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The advantage of having a fat license plate

Dimensions Magazine

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Russell Williams

Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2006
The advantage of having a fat license plate

Yesterday my darling 27-year-old autistic daughter and I went to a patriotic concert and fireworks display at Antietam Battlefield. We had a wonderful time listening to the music, singing the songs, and watching the fireworks. Lori expressed her disapproval of the 1812 overture and the Maryland State song.

Afterwards, in the dark, we are trying to find where we had left the car. We were on one side of a road that had traffic backed up in both directions. I was saying to Loretta that I knew the car was somewhere on the other side of the road but I could not see it. Someone in one of the backed up cars heard us talking and called out asking us, ”What does the license plate say?” I called out, “4 Fat”. A voice called back, “It is right across the street from where you’re standing.”

Russell Williams

P.S. I hope to see you some of you at the convention. I am currently scheduled to supervise the hospitality suite Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Drop in and say, " hello."

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