As you probably know, I've been watching the goings-on in the Hyde Park forum with mixed emotions. I set up that place specifically to provide soap boxes for pontificating that doesn't fit in elsewhere. I did not anticipate that 95% of that would be of political nature, something that almost always deteriorates into no-win, mudslinging affairs that are entirely counter-productive and burns up a ton of moderator time to boot, let alone moderator lifeforce.
I presented that logic in a Hyde Park thread, together with stating an inclination to close the place. Some applauded that sentiment while others suggested alternate solutions. The subject of rules and their enforcement came up. So let me give you my view on rules and enforcement:
While I believe in rules, my view of rules is that they should be kept at an absolute minimum and always appeal to common sense. In that way, I very strongly believe in the categorical imperative approach. This essentially says, "Always act in a way you'd like for everyone to act" or "Don't pull crap that you wouldn't want others to pull."
I also believe that to have a specific rule for absolutely everything and covering every eventuality will simply make people work harder to find a loophole or endlessly argue interpretation of a certain rule. I much prefer a simple, general guideline that describes the overall spirit.
All that said, I think I may engage in an experiment with HP and see what will happen.
I presented that logic in a Hyde Park thread, together with stating an inclination to close the place. Some applauded that sentiment while others suggested alternate solutions. The subject of rules and their enforcement came up. So let me give you my view on rules and enforcement:
While I believe in rules, my view of rules is that they should be kept at an absolute minimum and always appeal to common sense. In that way, I very strongly believe in the categorical imperative approach. This essentially says, "Always act in a way you'd like for everyone to act" or "Don't pull crap that you wouldn't want others to pull."
I also believe that to have a specific rule for absolutely everything and covering every eventuality will simply make people work harder to find a loophole or endlessly argue interpretation of a certain rule. I much prefer a simple, general guideline that describes the overall spirit.
All that said, I think I may engage in an experiment with HP and see what will happen.