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Tea Party Nation encourages "hiring strike"

Dimensions Magazine

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Oct 4, 2008
facebook.com/kellyplatco, Female
Tea Party Nation encourages small business owners to go on a hiring strike

I, an American small business owner, part of the class that produces the vast majority of real, wealth producing jobs in this country, hereby resolve that I will not hire a single person until this war against business and my country is stopped.

I hereby declare that my job creation potential is now ceased.

“I’m on strike!”

If this was a "Liberal" move, these people would be screaming at the top of their lungs, calling us traitors and more. This is essentially a form of blackmail, and no good can come of it if it catches on, which now that it's starting to garner attention, it surely will.

I worked, and I worked hard, for a very staunch Republican for years. Even when the economy took a turn for the worst, he kept hiring. He never short-staffed, and would tell my mom (who was the store manager) to schedule as many hours (within all of the staff) as we needed to keep the store running efficiently. This move will surely make businesses not run as efficiently, which will make people go to more efficient businesses, and eventually, the stores that are actually doing the strike will be forced to cut more corners, and possibly go under, farther damaging the economy.

In a blind hatred towards a man who doesn't even have as much power as they credit him with, they are willing to tank other Americans, they are willing to tank the economy, and they are willing to tank, what is surely, some of their own businesses. A business model like this cannot exist, and in their haste to get the President out of office, they are not planning for their own future.

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