Dimensions' loiterer
Today (Sept 3) the radio show 'Q' on CBC radio 1 will apparently be talking with "psychotherapist and social critic Susie Orbach on her book Bodies, about how first-world body-image issues are creeping into the developing world. " Susie Orbach was the author of "Fat is a Feminist Issue."
Q is on at 10am local time across various time zones, and can be streamed in from http://www.cbc.ca/radio. Starting tomorrow you'll also be able to download the show as a podcast http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/pastpodcasts.html?42#ref42
And a warning....the show is something like 90 minutes or 2 hours long, and I don't know when in the show she will be on, and an hour of the show is going to be dedicated to the rock band "Rush." Getting teh podcast, so you can skip around and find the interview, might be the way to go.
Q is on at 10am local time across various time zones, and can be streamed in from http://www.cbc.ca/radio. Starting tomorrow you'll also be able to download the show as a podcast http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/pastpodcasts.html?42#ref42
And a warning....the show is something like 90 minutes or 2 hours long, and I don't know when in the show she will be on, and an hour of the show is going to be dedicated to the rock band "Rush." Getting teh podcast, so you can skip around and find the interview, might be the way to go.