The Teflon Frog
Things to consider about FAs:
This is the companion list to the FA code of conduct. This is a list of things that fat people should think about when they interact with the FAs in their lives. Things that help FAs to be comfortable with their preference:
Here's my contribution...
1.) Don't always think that you (the fat person) are going to crush or injure a smaller FA. The human body is really quite remarkable in many ways. Constantly dwelling on that can get old after a while, and even seem condescending to a FA. Let the FA have input on what they can handle, then proceed with caution if you are not sure.
2.) Don't automatically assume that a FA has malevolent motives. Having a FA offer to purchase an ice cream cone doesn't necessarily mean that they are trying to stuff you full of food. A simple "no thank you" is adequate.
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This is the companion list to the FA code of conduct. This is a list of things that fat people should think about when they interact with the FAs in their lives. Things that help FAs to be comfortable with their preference:
Here's my contribution...
1.) Don't always think that you (the fat person) are going to crush or injure a smaller FA. The human body is really quite remarkable in many ways. Constantly dwelling on that can get old after a while, and even seem condescending to a FA. Let the FA have input on what they can handle, then proceed with caution if you are not sure.
2.) Don't automatically assume that a FA has malevolent motives. Having a FA offer to purchase an ice cream cone doesn't necessarily mean that they are trying to stuff you full of food. A simple "no thank you" is adequate.
Please add to the list...