Mustachio Nut
The Ideology and Religion Shit List
Agnosticism: What is this shit?
Agnosticism (2): Maybe there is shit or maybe it happens, maybe not.
Altruism: Let me give you my shit.
Americanism: Who gives a shit?
Amishism: Shit dost occur.
Anal Retentivism: Anal Retentivism
Anglicanism: Our shit doesn't stink.
Apathism: I don't give a shit
Archimedesmism: If I had a lever that's long enough, and a place to stand, I can move the earth -- even if it is full of shit.
Aristotlism: Once a shit is stretched by an idea, it never again happens in its original shape.
Aristotlism (2): Shit is real.
Asatru: If shit happens, blame it on Loki.
Atheism: I don't believe this shit.
Atheism (2): There is no shit.
Baptism: You are shitting wrong, therefore you'll be punished.
Baptist Fundamentalism: Shit happens because the Bible says so.
Blondism: I'm stupid as shit.
Branch Davidianism: Shit Burns
Buddhism: If shit happens, it really isn't shit.
Bushism: Read my lips, no new shit.
Calvinism: Man is nothing but shit.
Capitalism: Shit happens, and it'll cost you because that's MY shit.
Carmensandiegism: Where in the world is that shit happening?
Catholicism: Shit happens to you because you are BAD.
Chauvanism: We may be shit, but you can't live without us.
Chestertonianism: Shit is the farthest thing from shit.
Christian Fundamentalism: The belief that Hell is where everyone must mind their own shit.
Classical Marxism: The workers take all the shit, but they're gonna dish it back out again.
Clintonism: I didn't inhale the shit!
Commercialism: Let's package this shit.
Communism: Everyone's shit is everyone else's shit.
Computerism: Why won't this loving shit work?
Confucianism: Confucius say, "Shit happens."
Creationism: ...And the Lord said "Let there be shit"...
Daffy Duckism: It's *my* shit! Down, down! Go, go! Miiiiine!
Darwinism: This shit evolved.
Deja Vuism: I think this shit happened before, but I'm not sure.
Descartism: I shit therefore I am.
Dianeticsism: Even shit can make money.
Donism: I'm gonna' make ya' a shit you can't refuse.
Dyslexianism: Hits shapnep.
Egoism: I AM the shit!
Employerism: This shit is your fault.
Energizer Rabbitism: Shit happens... and happens... and happens...
Environmentalism: Recycle this shit.
Euphemism: Caca happens.
Evangelicalism: I can heal people -- but oooonly with the help of yourrrrr shit.
Evangelicalism (2): God has a wonderful plan for your shit.
Evolution: Shit is getting better all the time!
Existentialism: Shit doesn't happen; shit just is.
Feminism: Men are shit.
Garbagism: I dump your shit.
Geocentrism: Our shit is the center of the cosmos!
Green Peaceism: Save this Shit.
Hare Krishnaism: Shit happens shit happens shit happens rama rama.
Hedonism: Shitting is pleasure.
Hinduism: This shit is not a religion. It is a Way of Life.
Hippyism: Make peace with shit.
Hitchhikerism: The answer to all this shit is 42.
Interrigationism: 'Ve have 'vays of making you shit!
Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
Jehovah's Witnessism: Good Morning, I have some shit for you to read.
Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us?
Kinisonism: Ooh-shit happens! Oo-ooooooooooo!
Libertarianism: Keep your hands off my shit.
Lutheranism: Catholicism is shit.
Marie Antoinette'ism: If they can't afford bread, why don't they eat shit instead.
Marvinism: Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and I can't even shit.
Materialism: Whoever dies with the most shit wins.
Mathematicism: Necessary and sufficient conditions for shit to occur are: 1) Shit must exist and be continuous in a domain D 2) No shit must exceed SHIT on the boundary of D
Josh McDowell-ism: Anyone who investigates the evidence for this shit and doesn't see the truth as plain as day is a nincompoop.
Josh McDowell-ism (2): Anyone who investigates the evidence for this shit and doesn't agree with me must want to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage.
McCarthy-ism: Are you now, or have you ever been, a shit?
Mormonism: God sent us this shit.
Murphism: Shit always happens at the worst possible time and place.
Neil Armstrongism: This is one small shit for me, but a giant heap for mankind.
Neitzscheism: A man without a shit is not a man.
Neitzscheism (2): Shit is dead!
Occultism: We eat our shit.
Paganism: Shit is part of nature and makes things grow.
Patriotism: Give me liberty, or give me shit!
Patriotism (2): Give me shit, or give me death!
Perotism: We're in deep shit.
Pee-Weeism: You can't arrest me for that shit!
Politically Correctism: Nutritionally Corrected Output happens.
Pragmaticism: It may be shit, but it works.
PTL Club: Send us your shit.
Republicanism: We earned our shit.
Quayleism: Shite happense.
Rastafarian: Let's roll that shit up and smoke it.
Sherlock Holmes: I know where this shit came from.
Shi'ite Moslem: When Shi'ite happens, kill Salman Rushdie.
Stoacism: Shit happens -- deal with it.
Twelve-Step Meetings: God, grant me the serenity to deal with this shit.
Unix: Shit Happened. Core dumped.
Utilitarianism: Let's make the best of this shit.
Waldoism: Where *is* that little shit?
EDIT: And I'll just add...
mangoism: I just love this shit.
Agnosticism: What is this shit?
Agnosticism (2): Maybe there is shit or maybe it happens, maybe not.
Altruism: Let me give you my shit.
Americanism: Who gives a shit?
Amishism: Shit dost occur.
Anal Retentivism: Anal Retentivism
Anglicanism: Our shit doesn't stink.
Apathism: I don't give a shit
Archimedesmism: If I had a lever that's long enough, and a place to stand, I can move the earth -- even if it is full of shit.
Aristotlism: Once a shit is stretched by an idea, it never again happens in its original shape.
Aristotlism (2): Shit is real.
Asatru: If shit happens, blame it on Loki.
Atheism: I don't believe this shit.
Atheism (2): There is no shit.
Baptism: You are shitting wrong, therefore you'll be punished.
Baptist Fundamentalism: Shit happens because the Bible says so.
Blondism: I'm stupid as shit.
Branch Davidianism: Shit Burns
Buddhism: If shit happens, it really isn't shit.
Bushism: Read my lips, no new shit.
Calvinism: Man is nothing but shit.
Capitalism: Shit happens, and it'll cost you because that's MY shit.
Carmensandiegism: Where in the world is that shit happening?
Catholicism: Shit happens to you because you are BAD.
Chauvanism: We may be shit, but you can't live without us.
Chestertonianism: Shit is the farthest thing from shit.
Christian Fundamentalism: The belief that Hell is where everyone must mind their own shit.
Classical Marxism: The workers take all the shit, but they're gonna dish it back out again.
Clintonism: I didn't inhale the shit!
Commercialism: Let's package this shit.
Communism: Everyone's shit is everyone else's shit.
Computerism: Why won't this loving shit work?
Confucianism: Confucius say, "Shit happens."
Creationism: ...And the Lord said "Let there be shit"...
Daffy Duckism: It's *my* shit! Down, down! Go, go! Miiiiine!
Darwinism: This shit evolved.
Deja Vuism: I think this shit happened before, but I'm not sure.
Descartism: I shit therefore I am.
Dianeticsism: Even shit can make money.
Donism: I'm gonna' make ya' a shit you can't refuse.
Dyslexianism: Hits shapnep.
Egoism: I AM the shit!
Employerism: This shit is your fault.
Energizer Rabbitism: Shit happens... and happens... and happens...
Environmentalism: Recycle this shit.
Euphemism: Caca happens.
Evangelicalism: I can heal people -- but oooonly with the help of yourrrrr shit.
Evangelicalism (2): God has a wonderful plan for your shit.
Evolution: Shit is getting better all the time!
Existentialism: Shit doesn't happen; shit just is.
Feminism: Men are shit.
Garbagism: I dump your shit.
Geocentrism: Our shit is the center of the cosmos!
Green Peaceism: Save this Shit.
Hare Krishnaism: Shit happens shit happens shit happens rama rama.
Hedonism: Shitting is pleasure.
Hinduism: This shit is not a religion. It is a Way of Life.
Hippyism: Make peace with shit.
Hitchhikerism: The answer to all this shit is 42.
Interrigationism: 'Ve have 'vays of making you shit!
Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah.
Jehovah's Witnessism: Good Morning, I have some shit for you to read.
Judaism: Why does this shit always happen to us?
Kinisonism: Ooh-shit happens! Oo-ooooooooooo!
Libertarianism: Keep your hands off my shit.
Lutheranism: Catholicism is shit.
Marie Antoinette'ism: If they can't afford bread, why don't they eat shit instead.
Marvinism: Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and I can't even shit.
Materialism: Whoever dies with the most shit wins.
Mathematicism: Necessary and sufficient conditions for shit to occur are: 1) Shit must exist and be continuous in a domain D 2) No shit must exceed SHIT on the boundary of D
Josh McDowell-ism: Anyone who investigates the evidence for this shit and doesn't see the truth as plain as day is a nincompoop.
Josh McDowell-ism (2): Anyone who investigates the evidence for this shit and doesn't agree with me must want to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage.
McCarthy-ism: Are you now, or have you ever been, a shit?
Mormonism: God sent us this shit.
Murphism: Shit always happens at the worst possible time and place.
Neil Armstrongism: This is one small shit for me, but a giant heap for mankind.
Neitzscheism: A man without a shit is not a man.
Neitzscheism (2): Shit is dead!
Occultism: We eat our shit.
Paganism: Shit is part of nature and makes things grow.
Patriotism: Give me liberty, or give me shit!
Patriotism (2): Give me shit, or give me death!
Perotism: We're in deep shit.
Pee-Weeism: You can't arrest me for that shit!
Politically Correctism: Nutritionally Corrected Output happens.
Pragmaticism: It may be shit, but it works.
PTL Club: Send us your shit.
Republicanism: We earned our shit.
Quayleism: Shite happense.
Rastafarian: Let's roll that shit up and smoke it.
Sherlock Holmes: I know where this shit came from.
Shi'ite Moslem: When Shi'ite happens, kill Salman Rushdie.
Stoacism: Shit happens -- deal with it.
Twelve-Step Meetings: God, grant me the serenity to deal with this shit.
Unix: Shit Happened. Core dumped.
Utilitarianism: Let's make the best of this shit.
Waldoism: Where *is* that little shit?
EDIT: And I'll just add...
mangoism: I just love this shit.