When you run a big site, there are things other than the usual squabbles, troll attacks, and microdramas that can test one's patience. Here are two:
The big TV director looking for participants: That happens at least once a month. Some dude or dudette puts up a grandiose post seeking particiapnts for their show. The show is always a major wonderful production of the highest class, and there is absolute guarantee that everything will be treated tactfully and with the best interests of the participants and size acceptance at heart. Yeah, right. Some at least clear it with me before they post. Most don't. They probably know they'll always find some gullible victims.
The Great Advertising Agent: That's the very (self-)important marketing types who send me emails about major clients wishing to do an advertising campaign on Dimensions. Hey, I can sure use the money, so I usually follow up. Dimensions has very high traffic, and I am certainly willing to sell space if the advertised products/services seem decent and related. Sadly, what it always comes down to is that The Great Agent then tries to get something for nothing and wants a prime location with huge exposure for a few bucks. No can do.
The big TV director looking for participants: That happens at least once a month. Some dude or dudette puts up a grandiose post seeking particiapnts for their show. The show is always a major wonderful production of the highest class, and there is absolute guarantee that everything will be treated tactfully and with the best interests of the participants and size acceptance at heart. Yeah, right. Some at least clear it with me before they post. Most don't. They probably know they'll always find some gullible victims.
The Great Advertising Agent: That's the very (self-)important marketing types who send me emails about major clients wishing to do an advertising campaign on Dimensions. Hey, I can sure use the money, so I usually follow up. Dimensions has very high traffic, and I am certainly willing to sell space if the advertised products/services seem decent and related. Sadly, what it always comes down to is that The Great Agent then tries to get something for nothing and wants a prime location with huge exposure for a few bucks. No can do.