~BBW, Eating, Socialization ~MWG – David’s cousin visits their common aunt, but there’s a surprise encounter in store
(WARNING: every reference to fact and people, who really exist, is NOT casual!)
My dear cousin,
When I entered in the Dallas' hospital , I felt strangely: I spoke just a little bit of English and I didn't know where our old aunt was taken in. I remember that, after a 12-hour long trip from Milan to New York and then from NYC to Dallas I felt so tired that I'd have slept even in a room of the hospital! I was hoping too to maybe visit Andrea, your on-line email friend who likes to eat. I appreciate big women too, but first things first.
"Excuse me, madam! Is Ms Bianchi taken here?" I asked to a receptionist.
Well, I must say my Italo-English apparently wasn't that clear..
"Yes! I've just come from Italy. Ms Bianchi is my aunt and I'd like meeting her!"
"Cardiology Department...Room 365... Seventh floor ..."
"Is she grave?"
"Sorry, I don't know! You should ask a nurse there"
After arriving there, there was just a little matter: there were over 300 rooms and I could have spent my whole life in that department! I asked the first nurse I met.
"216-5? There's not a 216-5 room here, sir!"
My English needed to be improved, I guessed.
"No 216-5! Three-Six-Five madam!"
"Oh...I understand! A nurse will lead you there! Hey, come here, you!"
I turned left and my eyes met the most stunning gal I had met since my youth ( and I'm not that old I guess...): she was what English language calls "big beautiful woman" and had the best characteristics you can image. If I was Rubens, I'd start drawing there, face to the other nurse, although police would not agree I’m sure.
I hate describing such a beautiful figure, but I guess you'd stop reading if I didn't! She had a dark soft completion, tanned by the last summer light, shoulder-long curly dark hair, a delicious face, not that round, without a double chin. Then, she was what you'd call an hourglass-shaped woman: a very female breast at the top, large and round hips, which the uniform didn't fit very much ( in fact, I noticed it was partially unbuttoned), and incredibly long and thick legs, which i can see through her tight dress.
"Follow me, Sir!"
"Oh, thanks! And sorry to disturb... I've never come to Dallas before and..."
"You're welcome!"
"Very polite, gal!" I thought "and very unfortunate, poor boy! Italy hasn't such beauty!"
My aunt was what we can describe as a good hypochondrium: she was ( and is) both too old to feel good at all and too sound to worry much. I remember that BBW nurse told me she had only to be there a week more while doctors ran tests to see what was really wrong. So far nothing.
The only thing I could do, my aunt said, was help the nurse feed her cat, a rebellious Siamese.
"That wild beast? No!"
"Please, darling! This kind gal cannot spend all her evenings there, to feed "Tiger"!"
Apart from Tiger, my worries ended up and I exclaimed "What? Do you mean she has fed your beas...Hem! Your cat?"
"Sure! And she's the key of my flat!"
"Unfortunately, I left that at home, Mrs Bianchi," the nurse said.
"No matter" I was that glad!
"You'll give that to me later. I don't even know where that flat is and I need your help!"
"Good! So my nephew will meet Tiger again..."
That animal was, dear cousin, the 10-pound lion that my aunt had when she visited me three years before. I guess he didn't hate me. He was against the whole human gender! A part from my aunt. And that nurse, I knew.
The nurse drove us, first to her place, then my aunts. After opening the door, I went inside the house. Fortunately, that gal was there: I'd never found that street alone!
"I must thank you!"
"You're welc..."
"I know! You've already said that twenty-three times since this morning... allow me to say a thing more! If you've this evening free, I got a table "chez Uncle Morton" and I'd love to invite you, this evening!"
"Do you mean.."
"You'd be welcome there!"
Well, maybe my English was pretty funny, but I guess there was something more.
"Hey... Why are you laughing that much? You're welcome there is wrong?"
"Hahaha... No, Sir! The matter is that... you've Tiger just there."
I turned: that wild beast was laying on the cupboard I had behind and trying to catch one of my ears with his legs!
"Hahaha... Too funny!" she said, while I was fighting to avoid a ...plastic surgery done by one cat!
"As for dinner, I agree. Do you know "Chez Uncle Morton", Sir?"
"No, at all. I asked one of your mates where would a good place be."
Two hours later, we were there. I can say it looked very intimate and charming!
"Sir, the list!"
That cute gal smiled at me. I smiled too and had a look at the menu.
"Lasagna, Ravioli, Chicken Cacciatora... Hey! This is an Italian restaurant!"
"And not only!" she replied.
"What do you mean?"
"This restaurant is known to serve the widest courses in TX, doll!"
“ No matter! I DO love eating! I hope you are not a diet fanatic I'd be sorry and..."
"Are you kidding? I DO adore this one!"
"Good! Feel free to order whatever you like!"
" EVERYthing you like! It was even the whole men!"
"Ok! Waiter, The whole menu, for me!"
"Is there something the matter, doll? Don't worry, I was just teasing. Eating a whole menu is just a dream. Hem! That's good! Waiter, for me, ravioli, chicken and bavarese."
That was not a dinner for me: I could hardly taste my food, given that my guest was kindly and slowly eating a multi-course dinner face to me! I felt pretty good...I'm always glad to see my mate feels ok. After dinner, champagne.
"Prosit! I hope we'll see again tomorrow!" I said/
"I'd love it, doll!" she replied. It was the second time she'd used that nickname. I took it "doll" meant she liked me already.
"Me too! Hey, tomorrow is Saturday. Good! We could go out for a trip. Do you like the idea?"
"Wonderful! Maybe a picnic! I adore picnicking! And the weather is that sunny!"
Saturday morning, after a 6-month long drought, it started raining as ever.
"This is a tailor made situation to spend the whole day inside!" she volunteered.
“Yes, Italian pal! Your aunt has a lot of videotapes. We could see Fried Green Tomatoes... Grease... Whatever we like! She allows me to see them!"”
"Good! And there's a lot of ice-cream in the fridge."
"You've noticed that!"
"Sure! I've even bought some more!"
So all that day that gal spooned through most of a gallon bowl of ice-cream. Who says fat women lose their charm and beauty, should have been there! My guest ate and ate. Of course we had frozen pizza and other stuff as well. After two films and six hours, it had gone! And my guest's belly didn't fit in her skirt anymore: it looked like she was 7-8 pounds heavier than the day before.
"Doll, it seems that this days spent together made me fatter!"
"Don't worry. I had a lot of fun!" I replied.
"Me too. But I guess I won't be able to fit in my uniform next Monday! It was already very tight!"
Monday morning came. Our Aunt felt better, but I guess she'd never told us: Doc suggested her to spend the whole week there for further analysis. That cute nurse came in the room while the medicine was going away and I asked her to have a talk one moment, given that it was nearly her pause time.
"That's for you, miss!" And I presented her with a fantastic 8-pound chocolate box.
"Oh,sir! I guess you're spending too much money for me. This morning I found even two candy box and a rose bouquet in my locker."
"Don't you like them all?"
"I enjoyed them very much, but I'd not want you to spend too much!"
"Don't worry! It's just a pleasure to present you with these things!"
"Yummy! I'll be glad to taste them in the next half a hour! Please, go together in the cafeteria."
"Did you like my candies?"
"They've gone!"
"What do you mean?"
"I've eaten all those sweets. They were wonderful! I've never eaten such candies... were they Italian?"
"No, Danish!" I admitted
We set and ordered two coffees.
"Yummy!!! These sound even better than the other ones! They're too good!"
And she started eating: one chocolate candy..two three five.. ten twenty Twentyfive minutes later there were no chocolates anymore. I noticed that her belly looked much larger and rounder.
Tuesday afternoon. I presented my favorite nurse with a canister of cookies and invited her to lunch.
After eating a great Mexican dinner I noticed she looked uncomfortable.
"Any matter?"
She grinned. "Yep, that's the problem. I've gained many pounds since last week, as you can probably see. I couldn't close the zipper of my tight pants after only four days!"
"But you don't really regret your expanding girth, do you?"
"Absolutely not! Its been fun being with a guy who doesn’t expect me to order salad. The only thing that disturbs is that I'll have to hear my girlfriend's advices!"
"Yeah! Things like: "Aren't you getting too fat?" or "It seems you gained much weight lately!"
"So, you'd not come to the swimming pool tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is ok! We'll meet at 4 pm, is it ok?"
Wednesday afternoon, at two o'clock, I was waiting at the pool. We had spent her lunch-pause eating in a nice restaurant, where I had offered her an incredible all-you-can-eat meal. Then I saw her coming and I could see she was wearing bikini purple bathing suit which was at least one or two numbers to small.
She looked as if she could burst out of her swim dress every second. She looked breathtaking: the recent weight gain made even more fascinating her figure. She had full and sagging breasts, which were straining the fabric to its limits. Her potbelly looked like a fantastic large and soft mountain. In profile it protruded a few inches more than her lush breasts Her thighs were widely fleshy and stout, and bulges of fat were forming at the borders of her too tight swim dress.
"Are you going to spend all the afternoon here?"
"I thought."
"Well,I feel a little bit hungry!"
"No matter!"
I was back five minutes later and I gave her an incredible ice cream sundae, which she ate in a while.
"Do still you feel hungry yet?"
“No! But I'd love one slice of pizza!"
"And maybe a few French fries! With maybe two big macs so you can have one."
I think she could tell her eating I enjoyed and was playing with me games. But she ate it all with a happiness and freedom.
Thursday came. I presented my dear nurse with everything she liked: we spent the all morning together. And yes, I fed her more goodies.
"Your aunt feels better. Doc says she will come back home next Monday!"
"Oh..that's Well, I'll have to leave the following Tuesday."
"To leave? Already?"
"What can I do?"
" Let me have a talk with her."
"A talk?"
"How? Didn't you understand that? Your aunt is not ill!"
"What are you saying?"
"Doll, we have been corresponding for nearly three years. I’m your pen pal Andrea and I was that curious to know you! And your aunt wanted to meet you, too. So, we organized this joke, given that those analysis in the hospital really were necessary as well."
"You did...?!"
"Well, after such a long email-friendship, we could have met once, David!"
"David, hey..Hadn't you recognized me?"
Then it dawned on me - the reason she felt so free anbd comfortable eating with me is that she thought I was you! You are her "doll."
This was last week. And I sorted out the confusion. Now, after writing this letter, I'll help her to scan her new pictures. I think you'll enjoy them very much, dear David. We'll take a lot more, because I'll spend here my holidays. Your Texan pal will look some pound heavier than last time. Just 25-30
Aunt says she misses you and is very sorry you couldn't come here to visit her, although she was glad I came instead of you. And me too!
your cousin
By David
(A 21st Century update of a classic from the nineties)
By David
(A 21st Century update of a classic from the nineties)
(WARNING: every reference to fact and people, who really exist, is NOT casual!)
My dear cousin,
When I entered in the Dallas' hospital , I felt strangely: I spoke just a little bit of English and I didn't know where our old aunt was taken in. I remember that, after a 12-hour long trip from Milan to New York and then from NYC to Dallas I felt so tired that I'd have slept even in a room of the hospital! I was hoping too to maybe visit Andrea, your on-line email friend who likes to eat. I appreciate big women too, but first things first.
"Excuse me, madam! Is Ms Bianchi taken here?" I asked to a receptionist.
Well, I must say my Italo-English apparently wasn't that clear..
"Yes! I've just come from Italy. Ms Bianchi is my aunt and I'd like meeting her!"
"Cardiology Department...Room 365... Seventh floor ..."
"Is she grave?"
"Sorry, I don't know! You should ask a nurse there"
After arriving there, there was just a little matter: there were over 300 rooms and I could have spent my whole life in that department! I asked the first nurse I met.
"216-5? There's not a 216-5 room here, sir!"
My English needed to be improved, I guessed.
"No 216-5! Three-Six-Five madam!"
"Oh...I understand! A nurse will lead you there! Hey, come here, you!"
I turned left and my eyes met the most stunning gal I had met since my youth ( and I'm not that old I guess...): she was what English language calls "big beautiful woman" and had the best characteristics you can image. If I was Rubens, I'd start drawing there, face to the other nurse, although police would not agree I’m sure.
I hate describing such a beautiful figure, but I guess you'd stop reading if I didn't! She had a dark soft completion, tanned by the last summer light, shoulder-long curly dark hair, a delicious face, not that round, without a double chin. Then, she was what you'd call an hourglass-shaped woman: a very female breast at the top, large and round hips, which the uniform didn't fit very much ( in fact, I noticed it was partially unbuttoned), and incredibly long and thick legs, which i can see through her tight dress.
"Follow me, Sir!"
"Oh, thanks! And sorry to disturb... I've never come to Dallas before and..."
"You're welcome!"
"Very polite, gal!" I thought "and very unfortunate, poor boy! Italy hasn't such beauty!"
My aunt was what we can describe as a good hypochondrium: she was ( and is) both too old to feel good at all and too sound to worry much. I remember that BBW nurse told me she had only to be there a week more while doctors ran tests to see what was really wrong. So far nothing.
The only thing I could do, my aunt said, was help the nurse feed her cat, a rebellious Siamese.
"That wild beast? No!"
"Please, darling! This kind gal cannot spend all her evenings there, to feed "Tiger"!"
Apart from Tiger, my worries ended up and I exclaimed "What? Do you mean she has fed your beas...Hem! Your cat?"
"Sure! And she's the key of my flat!"
"Unfortunately, I left that at home, Mrs Bianchi," the nurse said.
"No matter" I was that glad!
"You'll give that to me later. I don't even know where that flat is and I need your help!"
"Good! So my nephew will meet Tiger again..."
That animal was, dear cousin, the 10-pound lion that my aunt had when she visited me three years before. I guess he didn't hate me. He was against the whole human gender! A part from my aunt. And that nurse, I knew.
The nurse drove us, first to her place, then my aunts. After opening the door, I went inside the house. Fortunately, that gal was there: I'd never found that street alone!
"I must thank you!"
"You're welc..."
"I know! You've already said that twenty-three times since this morning... allow me to say a thing more! If you've this evening free, I got a table "chez Uncle Morton" and I'd love to invite you, this evening!"
"Do you mean.."
"You'd be welcome there!"
Well, maybe my English was pretty funny, but I guess there was something more.
"Hey... Why are you laughing that much? You're welcome there is wrong?"
"Hahaha... No, Sir! The matter is that... you've Tiger just there."
I turned: that wild beast was laying on the cupboard I had behind and trying to catch one of my ears with his legs!
"Hahaha... Too funny!" she said, while I was fighting to avoid a ...plastic surgery done by one cat!
"As for dinner, I agree. Do you know "Chez Uncle Morton", Sir?"
"No, at all. I asked one of your mates where would a good place be."
Two hours later, we were there. I can say it looked very intimate and charming!
"Sir, the list!"
That cute gal smiled at me. I smiled too and had a look at the menu.
"Lasagna, Ravioli, Chicken Cacciatora... Hey! This is an Italian restaurant!"
"And not only!" she replied.
"What do you mean?"
"This restaurant is known to serve the widest courses in TX, doll!"
“ No matter! I DO love eating! I hope you are not a diet fanatic I'd be sorry and..."
"Are you kidding? I DO adore this one!"
"Good! Feel free to order whatever you like!"
" EVERYthing you like! It was even the whole men!"
"Ok! Waiter, The whole menu, for me!"
"Is there something the matter, doll? Don't worry, I was just teasing. Eating a whole menu is just a dream. Hem! That's good! Waiter, for me, ravioli, chicken and bavarese."
That was not a dinner for me: I could hardly taste my food, given that my guest was kindly and slowly eating a multi-course dinner face to me! I felt pretty good...I'm always glad to see my mate feels ok. After dinner, champagne.
"Prosit! I hope we'll see again tomorrow!" I said/
"I'd love it, doll!" she replied. It was the second time she'd used that nickname. I took it "doll" meant she liked me already.
"Me too! Hey, tomorrow is Saturday. Good! We could go out for a trip. Do you like the idea?"
"Wonderful! Maybe a picnic! I adore picnicking! And the weather is that sunny!"
Saturday morning, after a 6-month long drought, it started raining as ever.
"This is a tailor made situation to spend the whole day inside!" she volunteered.
“Yes, Italian pal! Your aunt has a lot of videotapes. We could see Fried Green Tomatoes... Grease... Whatever we like! She allows me to see them!"”
"Good! And there's a lot of ice-cream in the fridge."
"You've noticed that!"
"Sure! I've even bought some more!"
So all that day that gal spooned through most of a gallon bowl of ice-cream. Who says fat women lose their charm and beauty, should have been there! My guest ate and ate. Of course we had frozen pizza and other stuff as well. After two films and six hours, it had gone! And my guest's belly didn't fit in her skirt anymore: it looked like she was 7-8 pounds heavier than the day before.
"Doll, it seems that this days spent together made me fatter!"
"Don't worry. I had a lot of fun!" I replied.
"Me too. But I guess I won't be able to fit in my uniform next Monday! It was already very tight!"
Monday morning came. Our Aunt felt better, but I guess she'd never told us: Doc suggested her to spend the whole week there for further analysis. That cute nurse came in the room while the medicine was going away and I asked her to have a talk one moment, given that it was nearly her pause time.
"That's for you, miss!" And I presented her with a fantastic 8-pound chocolate box.
"Oh,sir! I guess you're spending too much money for me. This morning I found even two candy box and a rose bouquet in my locker."
"Don't you like them all?"
"I enjoyed them very much, but I'd not want you to spend too much!"
"Don't worry! It's just a pleasure to present you with these things!"
"Yummy! I'll be glad to taste them in the next half a hour! Please, go together in the cafeteria."
"Did you like my candies?"
"They've gone!"
"What do you mean?"
"I've eaten all those sweets. They were wonderful! I've never eaten such candies... were they Italian?"
"No, Danish!" I admitted
We set and ordered two coffees.
"Yummy!!! These sound even better than the other ones! They're too good!"
And she started eating: one chocolate candy..two three five.. ten twenty Twentyfive minutes later there were no chocolates anymore. I noticed that her belly looked much larger and rounder.
Tuesday afternoon. I presented my favorite nurse with a canister of cookies and invited her to lunch.
After eating a great Mexican dinner I noticed she looked uncomfortable.
"Any matter?"
She grinned. "Yep, that's the problem. I've gained many pounds since last week, as you can probably see. I couldn't close the zipper of my tight pants after only four days!"
"But you don't really regret your expanding girth, do you?"
"Absolutely not! Its been fun being with a guy who doesn’t expect me to order salad. The only thing that disturbs is that I'll have to hear my girlfriend's advices!"
"Yeah! Things like: "Aren't you getting too fat?" or "It seems you gained much weight lately!"
"So, you'd not come to the swimming pool tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow is ok! We'll meet at 4 pm, is it ok?"
Wednesday afternoon, at two o'clock, I was waiting at the pool. We had spent her lunch-pause eating in a nice restaurant, where I had offered her an incredible all-you-can-eat meal. Then I saw her coming and I could see she was wearing bikini purple bathing suit which was at least one or two numbers to small.
She looked as if she could burst out of her swim dress every second. She looked breathtaking: the recent weight gain made even more fascinating her figure. She had full and sagging breasts, which were straining the fabric to its limits. Her potbelly looked like a fantastic large and soft mountain. In profile it protruded a few inches more than her lush breasts Her thighs were widely fleshy and stout, and bulges of fat were forming at the borders of her too tight swim dress.
"Are you going to spend all the afternoon here?"
"I thought."
"Well,I feel a little bit hungry!"
"No matter!"
I was back five minutes later and I gave her an incredible ice cream sundae, which she ate in a while.
"Do still you feel hungry yet?"
“No! But I'd love one slice of pizza!"
"And maybe a few French fries! With maybe two big macs so you can have one."
I think she could tell her eating I enjoyed and was playing with me games. But she ate it all with a happiness and freedom.
Thursday came. I presented my dear nurse with everything she liked: we spent the all morning together. And yes, I fed her more goodies.
"Your aunt feels better. Doc says she will come back home next Monday!"
"Oh..that's Well, I'll have to leave the following Tuesday."
"To leave? Already?"
"What can I do?"
" Let me have a talk with her."
"A talk?"
"How? Didn't you understand that? Your aunt is not ill!"
"What are you saying?"
"Doll, we have been corresponding for nearly three years. I’m your pen pal Andrea and I was that curious to know you! And your aunt wanted to meet you, too. So, we organized this joke, given that those analysis in the hospital really were necessary as well."
"You did...?!"
"Well, after such a long email-friendship, we could have met once, David!"
"David, hey..Hadn't you recognized me?"
Then it dawned on me - the reason she felt so free anbd comfortable eating with me is that she thought I was you! You are her "doll."
This was last week. And I sorted out the confusion. Now, after writing this letter, I'll help her to scan her new pictures. I think you'll enjoy them very much, dear David. We'll take a lot more, because I'll spend here my holidays. Your Texan pal will look some pound heavier than last time. Just 25-30
Aunt says she misses you and is very sorry you couldn't come here to visit her, although she was glad I came instead of you. And me too!
your cousin