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The Element Fat

Dimensions Magazine

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Gabi Redhot

Active Member
Aug 6, 2007
For the longest time I have had the desire to gain and about two months ago, I made the choice to gain. But I have just been released from the local hospital. I was very ill and why I was there they told me I had Viral Meningitis, strep throat and two unknown bacteria's that entered my blood stream. I have also been diagnosed with Pickwickian Syndrome and I am on oxygen because of all the things that I have been diagnosed with. But my doctors explained to me, that if I tried to gain, as I made my goal and me wanting to gain, perfectly known to the doctors, my doctors explained to me, that if I gain anymore weight that it is putting my life in danger. If I continue to gain, I will have to stay on oxygen all the time and that if I gain even 25lbs more pounds that I will get diabetes. My doctors explained to me that if I do gain that I will be putting my life in danger each day. I have decided to stay at my current weight. I WILL NOT BE GAINING OR GETTING BIGGER. After me being in the hospital for the last 8 days and then having to come home with oxygen on, even though I am 23 years young, and knowing that if I gain more poundage or if I try to gain more, that I will literally be setting myself up for death or for more hurtful complications to my health; and honestly I want to have a long and healthy life. So I will no longer be gaining or getting bigger. It is not a good idea that I even try to get larger at this time or ever again. I do not want to get diabetes and I don't want to be on oxygen for the rest of my life. No thank you, I would like to eventually be able to breathe on my own and not with help from machines. I also found out while I was in the hospital that my heart stops in the middle of the night and the reason I don't sleep without drugs, it’s because me being so large, my fat pushes on my heart and lungs and I in turn my heart sometimes stops in the middle of the night.

So I have decided that I am no longer gaining, even a little. I am not going to gain or become bigger; I am not putting my life or my own future in jeopardy. I have found in these few weeks and being in the hospital that being fat, I may be happy at my size, but in all honesty me being fat and at this size, am not a good thing. Me wanting to be larger and wanting to gain and to eat whatever I want when I want, is not the best choice for me. I can't gain, get bigger or grow, if I was to make the choice to grow, I would be putting my personal health and safety on the line and well honestly I can't do that. I am open and will not judge other people for wanting to gain or wanting to grow larger and I will not down you for it either. Please don't down me for the healthy choice on my own life, to no longer gain, to stay the same weight, I might actually even lose weight. After being in the hospital for the last 8 days and now being at home and on oxygen and not knowing when I will be off of it or where my health stands. My dream of gaining, is just a pipe dream and will stay just that, I dream, I can always dream about eating or about getting bigger but in reality and in life, I have to stay at my current weight or get smaller. So I guess I am just letting everyone know of the devasting news in my life and my health and for the future. Can't wait to see what the future holds, going back to how things were, eating one meal a day and being okay and full. I have to look at this news and the new life that I must now life, as the cup half full. :shocked:

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