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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
Why aren't more people hooking up from online forums such as this one? I mean this being a sort of fetish not typically brought up over dinner. I've dated 3 girls for an extended period of time over the last 4 years, and I'm fairly sure they were all ffa's, but I'd never come out with it. It was more of an unspoken thing, which I think was kind of fun. But give me the chance to meet an ffa in real life, I'll take that opportunity any day. I'm only aware of two couples that met on this forum, Chris and Elizabeth, me and Brit. There might be others...sorry I might not be paying enough attention. But I'm just wondering why more people don't meet up off online? I mean I know there are creeps out there (you know who you are) then there are others who'd just like to fantasize about it and not actually live it out. But you only live once, you might as well experience all your fantasies, or at least that's how I see it.

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