In Austin, over 20,000 homeless dogs and cats are killed (humanely euthanized) each year. At least 50% of those are not strays; their owners brought them to the shelter because they no longer wanted to care for them. Nationwide, the number of euthanasias is estimated at over 5 million dogs and cats. Many people see their pets as disposable and discard them when they're no longer convenient. I thought by rescuing animals from the shelter and finding them new homes, I could make a difference. Over a period of two years I fostered and rehomed over 50 dogs. During that time, I changed my mind. I made this film to explain why.
The goal of this project is not to show the dark, sad side of animal overpopulation. It is to show that the problem is too big for one person to solve and hope lies in a society that is educated and informed about the problem. I want audience members to come away from this film with a greater awareness of the problem of animal overpopulation, with a motivation to be part of the solution.
- Stacy Schoolfield