[I thought about adding this post to another previous thread, butmade a new one as I did not want this post to end up buried in an older thread. Mod you can move this thread if you feel it is better as part of an older thread or on a different board.]
I would like to send out a very big thanks to Conrad who worked ;ong hours to upgrade and get the board up and running these last few days. CONRAD YOUR WORK MAINTAINING THE FORUMS IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!!
Thanks also to Annmarie who helped with board testing and keeping everyone up to date on the progress of restoring the forums. Annmarie if there is anyone else who should be thanks, could you please add their name to the list of those who should be thanked for helping to get the forums back up and running, thanks.
I would like to send out a very big thanks to Conrad who worked ;ong hours to upgrade and get the board up and running these last few days. CONRAD YOUR WORK MAINTAINING THE FORUMS IS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!!!
Thanks also to Annmarie who helped with board testing and keeping everyone up to date on the progress of restoring the forums. Annmarie if there is anyone else who should be thanks, could you please add their name to the list of those who should be thanked for helping to get the forums back up and running, thanks.