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The Wire Season Finale (Why I want to marry Omar)

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2006
I hate crime shows,in fact I hate TV in General. But with that said the the last four seasons of The Wire have been the most fulfilling I have ever had in the medium of TV. Never has a show captivated me as much as this. It's portrayal of Baltimore and it's citizens trapped in a never ending cycle. Is like that of a four act tragedy set in post modern play.

I cried four times in the 79 mins that it was on. Because unlike like Hollywood there is no happy ending,gilded lining just the ordinary hum drum of everyday life and whether it is the stray bullet from a gun in Iraq or a bullet in the back of the head all life can end so suddenly as if you were never there.

I implore you to watch The Wire Seasons 1-4 it is as good as any Novel real or surreal from Dickens to Pynchon. This is life after 9/11 and the inner city of America is very unique. These characters are the poorest in a Capitalist world,it has created this cycle this horrible cycle.
I have been to over 143 cities and I still can't figure out Detroit,Baltimore,Philly anyway I digress...Watch the show....

I mean I was more broken up at parts last night,than when I broke up with girls in HS. And I know thats makes me a bad person!! ;)

I need to go find my male dignity now ;)

'I have Been out here since I was 13'
I a man now,This is my corner,my home,my place,I will die on my corner'

'The streets ain't what dey used be when Avon ran'
Wee-Bey Brice

