Fatty McFat Fat
I wanted to open a thread for people as well as myself to give incredible thanks to Conrad. You have for years footed the bill for Dimensions and spent hours and hours maintaining the site as well. And non profit for all of us grateful participants. It's wonderful to see posts of record breaking members online at a time reaching almost 1,300, and to have 5,000 members.
I am glad that I am able to donate to this site, and for all it has done for me just in the short time I have been a member of Dimensions, I will be donating again soon. All because of Conrads unfailing hard work and love. And I love this site for all the people I have met all over the world. The connections I've made here are priceless. Especially being able to become a BigCutie. My confidence has jumped leaps and bounds since meeting all of you on here. And for that I love you all, and give BIG thanks to you Conrad. Ladies, isn't he too cute to boot?
Who else would like to thank the guy? What does Dimensions mean to you?
Fat hugs and belly rubs!
Sasha :wubu:
I am glad that I am able to donate to this site, and for all it has done for me just in the short time I have been a member of Dimensions, I will be donating again soon. All because of Conrads unfailing hard work and love. And I love this site for all the people I have met all over the world. The connections I've made here are priceless. Especially being able to become a BigCutie. My confidence has jumped leaps and bounds since meeting all of you on here. And for that I love you all, and give BIG thanks to you Conrad. Ladies, isn't he too cute to boot?
Who else would like to thank the guy? What does Dimensions mean to you?
Fat hugs and belly rubs!
Sasha :wubu: