It's time once again for that holiday staple, The Junky's Christmas, read (and with a rare film apperance) by the writer, himself, William Burroughs.
Brought to you in glorious B&W claymation by Francis Ford Coppola.
I think you'll find it touching.
"It was Christmas day and Danny the carwiper hit the streets junk-sick and broke, after seventy-two hours in a precinct cell. It was a clear, bright day and there was no warmth from the sun."
Brought to you in glorious B&W claymation by Francis Ford Coppola.
I think you'll find it touching.
"It was Christmas day and Danny the carwiper hit the streets junk-sick and broke, after seventy-two hours in a precinct cell. It was a clear, bright day and there was no warmth from the sun."