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The Ol' Can o' Worms

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Ned Sonntag

Outermost Hoodoo Doctor
Sep 29, 2005
Harwich MA
One of the oldtimers is emailing me daily. He's got a supersized wife, she doesn't in any way identify with it as anything other than sheer tragedy... he's doing a lot of caregiving... I had the unique situation of my wife being perhaps the first supersize pinup model who went at it specifically to promote Size Acceptance and Fat As A Feminist Issue... so even in her long painful decline she had a very positive attitude.:wubu: Ahem! She um, had some passionate Girlfriend things on the side, and I was allowed on rare occasions and in a very low-key way, to spend the night with some unforgettably:rolleyes: lovely supersize women in the SA Movement... so add that in with my memories of the good times with the Mrs. ... well, I need to get to sleep now but... I'm in a long-distance thing with a very sensible:) Midsize young woman... I dunno what the future will bring, but I feel Spoiled. There were a couple of nights out on the West Coast many years ago with a woman of maybe 500lbs... very very glamorous... I'm grateful for the memory, but between her and the Late Mrs., I may just be Spoiled:( for life. As far as 'problems' go, it's not that dreadful... but it might make a good thread for you kids to discuss... As I say on the 'Naughty' Thread, I have an offer to start a Blog on a fancy Cape Cod blogsite, and I want to confront the unsuspecting Normal Citizens with my Deviant Desire, with accompanying archived art... so whaddya think?:blink:

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