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Sweet Toothed Woman -- by Alicia (~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~SWG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~SWG - a chronicle of increasing size and affection

by the Observer for Alicia

Roslyn Williams tugged at her light green blouse, but it was no use – no way could she make it tuck into her waistband. A year ago there would have been enough fabric, but not this morning.

Ros knew why – the closet mirror showed it quite clearly. Her recently developed paunch was pushing the waistband of her jeans down at a thirty degree angle. Over a full inch of soft flesh spilled over the edge. There was a full two-inch gap of exposed skin between the edge of the blouse and her protruding tummy. Another developing roll bulged against the fabric beneath her belt.

That wasn’t the only sartorial problem. The blouse had previously been a bit snug, but it now felt tight around her expanded torso. Once it had been one of her favorites; now it inspired concern that a button could pop if she inhaled too deep a breath. Reluctantly she removed it, realizing that its glory days were past. Instead she slipped on a larger garment, one with tails long enough to reach to her expanding thighs and cover her expanding butt cheeks.

Ros knew she’d gained a fair amount of weight in the year or so since she began working for Adams and Co. Initially she hadn’t really cared. She’d taken the job after trying to hold on to her boyfriend Lenny by staying a size 10 as he wanted, but finally her efforts were to no avail. He’d kept consorting with his sports bar buddies until he found a bimbo that would play to his kinky fantasies, then dumped Roz after three years of going steady. She was left with a leased flat that was half his responsibility. It was her friend Janice who fortunately knew of an opening at higher pay where employees were treated with respect.

Adams and Company did insurance claim investigations. Located on the twenty-second floor, they had their own coffee room for clients and employees; it featured catered morning pastries along with coffee, tea, chocolate and sodas. For clients it made waiting easier; for employees it discouraged going downstairs on breaks.

The pastries were varied. Every day there were donuts, plus bear claws on Monday, custard filled éclairs with chocolate topping on Tuesday, apple fritters on Wednesday, maple bars on Thursday, and either lemon tats or brownies on Friday. It was a recipe for rotundity and the staff at Adams and Company had a healthy fleshiness as a result.

With Lenny out of the picture Roz’s sweet tooth had had a chance to assert itself. During the second week of her employment she was included on the Thursday lunch invitee list of office regulars. Everyone ordered an entree so Ros did too – chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes and broccoli. It was twice what she was accustomed to. Then they had dessert. Ros hesitantly went along, ordering a piece of coconut cream pie, remarking to the person next to her “people here really aren’t diet conscious are they?”

“Not really,” her moderately plump coworker had replied. “You have to be careful, but it’s a lot happier being family than starving yourself.”

It was the beginning of a slow transition. The next Monday she was feeling a little tired in mid-morning and had some coffee as a pickup. The free donuts looked inviting and so she took a large one. Later she allowed herself a second. It began a pattern of pastries with coffee, initially only once or twice a week.

Old habits die hard. But after three months the pace had increased. It seemed one pastry or another was on her desk at some point during the day. Part of the reason was her commute schedule. She had to be there early and the commute took nearly an hour. It made for a long morning and she had nearly six hours from breakfast to lunch. Lunch was mandatory by State law and then it was another six hours before she could have supper.

Within six months Ros was aware of perhaps gaining a few pounds, but it didn’t matter. Food, especially the pastries, was by now becoming her friend, and a few pounds didn’t seem that serious a concern. She was a regular member of the Thursday dine-out group, which seemed to try a different restaurant every week. Ros soon learned that a number of area eateries had special budget lunches, and getting out of the office was refreshing. She didn’t need to indulge in desserts because the pastry tray was always there for later.

It was now over a year and probably twenty pounds later, but still she didn’t care. She just slipped on the larger blouse, put on her sweater and went out the door. At the crowded corner café she had a veggie and cheese omelet with two pieces of whole wheat toast for 4.99. The café had a variety of omelets, all served with an option of several types of potatoes. Ros had discovered the pleasures of an ample breakfast as she rotated among them.

Having a hefty carbo breakfast would hold her until bear claw time at 10:00. Lunch would typically be an entrée such as chicken teriyaki with green beans, mashed potatoes and a salad. In mid afternoon two donuts and a large cup of coffee around 3:00 would keep her awake. That night she’d pick something up, such as last evenings $5 worth of tex mex food from Taco Bell – there was frequently ice cream in the fridge.

Such was the life of Rosyln Williams when Carter Breyer moved into the same apartment complex. He knew none of her history but he appreciated a fulsome figure. He soon took due note of the full-hipped woman who picked up her paper each morning. A few weeks after settling in he casually asked his neighbor if he might share a seat with her at the crowded café in the morning. With a little hesitation Roslyn said yes – she knew it was a tiresome wait at times and he seemed nice.

Carter brought along his copy of Investors Daily as a prop not to be too obvious, but it was hardly needed. Roslyn appreciated the gregarious warmth that Carter exuded and things went well. The next day he made a point of being there first and offered her a chair. Breakfast together became a regular thing. It wasn’t every day, but quickly became 2-3 times a week.

Unlike Roslyn, Carter was willing to explore the café’s menu beyond the omelets. Soon she was following his example: huevos rancheros one day, whole wheat pancakes with blueberry syrup another. turkey sausage with Belgian waffles on a third. And of course there were always the omelets – Athenian with feta cheese and spinach, farmers with beef, sliced mushrooms and fresh veggies, Mexican with olives, avocados and American cheese. Carter was careful to keep the focus on conversation, not calories. And Roslyn kept on enjoying her pastries at work.

After a month of this Carter made his next move, inviting Roslyn to have something for supper besides fast food. Something turned out to be a full Mediterranean Greek style restaurant. She let him order, not being familiar with the cuisine. Her dinner consisted of a roasted eggplant salad (baba ghanouj), lamb, hummus and basmati rice. But he kept the focus on Ros, something Lenny had never quite mastered. Ros asked him if he ate out all the time, to which Carter replied “when I’m busy, yes – there’s seldom time to cook.” So Ros offered to make him a home-cooked supper, an offer which was accepted, along with a promise of bringing dessert..

This gave Carter the opening he had hoped would come.

“This is delicious,” he exclaimed, savoring the chicken alfredo which she had prepared. “You know, its been awhile but I bet I could prepare a breakfast almost as nice – do you mind if I try two days from now?”

Ros realized that it would mean his getting up before 5:30 to do whatever he had in mind and hesitated. But he persisted:. “I guarantee it will be a meal the way our favorite café only wishes they could do it – would you let me try?”

Curious, Ros agreed. Carter told her to be there shortly after six.

She arrived to the pungent smells of fresh cornbread waiting from the dining room table, set for two people with fluted tumblers filled with what proved to be cranberry juice. On the table also were a bottle of maple syrup and a covered pot with a ladle and two bowls. Carter escorted her to the table and unveiled his entree – chili made with fresh ground turkey, kidney beans, chunks of tomatoes, fresh basil, and other herbs. It was a perfect complement to the fresh cornbread nearby.

Roslyn tasted the chili. It was exquisite – so much so that she had both a second bowl and a piece of cornbread, as did Carter.

All that day Roslyn’s head spun. Her old domineeriing boyfriend Lenny had never even tried to cook her breakfast, much less a spread that seemingly belonged in a New England boarding house! She felt nurtured and cared for, but at the same time compelled to give back to this cheerful kitchen wizard.

Carter Breyer didn’t mind a reciprocal sharing of cooking skills one bit. As you by now realize, he was a practicing FA. He had early on seen the true potential in Roslyn but knew that he would have to let her find her own wings.

Thus began a period where each prepared a breakfast or supper for the other about once a week, other days frequently going to restaurants and sharing other activities. Carter liked copying ethnic regional recipes from the Internet while Ros used the neglected specialty dishes she had helped her mother prepare as a child. He could prepare roadside rancheros or spinach tortilla wraps for breakfast and snapper veracruzano for supper. She had casserole and meat loaf recipes involving a wide variety of ingredients.

After nearly two years of such cooking Ros was pushing past 190 pounds. She knew that, in another time and place, this might have upset her. Here, however, she wasn’t. Neither she nor Carter ever mentioned her weight (nor, for that matter, his, which had increased more than few as well) but her beauty in his eyes was reaffirmed both orally and by the pride in his face – and that is what mattered.

It took another year for the proposal. Six months later they were married – Roslyn making a lovely 210+ pound bride. During the engagement period an incident occurred that let Carter know his wife to be was truly secure in herself.

They were shopping in a mall with her brother and his wife and had paused to rest in a food court adjacent to a Dairy Queen.. The day was hot, Carter was engrossed in conversation, and Ros got up and offered the men ice cream. Her brother demurred and his wife and Carter went along with him. But Ros still had a craving, so she simply went and got a triple scoop with strawberry topping. Her love handles clearly showed as she waited in line. She looked hot in more ways than one and Carter had trouble concealing his adrenaline rush. She came back and indulgently enjoyed her large sundae as her fulsome belly spilled over her waistband.

Carter still made half the meals after the nuptials and Roslyn eventually slowed her rate of gain by cutting way back on the pastries. Eventually she quit Adams and Co. to raise their family. Her weight stabilized around 250, her dress size a robust 24. He settled in close to 270. But to this day, when they go out to restaurants – a few times each month – Carter never fails to offer his wife dessert. And she seldom declines.

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