~BBW, Extreme Eating, ~MWG - a short description of gorging in a mysterious past age
"The grooming of such an odalisque began when she was selected by the Sultans agents and approved by the palace eunuchs. Before she was deemed fit to enter the seraglio proper, the apprentice concubine would spend some months confined in another part of the palace, known as the House of Preparation, where eunuchs and slaves taught her the arts, manners and skills of her calling. In the theory and praxis of the bedchamber she received a complete education.
"Meanwhile, she was fed and fattened. Gently and respectfully but nonetheless relentlessly, she was made to eat, and eat, and eat. Her mealtimes were regulated by a simple rule, one that ensured a prompt education in gluttony: the more she ate, the more she was fed; when she did not overeat herself as thoroughly as her tutors desired, she was made to fast until she hungry once more, and more than hungry.
"A girl who could not finish what was put before her would not be fed again until bedtime the next day or, if the offence occurred after sunset, until noon on the day following. Conversely, a girl who enthusiastically gobbled up every morsel would be served another copious meal before she had properly digested the first.
"As the weeks passed, mealtimes grew more frequent and portions larger. One by one, the girls whose health, capacity or enthusiasm for gorging and fattening were inadequate to cope with the rigours of harem life were weeded out. After three or four months, the surviving candidates were so well habituated to constant feeding they knew only two conditions: hunger and satiety. At this point they were deemed ready for the Sultans pleasure."
from the Chronicles of the Second Great Age
The House of Preparation
By Rondeurs
By Rondeurs
"The grooming of such an odalisque began when she was selected by the Sultans agents and approved by the palace eunuchs. Before she was deemed fit to enter the seraglio proper, the apprentice concubine would spend some months confined in another part of the palace, known as the House of Preparation, where eunuchs and slaves taught her the arts, manners and skills of her calling. In the theory and praxis of the bedchamber she received a complete education.
"Meanwhile, she was fed and fattened. Gently and respectfully but nonetheless relentlessly, she was made to eat, and eat, and eat. Her mealtimes were regulated by a simple rule, one that ensured a prompt education in gluttony: the more she ate, the more she was fed; when she did not overeat herself as thoroughly as her tutors desired, she was made to fast until she hungry once more, and more than hungry.
"A girl who could not finish what was put before her would not be fed again until bedtime the next day or, if the offence occurred after sunset, until noon on the day following. Conversely, a girl who enthusiastically gobbled up every morsel would be served another copious meal before she had properly digested the first.
"As the weeks passed, mealtimes grew more frequent and portions larger. One by one, the girls whose health, capacity or enthusiasm for gorging and fattening were inadequate to cope with the rigours of harem life were weeded out. After three or four months, the surviving candidates were so well habituated to constant feeding they knew only two conditions: hunger and satiety. At this point they were deemed ready for the Sultans pleasure."
from the Chronicles of the Second Great Age