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The Hysterical Adventures of The Big Apple in The Big Apple!

Dimensions Magazine

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Mayor of Fatopia
Mar 29, 2006
For those who know me, the fun NEVER, NEVER, NEVER ends, especially when it comes to championing size acceptance and understanding... Thus, I share with you now my story of going out with the NYC Big Beautiful Women Meetup Group last week (www.meetup.com join or create your own local SA group!) . July's meetup was my first time out and meeting all of the lovely ladies.

The story is as follows:

Lyn, the group organizer, had ordered a pie for the table to share. When I announced that I was going to go to the counter to buy a slice, Lyn graciously offered that I have a piece already purchased. For those of you who do not know the set up of the tables at Familigia, there are 2 rows of tables that can be moved together for large groups (i.e. the table set up looks like this: = ) 2 parallel rows. Well, the place was packed and I attempted to get up and maneuver through the crowd. There were just too many people to attempt to squeeze through. I looked down and noticed a table of 2 thin women and a toddler having pizza... The lady who was facing me was doing all she could to hold back bellowing laughter by emitting small fits of giggles. I mean, how funny is it that the fat girl can't fit, right?

That is where the fun begins. I looked at her and said "Yes, it is funny isn't it. By all means go ahead and laugh!" To which she looked at me in a state of disbelief. The conversation went something like this:

Skinny: "So are you having a meeting? What kind of meeting are you having?"
Aris: "Yes, it is a meeting for fat girls!"
Skinny: "NO!"
Aris: "YES!, turn around and take a look for yourself! We are all fat!"
Skinny: ::look of utter disbelief and horror:: "So do you come out often?"
Aris: "Well, yes we enjoy congregating. We're EVERYWHERE!"
Skinny: "So is it a support group? A weight loss group?"
Aris: "Heavens NO! We like being fat, we love ourselves, and we like socializing!"
Skinny: "Well good for you!"
Aris: "Have a nice evening."

I also want to mention that I scared the table of suits sitting next to the ladies. These were young 20-30something men who were intently evesdropping, and were they ever in a state of befuddlement.... I mean when you hear a fat girl exclaim "NO! We like being fat!", you know many heads will turn amidst the surreal confusion...

the big apple has spoken...

::exeunt:: :bow:


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