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The Bus Driver - by Chillaxin (BBW, Imagery)

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2006
~BBW, Imagery - This semi-stuckage (buit not quite) story has a surprise twist - tastier than a pretzel

The Bus Driver
by Chillaxin

(Author's note: My first public fantasy fiction story, comments very welcome. Written imagining myself as "Ellen.")

Every day, the walk to the bus stop seemed longer. Today, Ellen thought that if she’d just spent a little less time finishing off her breakfast, she would had more time to walk at a comfortable pace. She hated getting to work already sweaty, but the pancakes were just so good she could not resist enjoying them and having one more helping. She felt heavier than usual.

Ellen carried two bags, on in each hand to distribute the weight evenly. In each, was half of her lunch, and half filled with empty Tupperware. The bakery she worked at knew that there were some things that just can’t be sold as day-olds and by taking them home she was doing them a favour. Her husband was more than happy and made sure that he enjoyed her while she enjoyed the treats. Days were for work, nights were for hours of munching and loving bliss.

She finally reached the bus stop and sat on the bench, putting her bags on the ground in front of her. She adjusted her shirt and made sure her elastic waist band was pulled up enough to cover her belly. She believed in modesty in public, even though her husband did not and always wanted to show her off.

The pants were too small, she knew that, and it would be the last day she would wear them, she knew they were slipping a little when she walked and were showing off some tummy. She’d promised him just one more day, then the new ones were coming out of the closet. Slightly out of breath, she was glad to be on time. There was no way she could walk to work downtown, and the schedule for her bus route didn’t come often enough for her to miss her ride. She could feel some sweat trickling down her body from various folds and hot areas, and she hoped they wouldn’t leave little wet spots on her clothes.

Ellen was the only one at her stop so early in the morning. It was also the first stop on the route, and nobody but the driver was ever on it to greet her. She saw the bus coming around the corner and started to reach for her bags and stand up. With a grunt and a push she heaved herself up, and pulled up her pants again as best she could with the bags in her hands. The slight breeze as the bus pulled up felt good until...

The bus pulled ahead before stopping, about ten feet from the bench where Ellen stood. She turned to walk towards the open door and thought to herself, “Here we go again.” She waddled briskly trying not to sweat, but still enough to show the driver she was making an effort to hurry. She felt the front of her pants slip down just slightly and knew they would be fine for ten feet or so.

She felt her whole body jiggle with each step, and knew how if anyone was watching, it would be quite a show to see such a big woman hustle and waddle while still trying to look dignified. She remembered how tight the bottom of her pants showed off her lower belly and her bum was simply packed in and straining the back side. It was definitely the last day for these pants, in public anyway.

Just as she was ready to approach the stairs, the bus pulled ahead another fifteen feet. She knew the driver must have seen her, she was the only one there! She could not miss the bus! There was no way she was able to run anymore, but she had to move as fast as she could. The bags swayed and knocked at her sides. Sweat started to drip from under her breasts and arms, and from between her rolls and between her bum cheeks.

She puffed and tried to take in as much air as she could while bobbing and shifting her body from side to side. She was very happy to have found a bra with straps that did not slip off the sides of her shoulders, but her breasts still swayed and plopped around on top of her belly with such a vigorous movement. Pulling up straps and heaving up her boobs was one less adjustment she had to make throughout the day.

Her pants started to slip down in front and she just knew her pancake-heavy belly was going to push them down further and faster than usual. She had to stop for a second before she lost her balance and completely passed out. Waving one hand at the bus to signal the driver, she tried to pull up her pants with the other, and then switched waving and pulling hands while her face turned red from exertion.

The bus pulled ahead one more foot and stopped. A tease to get her moving again. She took a couple of deep breaths and started forward again. Sweating more, one foot slightly ahead of the other and her entire body jiggling wildly out of control, she just could not move any faster without flopping over in a heap of fat-bodiness.

Her top speed had become even slower lately, and the belly full of breakfast made her feel a little sick. Quick reaches for her pants threw off her balance and she knew it was best to just get to the bus and go through the shame of bare belly wobbling and squishing around for the driver to see. Her heart was thumping in her chest and she knew that with one wrong step she could sprain an ankle like she did last year. (Bed rest was fun for a short while, but she was not ready to stay there and she loved working at the bakery.)

She tried to cheer herself on, “Come on fat girl, you can do it. Jiggle and wobble that body just a little more, faster, come on fat girl. Oh drat, it’s out of control... Come on chubby, bounce along to the beat just a little further...”

As she felt her upper legs rubbing back and forth and her breasts dancing in her top, she started to get turned on. It was the same kind of cheer her husband gave her when they were having extended sex sessions.

When she finally reached the bus, she was officially dishevelled. Her hair was sweaty, her pants unevenly revealed her belly and she was huffing and puffing like she’d just had the workout of a lifetime. She reached up for the handrails to pull herself up onto the steps. As she stepped up, she watched her belly get pushed up by her knee and felt her hips bump at the sides of the door.

More than usual.

“Oh my...” She was actually having to squish in a little bit to get through the door. She didn’t remember it being such a tight fit last week. Did the weekend sex-feast have that much of an impact already?

She lifted her second foot up onto the first step and stood straight before going to the next step up. Still holding on to the railings, her belly still exposed and trying to catch her breath, the driver went to close the doors behind her. They smacked the sides of her ass and were forced open again. Her eyes opened wide. Was her bum that big? Big enough to force open the doors of a bus? The driver tried again, and the doors bounced off her backside and flung open again.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, you’re going to have to come up an extra step.” He asked her.

Still catching her breath, she tried to pull herself up again and noticed that her exposed belly was sticking to the metal handrails on each side, making it more difficult and slightly painful as she raised her foot up again. Her belly bobbed up again on one side and she tried to pull the higher hip forwards to get her bum in the door.

Pulling up again she wished she didn’t have any bags in her hands to get in her way. (But she DID need lunch!) When she was finally at the top of the steps, red-faced, exhausted, she pulled up her pants in front of the driver and covered herself as best she could. He waited until she was seated on the closest bench seat just behind and beside him before he pulled away again.

He loved seeing his wife like this. He’d set up a mirror on the bus dashboard so that he could watch the road, and still be able to see his wife’s body bounce and jiggle wildly as the bus hit each pothole and bump in the road.

“You know, that’s mean pulling away from me like that! You know how I don’t like going to work all sweaty!” She scolded him.

“Oh come on, babe, it’s the only exercise you get and I enjoy it so much! It’s not like it do it every day. How can you deny me that incredible pleasure of watching you?” He smiled at her and melted her heart.

“Well it’s the last day I’m wearing these pants out in public! You hear me? They’ll be just for around the house from now on.” She pointed a finger at him.

“Yes dear.” He smirked. Perhaps he could talk her into one more day, next week. She might forget, if he distracts her enough with another wonderful breakfast.

He made sure he hit every dip and bump in the road. He watched as the bus came to a stop to pick up and drop people off, the last jolt before moving again, and she’d smile at his little mirror knowing he was hypnotized by her undulating flesh. They exchanged knowing glances, remembering the night before, the weekend before, the wonderful fun he’d have with her body. The breeze on the bus calmed her down, cooled her off, and she seemed mostly back to normal by the time they reached her stop.

He offered to help her down with her bags and stepped down from the bus before her, just in case she needed a hand with the last step. He watched her squeeze between the handrails again and felt himself get excited as he realized how much she really had trouble fitting in the tiny stairwell. He saw her pants slip in the front just a little bit again. He knew they were too tight last week and she looked glorious in them. Each round roll, hang, bump and jiggle – all for him.

When she was solidly on her feet again he handed back her bags and reached for the front of her pants to pull them up just a little bit. She appreciated his help. He gave her belly a nice stroke and went to hug and kiss her quickly.

“Hope you enjoyed breakfast.” He whispered.

“Very much.” She smiled back at him. “Now, am I covered?” She tried to look over her belly with her hands full but could not see for herself if the shirt met the pants.

“Yes, dear.” He gave her a pat which caused quite a jiggle.

“Really? I don’t trust you.” She knew he liked her to show off her size as often as possible.

He tugged just slightly again on her pants and discreetly pushed them back down about two inches. “You’re beautiful.” He smacked her ass and got back on the bus.

She started to talk towards work, and he watched her in the rear-view as he pulled away. He could see her belly button jiggling and swaying back and forth as she waddled. She didn’t know. He spent the whole day just thinking about her that morning getting on and off that bus, squishing and jiggling and forcing those doors open with her ass. He drove away smiling as he pictured her going through her whole day with her belly peeking through like that... and she wouldn’t even know.

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