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To my Dimmer frendz....from bigplaidpants

Dimensions Magazine

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Jan 29, 2007

I'm afraid this is a bit tacky. But, I know people come and go from boards like this and I didn't want to just "disappear." I love this little fat-utopia, and, frankly, have respect and affection for many here. I'm missing this place a bit, so I hope it's OK to just drop a little note.

I haven't been able to be on the boards lately because I'm studying for exams. I will be for almost a year. I've tried to keep up, but lately I haven't been able to really read so many of the discussions that I would ordinarily love to follow. My few posts have really sucked lately :blink: because I'm in this "academic world" right now. I can't say anything brief or clear these days...:doh:

So, anyway, just wanted to say I miss you, Dim. [read: I miss "talking" with many of you]. I'll be online when I can.....when I have breaks. :) Please don't read this as "don't bother me." Feel free to PM me, as some have. Magnoliagrows will still be on....but, she reads more than she posts. :D

See you 'round, just less, I'm afraid. :(
Warm regards.