Proud FA Since 1962
(WARNING - There is an offensive "joke" in this thread. I am only posting it here as part of telling the story - I did not find the "joke" funny at all.)
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I was born and raised in New Jersey, and attended racially integrated schools since I was in Third Grade. But every once in a while, I see evidence of the Old South here in Texas.
Yesterday, I was in the checkout line at the local supermarket. There was an older man in front of me. Out of the blue as the cashier was handing him his change, he turned to me and said "Ya wanna know what President Obama is giving me as part of the stimulus? A few chicken wings and a watermelon".
(BTW - he didn't say this very loudly, because there were several African-American customers at the next checkout.)
I immediately laid into this oaf while the cashier was ringing up my groceries. I said in a rather loud voice, "That's disgusting! Why would you say someting as horrible as that?"
He repleied "It was only a joke."
I then told him "Jokes are supposed to be funny, and there was nothing funny in what you said. It was racist. If you thought it was so funny, why didn't you say it loud enough so EVERYONE could hear it?"
And with that, I picked up my groceries and change, and walked briskly out of the store. The old guy was just standing there with his mouth open.
I hope he thinks twice before saying something like that again...
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I was born and raised in New Jersey, and attended racially integrated schools since I was in Third Grade. But every once in a while, I see evidence of the Old South here in Texas.
Yesterday, I was in the checkout line at the local supermarket. There was an older man in front of me. Out of the blue as the cashier was handing him his change, he turned to me and said "Ya wanna know what President Obama is giving me as part of the stimulus? A few chicken wings and a watermelon".
(BTW - he didn't say this very loudly, because there were several African-American customers at the next checkout.)
I immediately laid into this oaf while the cashier was ringing up my groceries. I said in a rather loud voice, "That's disgusting! Why would you say someting as horrible as that?"
He repleied "It was only a joke."
I then told him "Jokes are supposed to be funny, and there was nothing funny in what you said. It was racist. If you thought it was so funny, why didn't you say it loud enough so EVERYONE could hear it?"
And with that, I picked up my groceries and change, and walked briskly out of the store. The old guy was just standing there with his mouth open.
I hope he thinks twice before saying something like that again...