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The New Princess Diana (revised) - by the Observer (~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~MWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Eating, Romance, ~MWG - a nice girl from a big family indulges her bigger appetite

The New Princess Diana
by the Observer

Diana Walters had always had a good appetite. But she was also active, enjoying PE and school sports. As a result her ongoing indulgences never seemed to show - until the fateful year when school budget cutbacks took their toll. Both PE and the women’s athletic program were axed. Diana suddenly lost eight hours of weekly exercise but none of her appetite.

This is a report of what happened to her lanky, 5’8” at age 18, brown-eyed brunette frame as a result.

Her mother, a homemaker who herself was well over 200, believed in hearty breakfasts. To her it was the most important meal of the day. She was a former farm girl, and commonly rose before six to prepare for her family. There were always carbos, protein and some form of eggs. Whether it was blueberry waffles, raisin nut muffins, cornbread, flavored pancakes or whatever, Diana (as with her Dad and siblings) enjoyed her mom’s fare. The same with the turkey sausages, bacon strips, chicken tenders, and Mexican empanadas. The eggs might be scrambled, in an omelet, fried, poached or occasionally a quiche or wrapped in a burrito, but they were there.

Diana had been used to this kind of breakfast for years and loved every bite. Eating during the rest of the day wasn’t skimpy either. But, still no major weight gain had occurred. All this began to change beginning the fateful summer before the 12th grade.

The first day of summer school began with a typical hearty breakfast. It consisted of three pancakes, two scrambled eggs with cheese and two turkey sausages. When she got home from summer school she had a pastrami sandwich, potato salad and, because it was hot, a four scoop bowl of ice cream with chocolate topping. She then did her homework and watched television before taking a nap. Afterwards she helped her mom with the supper, which included lamb with mashed potatoes and green beans. She also prepared some custard for dessert.

The next morning’s breakfast consisted of creamed chipped beef on two pieces of toast with scrambled eggs. Lunch was a microwaved mini-pizza with a couple of pop tarts that somehow didn’t seem enough. So when her friend Emily dropped by they both had a bowl of ice cream before settling down to an afternoon of studies and, later, more ice cream. Her Mom had a simple meatloaf with veggies and brown rice planned for supper so Diana afterwards took a frozen pre-packaged key lime pie from the freezer for dessert. One piece was left over so she made it a late evening snack.

Wednesday was French toast day (four slices and plenty of syrup), served with cantaloupe and bacon. Lunch was her and Emily at McDonalds because they had planned on spending the afternoon at Susan’s house. She had a Big Mac combo with a double cheeseburger. Later they both had several cookies and big bowls of ice cream at Susan’s. That tided her over until she got home to a meal of tilapia and baked potato with veggies. There was no planned dessert but with the hot summer night a homemade sundae seemed perfect.

Thursday breakfast was a burrito filled with eggs and hamburger plus a hefty side of O’Brien potatoes. Her mom wasn’t home at lunch so she made two toasted cheese sandwiches while a mini pot pie was cooking in the microwave. The heat of these dishes whetted her appetite for ice cream, which she ate while watching television. After cleaning up she took a nap. She then made butterscotch pudding for dessert to complement the beef stew her mom had made.

Friday was biscuit day (4 - with honey), served with chicken fried steak, scrambled eggs with cheese and hash browns. She and Emily returned to Susan’s after having lunch at a co-branded Taco Bell/Pizza hut and played games. Susan served ice cream and some cookies she’d made. Diane then went homer to supper of a succulent pot roast, mashed potatoes and asparagus. All this was topped off with a banana crème pie her Dad brought home. Once again there was a piece left over which Diana managed to commandeer.

Saturday was a sleep-in day for much of the morning. Diana made do for breakfast with a large bowl of Cheerios before taking off with Emily for a couple of hours at the local plunge. Diana wore a snug but comfortable single piece bathing suit that easily fit her 125 pound body. After a little over two hours they enjoyed a 12”: sub apiece at the local Subway, followed by soft ice cream cone from an adjacent Foster’s Freeze. They then played board game inside where it was cooler until supper time, which featured an excellent tuna and cheese casserole. They then went bowling, Diana’s first real exercise of the week. Afterwards everyone shared pizza.

This pattern of morning summer school, light exercise and plenty of calories continued to the end of summer school in mid August. By then Diana’s bathing suit was struggling to contain a plumper torso. Pulling her pants on was proving to be a bit of a struggle as her thickening thighs just felt constricted. She realized she must have put on some weight as her formerly flat belly was soft and her waistband cut in an inch or so. It seemed that her breasts were larger too.

“Natural growth,” her mom commented as she took Diana to the store for a new wardrobe. Diana didn’t realize as she was trying on new clothes that they were two sizes larger than before. She’d always let her Mom make her choices. She didn’t think of herself as fat, had no desire to eat less and was simply happy for the greater comfort. It was about this time, after a nearly twenty pound summer gain, that the decision came to discontinue the school programs.

Diana was disappointed. She had always been physically active and enjoyed competitive sports, a factor that had counterbalanced previous summer gaining spurts. But the consequences for her weight never entered her mind. As a result the summer spurt carried over into the fall. She, Susan and Emily were rotating hosting of after school eating and her gain was becoming more noticeable to others. The outline of a belly was beginning to form in her snug sacks and her butt cheeks were straining the seams when she wore her older clothes.

Diana was just happy as a person. True, it was it a bit of a task as she pulled on a pair of her older size 6 pants, but she still got them over her hips and buttoned. For the first time she noticed a slight roll around her waist but dismissed it as unimportant. Had she gotten on a scale that September she would have known that she’d gained thirty pounds in less than six months.

Although her waistline had thickened it was balanced by her ample bosom and flaring hips. She now weighed, without realizing it, 145 pounds. Fortunately she was never one to put in airs and was generally respected among her peers, so no one teased her for mixing her tighter older wardrobe with her more comfortable newer ones.

Her mother noted the changes fifteen pounds later in December when her daughter came to breakfast with a pair of her older slacks unbuttoned and still straining. It was a Saturday morning and all her newer stuff was in the wash. Mrs. Walters remarked as her daughter eyed a second helping of the fresh cinnamon French toast, “I think we need to get you some more new clothes, young lady.”

“Fine by me,” she mumbled with her mouth full as she speared two more slices of the calorie laden concoction. “I think I’m in a growing spurt.”

“A fattening spurt – but your grades are good and you seem happy so I’m not going to interfere,” thought her Mom, as she observed her daughter’s expanding paunch. So she proceeded to outfit her daughter in attractive size 10 clothes.

As the second semester moved along students were required to work jointly on projects, which largely meant getting together in the afternoon. There were also clubs in 10th grade. Both kinds of meetings involved food and Diana, still unaware of her actual gain and in a state of denial, partook heartily.

“Cookies or cupcakes, I can make either,” she would say as she offered to make refreshments.

“Boston crème pie or cheesecake – your choice,” she was offered.

"Ummm .. why not a slice of both?" she replied.

Diana never came near a scale, so the full consequences of her words never really registered. Others, however, realized that this co-ed was totally unfazed about her weight.

“I can make and bring the cake if someone else will handle the ice cream.” Her hospitality insured that she would have the kind of refreshments she enjoyed.

Like her meticulously prepared class papers, Diana did these culinary tasks with her own flair. Using tips from the Internet she made each dish a little differently than normal. To do this, of course, she had to first pre-test the recipes on herself and her two friends. She would even bring excess pastries and cookies home for later consumption. As a result by March she was 165 pounds – fifty pounds more than a mere fifteen months before.

On her 5-8 frame she was by now looking truly thick and chunky, but not yet really fat. But her gain was enough to catch the attention of Bill Goodwin, who had an attraction to larger girls. He challenged Diana to try her hand at pastries – and offered to help. He also asked her to the Spring dance and treated her like a queen. To him she was perhaps the most beautiful girl on campus and he made her feel that way.

Bill, like Diana, was the second tier leadership type – quiet, studious, involved and reliable with no trouble making issues. Neither of them conveyed a feeling of being vulnerable or a threat to anyone. As a result they were respected rather than teased by their classmates, who saw them instead as they were, part of student/faculty leadership. Diana, in fact, was helping in the elementary grade student tutoring program.

That summer after graduation separated them except on weekends. Both had jobs – he doing drywall for his uncle’s construction firm, her serving as a vacation relief office worker in a mortgage firm. He was getting plenty of exercise, she was getting access to complimentary food.

“These bear claws are delicious,” she told a coworker. “Do you know I have my own home made version?”

“Oh? Why don’t you make us some?”

“I’d love to – I'll bring them on Monday.”

“What are you bringing to the pre-Fourth of July buffet?”

“I don’t know – what about lasagna?”

“Diana, that chocolate bunt cake was divine – you really have a talent for cooking.”

“Thanks – but those chocolate truffles are tasty too!”

Basking in all the food-oriented compliments, Dina was seemingly oblivious to the fact that her size 14 outfits were now size 16 as she entered college – her Mom was still doing the selecting. Her now prominent belly and hips didn’t bother Bill a bit! And because he didn’t care, she didn’t either. The fact was that she was now close to 180 pounds

College saw a slowing of her gain – she had more responsibilities and need to study now but wasn't in a dormitory. There was no more snacking at Emily and Susan’s either. She wanted to have a 4.0 average to her credit (Bill was already there). She neither thought of herself as fat nor acted that way – but in fact she was close to 200 pounds and size 18 as a college freshman. Sometime in the second semester she passed that milestone without knowing it.

By the end of the next summer she had topped out at her ultimate height of 5’10’ and was a fulsome 225 pounds. Her Sophomore year would see her add another 15, which she carried well with her height. That summer she would for the first time begin selecting and buying her own clothes and become fully aware of her size 24 girth. She was now an adult with her mom’s figure and a guy who adored her like her father did her mom.

She would never again (not even in pregnancy) dare eat with the reckless abandon of her early high school days, but the memories of the sheer joy would linger. Eventually Princess Diana would marry her prince and they would start their own kingdom, and on occasion (actually 2-3 times a month) the two would give in and indulge as they in their youth once did on a daily basis.

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