is having hip trouble and is not walking very well. We have her on anti-inflammatory pills from the vet - but they seem to be working very slowly. I hate seeing her in such pain. Peanut is the best dog in the world and the thought of her being in pain or having to put her down is almost unbearable to me. When we adopted her from a kennel she was very sick and I stayed up for days watching her - feeding her - and eventually pouring Gatorade down her throat because she was so dehydrated and I thought I was gonna lose her if she didn't get some fluids. I fought so hard for that puppy and now 11 years later there is nothing I can do to take her pain away. She is my baby and I'm just not handling this well.

This is our Peanut

This is Pearl our younger dog (6 years younger than Peanut) She has taken over all of Peanut's jobs (perimeter patrol and barking at strangers) and when Peanut is sleeping Pearl sits next to her *on guard*. It is amazing to watch how she is being so protective of her Alpha. They are 2 amazing puppys. I love them both so much.


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