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The Upcoming Election in Quebec, what does everybody think???

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2006
Well folks, once again it looks like we Quebecers and Montrealers have to head back to the polls. If anyone from Quebec is on here and non Quebecers I want to hear from you, please? The thing is, it looks like The Liberals might be in trouble this time. And a Sovergnty positive Party might get in. What does that mean? The fear of Quebec seperating from Canada might once again loom over the heads of all Canadians. And it seems that Jean Charest has lost touch with young voters. With all the Student troubles and the things over tuition. It seems that the Parti Quebecois might just make it into office. What will that mean for Quebecers? Probably higher taxes and the possibility of Quebec seperating from Canada. And of course, more Language Oppression. You know, pushing the whole French Language first thing.

The idea is that if Charest can find ways to win votes maybe The Liberals can stay in office and we won't have this fear of Seperation over the heads of all Canadians. Now, if some ideas can be passed onto the Liberals so that they can stay in office and keep The Parti Quebecois from throwing the Quebec Economy to hell with fear of Seperation, that would be great.

One of the ideas I had. As I mentioned in another post: Was replacing pills with Injections and Patches. If people could just get a Patch or an Injection once a month or every two weeks instead of having to take pills every day and every night, that would be great. If Charest promised to put money into that. He might win some votes back that the P.Q. would get otherwise.

Another idea is Distance Learning Education for the Poor and Disenfranchised. If Charest promised to give Free Education to those below the Poverty line along with the means to study. He would win votes. And if he promised to get rid of this tuition increase. He would win votes. The thing is, he would have to get the money from Ottawa. And I have to admit. The P.Q. is great at getting money from Ottawa. But if Charest promised more money into Education. More money into improving the Medical System. And better Hospital Care. Some of the Emergency Rooms in Montreal are atrocious. The Royal Victoria Hospital and The Montreal General Hospital have more than terrible Emergency rooms. And I say that because a something stated is only slander if it is not true. And of this August 2012. I can say with certainty that the Emergency Rooms of The Montreal General Hospital and The Royal Victoria Hospital of Montreal treat people horribly. So, if Charest promised to improve Emergency Rooms he would get votes. Then again, maybe a P.Q. Government would improve things. Later.

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