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The Hypies are Here! The Hypies are Here!

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Big Beautiful Dreamer

ridiculously contented
Feb 26, 2006

You know what this means, don’t you? Yeah … it means I’ve been moderating Hyde Park for FOUR years. Surely a record. It’s clearly time for either a medal or a straitjacket, maybe both.

There are days in HP when I would welcome a straitjacket … days when I want to put on my Mama Hat and wade in, suggesting a time out, or a meditation session, or possibly a large rubber mallet.

Most of the time, though, I love being den mother to all of you. You’re opinionated, noisy, (mostly) cheerful, and if no other part of my body gets much of a workout, you all make sure that my eye-rolling muscles are the strongest in three states.

So here’s to another year of … whoa, can I really use this descriptor? Yes! Yes, I can! … God, guns, and gays. And the Supreme Court, and Baby Boomer action, and shenanigans. Please, for amusement value if nothing else, let’s not sequester ourselves. Keep posting, keep debating, and keep remembering that this forum, like these awards, is strictly for amusement value.

It’s six weeks late this year, as our judges wrangled hordes of spontaneous hedgehogs, unseasonably late cold spells, and even being kicked in the gut by a large moose. Still, the faithful crowd has packed the bleachers and the infield as the sharpwits and halfwits, and even the no-wits, gather for the (wait for it) Third Annual Hypies, The Hyde Park Awards are presented herewith in a serious spirit of tongue in cheek. (Note: with use of he/she, I go strictly by profile photo.) Please welcome your host … Hugh Jackman!

Here to present are Alec Baldwin and Gabourey Sidibe.

Best hoarding of paragraphs: to CleverBomb, who is frighteningly dexterous with scissors.

Best use of R rating: to Surlysomething, who shows astonishing flexibility with vocabulary.

The One Trick Pony Award: to Lucca23v2, for her skill in bringing virtually any thread round to mentioning her faith.

The That Championship Season Award: to BigMac, for his steady defense of President Obama under any and all circumstances.

The That's No Leader, That's My Pet Rock Award: to GangstaDawg, who displays impressive skill in giving Hyde Parkers news about the rest of the world … sometimes the rest of the universe.

Please welcome our next presenters, Dawn French and Russell Crowe.

The Apocalypse Now Persistence Award: to Russell Williams, who will take on any issue and debate it right into the ground. But always with nuance! We love nuance.

Best chiming in: to Dr Feelgood, who has something to say about virtually everything.

Most judicious: to Curvaceous BBW Lover, who often waits to weigh in and then has something nuanced to say on difficult issues.

Best ears: to Deven, who may or may not resemble her profile picture. (Which, oddly, shows no ears.)

The Lazarus Award: to DabDab, who it turns out wasn't dead after all. Sorry. But the funeral food was awesome. Superb comeback, baybee!

The Little Sparkplug that Could Award: to ClutchingIA19, for being willing to blow the grammar whistle even on a Dead Celebrity Tribute Thread. Outnumbered opinionators everywhere salute you.

And our final presenter of the evening, the lovely Queen Latifah.

The Emoticon Award goes this year to Screaming Chicken. Dude, give your forehead a break.

The What Color is the Sky in Your World Award, to Deliman, for his steadfast sharing of his views from other realms.

The Work From Home Award, to Tad, for bringing us his perspective from the overpiled desks of … um, Canadians … everywhere. (Or at least everywhere in Canada.)

And here’s the award you lovely winners receive:

And that’s all for us from the Doughnut Center in Needles, California! Tune in next year, and goodnight!

View attachment doughnut trophy.jpg
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