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Tara 3: When The Moon Hits Your Eye - by The Id (~BBW, Romance, Imagery, ~MWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Romance, Imagery, ~MWG

Part of a famous multi-part WG saga, reposted with permission from the Mollycoddles collection. Click here for the prior installment.

Tara 3: When The Moon Hits Your Eye
by The Id

Wednesday came, and with it all the worries of exactly how I was going to work out of my current jam. Much as I loved Patsy as a coiuntryman and friend, there was no real attraction. I was not going to let her ruin my chances at Tara. With grim determination, I set out that dreary morning for Biology and Tara.

But, as was my luck, it seemed Fate was conspiring against me. My car wouldn’t start and, after a minute filled with obscenities, when it finally did, common sense told me I had better let it warm up more than usual so I didn’t stall out unexpectedly on my way to school.

This caused me to be later in arriving than I would have liked. However, I always left myself plenty of time just in case of emergencies like this, so I wasn’t going to miss the second bell and be tardy. The only thing I stood to miss was the warmth of a classroom that my car radiator failed to give and perhaps the ability to talk to Tara alone.

My mind was naturally dwelling on the latter as I trudged down the hallway towards the science rooms. I had this habit of watching where I was walking when I had nothing to think about (or sometimes too much), and it was this exact thing that caused me to look up in surprise when I heard a soft “Good morning” enter my ears.

As should be no shock to you, it was Tara Kelly standing at the other end of the hallway. She was, as always, looking radiant, dressed in the usual jeans and sweater that were so essential for these 65 degree winter mornings (that’s cold for Southern California, you know). Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, giving me a better look than usual at her round face and chubby cheeks.

“Oh, hi, Tara,” I said as I continued walking, now towards her, rather than the biology room. “Nice game yesterday. Sorry I couldn’t stay afterwards to congratulate you then.”

“Well, they aren’t exactly the best team in the league, so I’m not quite sure congratulations are in order. Let’s wait until we beat a really good team,” Tara said.

“What? Goalie girl wanted a shutout yesterday? Well we can’t have it all,” I joked as we were now a normal distance away from one another for a conversation. I decided that sooner was better than later to get the dirty business out of the way, “But you did play well yesterday. Patsy was effuse in her praise of your abilities as goalie.”

I sensed a slight change in Tara’s demeanor, but in whether for the better or worse I couldn’t tell. “Yeah, I noticed during breaks that you were talking with her.”

“And what a mistake that was!” I moaned, “I had forgotten about what it was like to have to put up with all that. You know, just between you and me, I’ve heard this new report that instead of giving out life sentences, they’re going to make convicted mass murderers listen to Patsy for 15 minutes.”

Tara was seized with laughter so badly that she had to brace herself against the wall with one hand out of fear of falling over. It was actually quite a nice sight as her body jiggled tantalizingly with each giggle. I imagined the soft ripples that were coursing over her frame right now and once again I was seized with rapture for Tara.

When she had recovered her composure again, Tara said to me, “So you really had a dreadful time with her?”

“Horrible. I might have died, had I not had you to watch,” I replied with all honesty. I had a feeling that I was forgiven for yesterday, which set me at ease. “When’s your next game?”


“Well, if memory serves me correctly, you said that perhaps I’d have the privilege of being able to take you out to dinner sometime. And I think this Friday after your game would be a perfect opportunity, don’t you?”

Tara blushed a deep shade of red. “That’d be really nice, Liam.”

“Let’s leave right after the game,” I suggested.

“All right. Have any place in mind?”

“Not yet, but we can figure it out then.”

“I’ll think up some of my favorite places for you,” Tara said.

“Nothing too expensive, now,” I said, “I’m just a poor Irish boy, you know.”

“Wanna hear a secret?” Tara said with a cute, but slightly naughty, smile.
I moved closer to Tara and bent down so my ear was next to her lips. It was a very nice position to be in, as I happened to get a very good look at her luscious rump in the process.

“I’m a rich Irish girl with parents who don’t care too much about how I spend their money, so I’ll pick up the tab,” Tara whispered to me.

I just about had my knees collapse from under me. Could it possibly be that my dream girl had a checkbook too? And she was more than willing to use it on meals? I could see the endless potential for dreams to be fulfilled now…

“Tara,” I murmured back, “I think that sounds like a plan to me.”

At that moment, the first bell rang. We were both disappointed that soon the rest of the world would intrude upon our moment of bliss, but that was the way of things. We went with each other to Biology and now shamelessly exchanged glances during class.

At the end of class, Tara loitered more than usual and we exchanged our good-byes until Friday morning. However, for the rest of the day, I couldn’t help but imagine what the possibilities were between Tara and I now.

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