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The Feeding Lab by Anonymous (Feeding, Stuffing, Mild ~Sex, ~~WG)

Dimensions Magazine

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Green Eyed Fairy

Veteran of a 1000 Psychic Wars
Supporting Member
Sep 18, 2006
In Your Head
Feeding, Stuffing, Mild ~Sex, ~~WG - Lab time leads to more fulfilling activities

The Feeding Lab
by Anonymous

(A tale migrated from the Dimensions Weight Room and
slightly enhanced as part of our Story Migration Project)

While walking on campus on the first day of a new semester, I noticed a girl as she was talking to another co-ed. She had the most amazing, mesmerizing, icy, blue eyes, under short, straight black hair. She also had the dark complexion of a Native American to go with her stunning figure.

She wore a pair of coverall shorts, white tank top and Birkenstocks. Her nail polish was a light blue that matched her eyes. She looked to be about 5'3" tall with a 130 lb. frame. Her curves were in all the right places.

Being the shy type, I just admired from a distance. As I walked to my 8:00 am class, I noticed her walking behind me. I overheard her telling a friend how she was glad she was to be out of the house. Apparently her parents were fitness nuts and she hated it when they made her eat diet food.

I enjoyed listening, daydreaming a tad about what a relaxed attitude towards food muight produce, but pretended not to overhear because I didn't want to seem nosy. She stayed right behind me, which was puzzling until I realized that she was going to the same class.

My pulse quickened when I thought that it might be my chance to get to know this beauty. She selected a seat and I chose one beside her. Our professor was talking about a new computer program we would use in the lab but I wasn't paying much attention to him.

He caught my attention, though, when he told us that the seats we were in would be assigned to us for the rest of the semester. He then paired me off with the beautiful lady as my lab partner. After we received our first lab assignments, I turned to girl and introduced myself as Aaron.

She smiled and said, "Hi, my name is Melissa."

"Is this your first class with this professor?" I inquired.

She responded, "Yes but I have heard that he's a harsh task master so we will have to work hard on these labs because I can't afford to get a bad grade."

At that point evil thoughts filled my head about how we could "work" on these labs. I have a fetish for heavy girls and would love to be a feeder. However, that is not something I could easily say to her. I hoped that maybe I'd figure out a way.

A few weeks progressed and we worked on labs a few times outside of class. I noticed that she frequently had a munchie or two in her bookbag and would snack on them when she didn't realize I was watching. We were in the library when I noticed that she had gained some weight. Every time I left our labs, I had an incredible hard-on.

I had to go back to my room and masturbate afterwards at times because I kept thinking about feeding her and having sex with her. My orgasms were so strong I could barely walk afterwards!

Half way through the semester, Melissa had gained around 20 lbs. The professor handed out a major project that would take up a lot of time outside of class. Most people moaned at the assignment but not me. I was thrilled by the idea of spending more time with Melissa.

That night, I went over to Melissa's room to work on the project. She answered the door in a t-shirt that showed her belly and its softening shape. A pair of shorts showed off her supple legs and bare feet.

I stuttered, "Do y-y-you want to work on t-t-that project?"

She had noticed my hard-on and giggled. I noticed that she smelled like she had been drinking. When I looked around her room, I could see half of a 12 pack missing.

"Sure," she giggled again.

I walked in awkwardly with my hard on and sit down on her bed. I pulled out my laptop as she sat at her computer. She had a room by herself and I could see what looked like TONS of junk food everywhere.

She offered me a beer and I took it, also noticing all the junk food and candy wrappers iin the waste basket. There was also a big pizza box that had today's date written on the top.

I sipped my beer wondered if it was a good time to try my move…to try to feed her. I saw her sashay over and attempt to pull down a bag of chips, having to jump to reach them on the top shelf. She managed to grab them by the corner but ended up stumbling back wards. She fell directly onto my lap.

I then inquired, "Need some help there?"

She winked and said, "Sure."

She handed me the bag of chips and opened her mouth. That about blew my mind because she wanted me to do exactly what I had been dreaming about doing for months.

With slight hesitation, I fed her one chip at a time.

After about 5 chips, she said, "No, no, like this," and took a hand full of chips and forced them all in her mouth at once.

She munched down hard on them. I gasped but then happily did what she wanted. When we were done with the chips and the rest of the beer, she looked over at me with a glint in her eye.

She said in a sexy, challenging tone, "I'm so full. I don't think I can eat any more."

I responded, "Awwww, can't you have just a little more for me?" as I sat down beside her again with a bag of pretzels.

She stared to say, "I can't eat another---" as I stuffed a few pretzels into her mouth.

At first she looked quite shocked but then I saw her mood change. She asked me keep feeding her and she moaned with delight when I rubbed her tummy.

After finishing all the pretzels, she had to lay down on the bed. I searched her mini-fridge and found a pint of ice cream. I fed her the ice cream as she removed most of her clothes. She finished off the frozen delight wearing only a too tight bra and panties.

With a little chocolate ice cream still on her lips, she whispered, "I love you."

I leaned over to kiss her lips and answered, "I love you, too."

She pulled me down onto her bed. She unzipped my pants and pulled out my hard member. A grin of surprise flashed across her face. She pulled off her bra and panties and slowly lowered herself onto me.

She was so wet and moaning so loudly that I thought she might cum immediately when I entered her tight yet soft womanhood. She moaned again and moved up and down on my penis. She picked up the rhythm faster and faster.

Her girth was spread out over me as we made love. We went more quickly with each thrust as we kissed and stared into each others eyes. As I grew close to orgasm, I heard her make her loudest, most passionate cry.

Her womanhood gripped on to my penis and I exploded at the same time. It was the most intense orgasm I ever had. I held her tightly to me and hugged her. Eventually, I slowly pulled myself out of her. She moved to lie next to me and we cuddled together until morning.

I love Melissa so much. She is up to 180lbs and holding now. We are happily married. Once in a while, we re-live that special night.

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