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The "your not suppose to wear that thread" makes me very sad...

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In Rememberance
Sep 29, 2005
Why do we give a damn what other people think about what we wear and if too much skin is exposed? What's too much skin anyway??

Don't get me wrong - I remember wearing nothing but long sleeves and long pants and feeling ashamed of my body - and on bad days I still feel that way. But I am astounded by what has been posted by some of the women here. Women who I see as intelligent - educated - outgoing - sophisticated, and you are worried about showing your arms or legs in public.

At first I felt awful because it made me feel my own insecurities - then - I got mad. Ladies when you do this and let the world stop you from wearing the clothing you want to wear - THEY WIN!!! This stupid ass society that wants us to be ashamed. They want us to cover up and stay in the shadows - and look down when the "beautiful people" walk by us. They get to control us. And it makes me angry. It is your RIGHT and maybe even your duty to the sisters who will come after us to be who you are! Show the world how beautiful large arms and legs are and proudly let the world see they cannot control you and me - we will not let them

Shame is a horrible emotion to live with. It goes to the core of everything you are. It controls your every move whether you can see that or not. Shame means you believe what others tell you. I know better than that. Not one of you has anything to be ashamed of. YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!! In mind spirit and body.

Who cares what others think? Aren't you tired of allowing others to control your life? That's what you're doing - allowing some invisible *they* to stop you from wearing what you want to wear. It's time to stop it!

BUY a tank top! Wear shorts - buy a bikini!! Do you honestly think they aren't gonna look anyway??? Let them look - let them see the gorgeous women I see here!!

I love the women here and it breaks my heart to know that this is still happening.

Wear purple and orange!! They will never remember what you were wearing - only the color combo!! ((((big hugs))))
to all the women here - you're all beautiful!!

(Hey don't get me started about how society stops women from achieving by making them obsess about their looks - you don't me to pull out that soapbox! LOL)

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