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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2006
This topic has been stewing a storm in my head for some time now. I've been hesitant to bring it up as it is a delicate subject, and something fairly difficult to state with perfect clarity.

Some caveats up front: I am not making ANY judgments. After all, if I didn't have similar attractions or predilections, I wouldn't even be on a board like Dimensions. I am not hoping to come out swinging and attacking any of the lovely men and women on this board, but this is something I'm curious about. I'm also not here to try and quell any guilty feelings of my own, as this is not a sect of Fat Admiration that I am attracted to, so please don't take it as that either.

My question relates to the very basics of our movement/attraction/fetish/whatever you want to call this.


I think it's safe to say that a large portion, most likely the majority, of the members of this board, live in a First World nation. We have tremendous access to any and all types of food - good, bad, and all the in between we package in such wonderfully colourful boxes. I think it's also safe to say that there are few among us who don't absolutely love food and eating. But I had a thought when looking through some of the threads in both the paysite board and the regular boards on this site - do we abuse food?

I don't mean to ponder whether or not we are food addicts or anything negative in that sense, but rather whether or not we abuse the amounts we consume for desires far beyond necessity and pleasure and diving straight into the sexual and fetishistic/carnal desires. As it stands right now, a great portion of the world starves - even in our own backyards we can see so many without the money or means of getting food on a regular basis. So when someone posts a boast about downing a trio of Pizzas or enough donuts to feed an army, does anyone ever feel any ethical or moral concerns about that?

This extends also into some of the sets I've seen that show food being rubbed all over a body - wasted in a sense. I have to admit that when I first saw one of those sets in the paysite area, it definitely struck a bit of a minor chord in me - almost as if it's something socially irresponsible and negligent to do.

With this in mind, does anyone else feel as if we've become so mired in our own world here that sometimes the switch we flick to shut off the world outside Dimensions and Fat Acceptance/Attraction/Admiration is actually more a negative than a positive? And to go so far as to take the fetish angle towards all of this, there seems to be an even greater level of irresponsibility; our fetish is one of consumption of items necessary for survival, yet we use them frivolously for play.

I hope this makes sense and isn't too meandering - again, I am not passing judgment, I am simply interested as to the nature of the mindsets of other board members with respect to the social contact we all strive, in some way, to fulfill with this world.

Any and all responses welcome, but please, read the whole post before jumping out with the pitchforks raised and torches aflame.


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