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Tiny & Edie Pumpkin Eater

Dimensions Magazine

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Sep 29, 2005

Tiny & Edie: The Pumpkin Eater

By RVGleason

It had been hours since the Halloween party had ended. Tired after the hours of preparing the food and entertaining the guests with her husband Tiny, Edie was tired and sleeping peacefully when she suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the bedroom door. She reached her hand over to shake Tiny to investigate the noise, and found that his space on the bed was empty. She turned on the lamp on the nearby bed stand and saw that Tiny was not in the room. Looking at the bedroom bed she noticed that it was slightly opened. Sizing up the situation, she rose from the bed and quickly put on her robe, “Oh, that Tiny”, she said with a slight smile, “he’s at it again”, and walked out of the bedroom, quietly stepping down the dark hallway towards the kitchen. She could hear a rattling of dishes coming from the direction of the kitchen and saw a dim light from the kitchen doorway. She crept slowly towards the sound, and silently peeked into the room. The dim light was coming from the inside the open door of the refrigerator, and from in the doorway was the round, plump body of her husband Tiny, rummaging through the plates of food on the shelves of the fridge. As quietly as possible, her hand reached for the light switch on the inner wall of the kitchen, and with a flip of her finger, the room was illuminated in light. Startled, Tiny spun around, a cold, fried chicken leg still in his mouth, and a full pie in his other hand, as he stared guiltily at his smirking wife, who was shaking her head.

Tiny took the chicken leg out of mouth with his free hand, quickly chewing and swallowing the piece he bit off. “Oh, hi Honey!”, he said meekly, “did I wake you?”. “You most certainly did, Mister!”, Edie said as she walked over and closed the refrigerator door, then turned to face her chubby husband. Chubby was hardly the word to describe Tiny. At nearly 400 pounds, he was definitely a huge, round fatty. She eyed her husbands huge belly, obviously a result of continued eating, and smirked again as he vainly tried to hide the pie pan behind his wide, round back. “Tiny”, Edie signed as she motioned to her husband who sheepishly handed her the pie pan, his face red with embarrassment. “We’ve talked about these late night ‘snacks’ of yours, remember?”. “I know, Dear”, Tiny answered, his face turning a deeper shade of red, “but I couldn’t stop thinking about the chicken and pie left over from the party”, and his face turned a shade redder. “It’s no wonder you’ve gained so much more weight lately”, Edie softly scolded the fat man. Holding the pie in both hands, she motioned to her husband to follow her, which he compliantly did.

They walked to the dining room table, Edie gingerly placing the pie on it. Then facing her tubby hubby she pointed to a chair. “Sit!”, she commanded in a no nonsense tone of voice, and he sat obediently. She had to stifle a giggle, seeing how his huge, round stomach completely covered his lap. He weakly smiled at her and nervously twiddled his pudgy thumbs. “Now Tiny, you know we were saving this pie for tomorrow night, right?”. “Yes Dear”, Tiny answered uneasily. “Well, it looks like you don’t have enough will power to wait a day, right?”, she said as she tapped her foot. “No Dear”, he mumbled softly, trying to avoid her piercing stare. “In that case,…”, Edie paused as she reached for a bag that was resting on the table next to the pie. She reached into the bag and pulled out a large orange garment and tossed it at the portly man. “Put this on”, she said in a firm voice. Tiny looked at the garment quizzically. “It’s my Halloween costume”, he said in a puzzled voice. “That’s right”, she answered. “No dawdling, put it on, NOW!!”, Edie said much more sternly. Tiny shook his head ‘yes’, quickly removing his robe and just as swiftly put on the costume. Smiling, Edie moved behind her husband and zipped up the outfit on the large man. She stepped back to get a better view. The costume was a bright orange with a few black vertical lines stretching from the neck down to the cuffs of the pants legs. Draped on his large round body, Tiny literally looked like a huge pumpkin. Edie place a hat on Tiny’s head that resembled a green stem, completing the pumpkin effect. Edie chuckled as she removed her robe, revealing that she was still wearing her costume of a sorceress, having been too tired to remove it before going to bed.

“SIT!”, she commanded again and Tiny quickly obeyed. Sitting his large body down on the chair further enhanced his resemblance to a huge, round pumpkin. Still smiling, Edie picked up a knife, making Tiny a little nervous. With a smirk on her face, Edie took the knife and proceeded to cut out a large slice of the pie, which turned out to be a pumpkin pie. There was a can of whipped cream on the table, and Edie squirted a generous amount of cream on the slice. She placed the pie on a paper plate left over from the party and picked up a plastic fork. She then advanced towards Tiny, whose nervous eyes darted between her and the cream covered pie. Edie stood in front of the pumpkin costumed fat man, and speared a piece of pie with the fork and waved it under his nose. With a wicked gleam in her eyes, she moved the piece to the fat man’s mouth and said “Open wide, Dear!”. Tiny complied, and Edie shoveled the cream cover pie piece into his plump mouth, and he began chewing. He swallowed and Edie took a napkin and wiped some of the cream from his lips. “That’s my fat, little pumpkin”, she smiled, as she speared another piece of pie and placed it in his mouth. After feeding him a few more bites, the plate was clean save for a few orange crumbs. “What a good, little pumpkin”, Edie smiled, then proceeded to cut another slice of pumpkin pie, loaded it up with more cream, and began the process of feeding the orange costumed fat man again.

As Tiny obediently ate each slice of pie Edie fed him, he began to notice that his costume began to feel a bit snug. He wasn’t sure if it was his imagination, but Tiny felt like his already large body was getting bigger. It seemed like with each mouthful of pie, he was getting fatter and fatter. He tried to tell Edie his concern, but as soon as he swallowed one piece of pie, Edie would shoved another cream filled piece into his mouth before he could get a word out. Tiny could feel his legs, feet, arms, hands and fingers plumping up like they were filling up with cream. And all the while, Edie continue to shovel pie into his fat face. Finally, Edie paused in her actions, and with wicked smile on her face asked “enjoying the pie, Dear?”.

Tiny, seizing his moment and clearing the crumbs from his throat, mumbled through his bloated cheeks, “It’s great, Edie, but, umm, have you noticed anything?”. “Noticed what, Sweetie?”, Edie said as she began to spear another piece of pie. “Well”, Tiny said hesitantly, “does it seem like every time you feed me a piece of pie, that I’m sort of getting, er,…”. “Fatter? Yes Dear, I have!”, she smiled as she shoved the piece into his mouth. Tiny almost choked on the piece, but managed to swallow it. He gasped, “You knew this was happening while feeding me the pie?!?!”. “Of course I did, Darling”, Edie smiled sweetly as she cut another slice of pie and shoved another piece into his mouth. As he quickly swallowed the piece, Tiny could feel his body inflating like a balloon. “But how?”, he managed to say before another piece of pie filled his mouth. “Well Dear”, Edie smiled wickedly, “while shopping for the fixings for the pie, I found this cook book at an old bookstore. It had special recipes for making pumpkin pies for folks who REALLY love pies. It also had recipes for those who enjoy eating late at night. So, I thought it’d be a good idea to combine the two recipes. And I must say, I’m really enjoying the results, aren’t you?”. Before Tiny could answer, Edie place the pie plate back on the table, then drew close to his fat face and gave him a big, long kiss on his crumb covered lips.

After a few minutes of kissing and cuddling his big, soft, squishy body, Edie broke away with a big smile on her face. She licked her lips and giggled, “Hmmm, pumpkin flavored, love it!”, and moved in for another kiss. Tiny had a dopey smile on his pudgy face as he returned the kiss. After a few more sweet, cream and pumpkin flavored kisses, Edie looked dreamily into Tiny’s eyes and said softly, “Ready for bed, Tiny Darling?”. Tiny nodded his bloated face and tried to stand up from the chair. He struggled as he he tried to lift his overly, heavy and round body. Edie poked her finger into his huge, soft belly. “I guess I’ll have to roll you to bed again”, she said with a smile. “I guess so, why should tonight be any different from from other nights?”, Tiny chuckled. With a few grunts, Edie managed to push Tiny off the chair and proceeded to roll his fat, bloated body towards the bedroom. As she rolled Tiny towards the bed, she giggled, “Remember Tiny, the next time you go for a late snack, don’t forget to tell me so I can join in on the fun!”. With a little effort, Edie managed to squeeze Tiny through the bedroom door and closed it, and the sounds of giggling and kissing could be heard. The next sound was the rustling of a plastic bag. “Some pumpkin candy, Tiny Dear?”, Edie giggled. “Tomorrow, the Halloween candy will be half price!”.

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