Dimensions' loiterer
First the personal:
Years ago, when we were on the old boards, finding anything you'd posted more than a month ago tended to be pretty painful. As a result I set up a geocities web page, and started putting on there those things that I wanted to keep accesible. Over the first few years I put up a fair number of opinion pieces, stories, and odds 'n ends. However I've not done much with the page over the last few years, for various reasons. In the meantime we've moved to the new boards, with more forums and better search capability.
So I've decided that my project this summer is to bring most of that material onto the Dimensions boards. I have enough ego to think that other people will enjoy most of it, and that in the long run having it on Dimensions will make it more visible than having them just on my web page. So you'll be seeing a fair number of posts from me this summer, on various forums, re-posting this old material.
Now the General
If you have older material stored away somewhere--on a web page, on your hard drive, in your email--why not dust some of it off and join me in the summer re-runs program? Summer is often a slightly slow period on the boards, so we can help keep the quantity and quality of posts up, and probably spark some good discussions in the process.
I would not suggest dragging it all out at once. Spread it out over some weeks or months, depending on what all you have.
The Clubhouse Component
Would it make sense to keep some portion of these things just for the club house? Sort of a 'best of' collection that is exclusive to club-house members, as one of the incentives to support Dimensions?
Certainly this could work for pictures, opinion pieces, and general articles, but I don't know if the clubhouse board is appropriate for stories. Still, I could see special access to some people's best stories being a strong incentive to join. So we could either allow some stories on the clubhouse board, or set up a story board in the members only area.
Any opinions on that?
Years ago, when we were on the old boards, finding anything you'd posted more than a month ago tended to be pretty painful. As a result I set up a geocities web page, and started putting on there those things that I wanted to keep accesible. Over the first few years I put up a fair number of opinion pieces, stories, and odds 'n ends. However I've not done much with the page over the last few years, for various reasons. In the meantime we've moved to the new boards, with more forums and better search capability.
So I've decided that my project this summer is to bring most of that material onto the Dimensions boards. I have enough ego to think that other people will enjoy most of it, and that in the long run having it on Dimensions will make it more visible than having them just on my web page. So you'll be seeing a fair number of posts from me this summer, on various forums, re-posting this old material.
Now the General
If you have older material stored away somewhere--on a web page, on your hard drive, in your email--why not dust some of it off and join me in the summer re-runs program? Summer is often a slightly slow period on the boards, so we can help keep the quantity and quality of posts up, and probably spark some good discussions in the process.
I would not suggest dragging it all out at once. Spread it out over some weeks or months, depending on what all you have.
The Clubhouse Component
Would it make sense to keep some portion of these things just for the club house? Sort of a 'best of' collection that is exclusive to club-house members, as one of the incentives to support Dimensions?
Certainly this could work for pictures, opinion pieces, and general articles, but I don't know if the clubhouse board is appropriate for stories. Still, I could see special access to some people's best stories being a strong incentive to join. So we could either allow some stories on the clubhouse board, or set up a story board in the members only area.
Any opinions on that?