~BBW (multiple), Eating, Romance ~XWG the expansion continues, with surprise additions
It's been a few weeks now since my sister Sian joined me here in California, and I don't know what I did without her. She cooks, cleans, washes, irons, etc. It's like having a personal maid, so that's what she's become. She now gets a wage so she can do what she wants when I'm at work, etc.
Rosie eats with us most days, but does like her own space. So Mondays and Wednesdays, she goes home from work and chills, and Sian and I have those evenings together. We tend to go out. I go to the wine bar that I first went to when I moved here, and Sian joins me. She brings the car so I can drink a few beers. I have beer now, as it has more calories than wine, and I get less of a hangover! Which is also good for work the next day.
Steve still works there and is still very sexy. I do so see what Rosie saw in him. He always says hi and chats; he tells me how lovely I look every time I go in, too. It's a shame he was horrid to Rosie, as I think they would make a fantastic couple. He always asks after her, and when she waves to Sian and I on the way past, he blushes and gazes after her.
I'm now 300lb of pure sexiness. My thighs rub when I walk, which can be a pain in this heat, but, hey, one has to pay a small price to obtain this amount of beauty. My tummy still seems to gain the most, but I found a photo from when I left New Jersey, and I have gained everywhere. My arms have small batwings, as we call them where extra fat is. My chin is almost resting on my chest all the time, not only when I look down. My butt is huge, not curvy and round like Rosie's, but wide like a shelf. It's fantastic. My boobs se3m to have slowed down and just spread sideways under my arms, but they still look fantastic. But it is my tummy that I'm in love with; it's so soft; so resplendent. It is just beginning to droop; it has rolls of fat spiralling downwards. It bounces when I walk, and, when I go up steps, my thighs touch it. I truly am in love with my belly; at work I sit rubbing it, too. LOL.
I think the reason my belly hasn't drooped yet is mainly because I still swim three times a week. It helps my muscles, and I love the looks I get in my bikini: some total horror, which makes me giggle and stick my tummy out further; others are hot looks, and the life guard always asks if I'm fine and looks into my eyes when he's asking. He's cute, but just not the one.
Rosie is still gaining, but only around 2lb a week; she says that in a year she will have gained another 104lb, and that, on top of her weight now, is enough. She wants to take it slowly. She remains a gorgeous woman, and I have managed to keep her in her fitted clothes; she lent me one of her loose dresses the other day as she thought it would be easier for changing at the swimming pool. It was skintight; she hadn't realised just how much fatter I am than her. But I wore it anyway. It was like peeling a sausage. Thank Goodness Sian was there or else I'd have been stuck; we laughed so much I actually split the side, which made us laugh even more, especially with the tits I've got. We went for a meal after to see if both sides would go. They did; the waiter was so embarrassed. Not us - we just laughed and ate some more.
Sian was beginning to plump out, too. I suppose with all the cooking she was doing for me and the meals out, it would be hard not to. She just wore the clothes I had outgrown, as some were still new. I was gaining at such a rate I couldn't always wear all I had bought.
Pauline at work was still trying to bully Rosie; as I got fatter, she tried it with me.
The other day when I was in the ladies room, she followed me in and blocked my way, poking my tummy.
You got your dream, then, she sneered. I think you are even fatter than your TWIN! She was referring to a previous attack on Rosie.
Yes, was my reply. I'm living my dream. Are you? I stood there, rubbing my immense tummy, looking her straight in the eye.
She blushed at this comment and then moved out of my way. I made sure I brushed past her so she could feel just how fat I was, then turned round and winked at her and went back to my office. She left us alone after that - for a while, anyway.
Work remained fun; my boss had taken to ringing me each morning for a chat. I'd never met him as he worked in the neighbouring city in the other office. I looked forward to these calls as he was very funny and made me laugh; sometimes we didn't even talk about work, just about what we had been up to.
He knew what I had looked like from the C.V. I'd faxed over when I accepted the job, but he had no idea how much I'd changed since then. I wanted to know what he looked like, so I kept pestering him; he described himself as well-built, 6ft 3, with no hair. My imagination would run wild at night, dreaming about him. I really wanted to meet him, but for some reason I was shy about telling him how fat I'd got. This was new to me, as I usually flaunted it at any given opportunity.
Lunchtime was the most fun for this. The chiefs at each stall had taken to bringing me food, and each brought two platefuls. So that was 16 a day, just at lunch. Every day, one of them would try to get me to have a 3rd. If I did the whole canteen would give me a standing ovation, and the chief took a bow. Rosie loved this part, as she got to eat four or five platefuls without any one noticing, as they were too busy watching me. She isn't a show off, but I am, LOL.
It was coming up for another weekend, and Gail's was on the agenda. Boy, I loved Gail's! I was becoming one of the middle-sized girls. Rosie was still in Little League, but she always got chatted up. Me, I was never left alone; even Sian was getting some attention now that she was plumping up. Paul, the bouncer, seemed to have taken a shine to her - and her to him - so getting in was never a problem.
As always, we had drinks and food, and then partying began. Rosie and Sian had wine; I stuck to beer. It was Chinese as always, but it was the whole menu now. And I ate most of it, which always set me in the mood to shake it on the dance floor. As always, Tim and Rod were there; they had become good mates now, never more than that. They knew and accepted this, but were always the first to ask us to dance and get the beer in. We had been there a couple of hours, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone staring at Rosie. I turned to have a full look. Oh, my God, there was Steve! And what's more, he was only looking at Rosie; no one else seemed to be in the room for him. I shimmed over.
Hey, not seen you here before, I gasped. Dancing always made me breathe heavy.
No, I've never been before. Wanted to, but didn't know if I would get in.
She's looking hot, isn't she?
Yes, was his reply. I hadn't even had to say who; it was obvious the way his eyes had never left Rosie's ass as she shimmed on the dance flour with Sian and Tim. Is that her boyfriend? he asked quietly.
Why? I asked.
This time he took his eyes off her and looked at me, Can we go and talk, please? His eyes were pleading with me, so I took him to a sofa and sat him down.
Go on, then, I simply said.
Boy, could he talk! He explained how almost a year ago he had seen Rosie and found her lovely. They had chatted, and he had left work early and went to the club she had said they were going to. He had had a fantastic time, and Rosie had, too. He asked her if he could take her out again, which she had agreed to. Then, when she had gone to the toilet, her friend Paula or something had came up to him and out of nowhere kissed him. He'd pushed her away and gone looking for Rosie to take her home and warn her about her so-called friend, but he couldn't find her. After that, he used to see her occasionally as she walked past the bar, but always she was gone when he'd gotten outside. And then I had brought her in one day, and it was like he'd been given a second chance. But work was so busy, he couldn't get to talk to her.
He explained how he had seen me and seen how beautiful I had become as I had grown - he blushed at this point - and he had noticed that Rosie had become even more beautiful every time he saw her through the window. He figured that we must come to Gail's, but his boss had been ill, so he hadn't been able to come until tonight. He said that he'd prayed that she would be here. He also explained that he had had to tell all this to the bouncer so he could get in!! He blushed here, too, bless him. And when he had gotten in, there she was - this vision of loveliness that he had dreamed about every night for the past year.
The poor boy. I had to explain to him why Rosie had ran off: that Pauline had told them all at the office she was going out with him, and that he would never look at a fat cow like Rosie. He was appalled and now understood why Rosie had behaved the way she had. I told him to sit where he was.
I then went to the dance floor, took Rosie away from some other young man she was dancing with and took her to Steve. She froze when she saw him and turned to run, but I had hold of her, and turned her to me and simply said, Listen to him; there is something he has to say. Once he has finished, if you want to go home, I will take you.
She didn't say anything, just nodded, and quietly sat down next to him. I left and went back to the bar - not that I was there for long before someone took me back to the dance floor.
After an hour or maybe two, Rosie and Steve came and said they were leaving. Did I mind? I just laughed and said, no, I had Sian to get me home. After eating, of course, which they both laughed at.
Paul, the bouncer, came to the diner with us. Sue, our favourite waitress, was there, and, without asking, just brought everything off the menu. I didn't think I could manage it all, as Rosie wasn't there. Fool, of course, I did - and had room for four more helpings of strawberry cheesecake. I was tired, so we all went back to our place, including Paul! I had no objections; it's Sian's home, too.
At 2:30 p.m., I was awoken as someone jumped on my bed.
Rosie had arrived, brimming with news about her evening, and about Steve. Wow, was she loved up! They had arranged to go out that night. Did I mind? Silly girl, of course, I didn't. We chatted for ages, and once I was up and showered went out for food, she told me she didn't want anyone to know about this at work as she wanted to see if Pauline kept up the pretence of seeing Steve. We agreed to ask her on Monday what she had been doing. That night, Sian also went out with Paul, and I stayed in. This was the first night in on my own since I had moved here, all those months ago. It was a night for pampering.
Once they had gone, I locked the door and undressed, no need for clothes. I rang for food to be delivered at 10 p.m. - the full Chinese menu, just for me. Thank goodness for good wages!
I hadn't seen myself this resplendent before. As I walked around the rooms, I could see my reflection in the windows and mirrors. Oh, how goddess-like I looked! My many rolls on my now drooping belly, they were soft and smooth to look at. My tummy now hung down, covering my vagina, resting on my thighs when standing. I hadn't realised how low it had become, as looking down you don't notice this. But gazing at myself, I was falling in love with my body even more. My thighs now had creases where fat overflowed onto fat, and my knees had disappeared, My chin sat firmly upon my chest at all times. My double ff cups looked like soft ripe peaches; they looked so small compared to my enormous belly. As I turned around slowly, I liked how all this fat slowly wobbled as I turned like waves on the beach, sending ripples downwards. Even when I stood still, it took a while for the fat to stop moving.
My back now had three rolls of fat where there had once been a waist; they hung from my shoulders, looking like fantastic love handles. My butt was massive and had actually started to curve outwards as well as width ways. I had dimples all over my body. My calves, I noticed, had a roll of fat at each nearside. As I walked to my bedroom, I could see myself in a full-length mirror. I didn't walk any more; I waddled, fat swinging from side to side.
I am truly fat now, I whispered to myself. I couldn't help it, but my hands couldn't leave me alone. I had to touch and feel every soft part of me, eventually climaxing in a heap on the bed. I was exhausted from loving myself and fell asleep, only to be awoken a short while later to the sound of the door bell.
Forgetting I was naked, I got my purse and paid, wondering why the poor boy was giving me strange looks. It was only when I was in the kitchen did I realise. Boy, did I laugh again, watching my fat wobble as I did so. After that, I sat in front of the television and ate. I ate all the food in less then two hours. By the end, my stomach was nicely full, and it showed on the outside. I fell asleep again.
When I awoke, it was 2 a.m., and I was hungry again. Thankfully, Sian was a good girl and had left food for me, instead of me having to cook. So I warmed it all up in the microwave - chilli and rice, my favourite, enough to feed a family of 10. I giggled at what she would say when she saw I'd eaten it all and a Chinese. I followed it with, as ever, cheesecake - a family size one, of course - with thick cream and ice cream. Now I was at last full, so I crawled in to bed, too fat and full to even love myself again.
For a change I was up first, so I started breakfast, eating toast while I cooked. The smell of bacon woke Paul up, and he came in to the kitchen to sit with me while I cooked.
Looks like you had guests last night, he said, looking at the empty plates I'd left out.
Nar, just me; I was a little peckish, I giggled.
Wow, girl, you can eat. I thought you had added a little, he giggled back.
This, from Paul, was a compliment, and I took it with a shake of my ass, which caused us both to laugh. Sian wandered in, wanting to know what was so funny; she laughed too and asked if we could tell him about my dream life. I liked Paul and knew he loved big girls, so I agreed. While I dished out breakfast, Sian told him how I wanted to eat until I couldn't walk. That I would become so fat I would have to stay in bed - and that she'd be my right hand girl and look after me, cooking, etc. Paul looked at me in amazement, then hugged me and told me to go for it.
He then said this caused him some concern as he was going to ask Sian to move in with him. I felt sad at this, but if she wanted to, I was happy for her to move out. She replied that she wouldn't leave me - but how about if Paul moved in here? He could help towards the rent and food costs. I thought this was a fantastic idea, but did Paul want that? We turned to look at him.
Hey, every fat admirer's dream is living here. I get to see my girl everyday, and I get to see my favourite sister-in-law-to-be grow so so fat that she will one day need my help. I'd love to move in.
Did I hear you right? asked Sian. Your sister-in-law!!!!
Oh year, I forgot the middle bit, didn't I? laughed Paul.
He got down on one knee.
Sian, you are the most beautiful, kindest, funniest girl I have ever met. I never want to leave you. Would you do the honours and become my wife?
I cried. Sian squealed and said yes. So we got dressed and went out to celebrate. This was to be my treat, but they could choose - you will never guess where they wanted.
MacDonald's! Yes, burgers to celebrate their engagement. So there it was. I asked them to get a table, but not a booth as I had trouble getting in and out nowadays. While I ordered, I grabbed the manager and explained why we were there and arranged for them to get a cake from somewhere. I then ordered everything off the menu x3. The manager was fantastic and assigned someone just to us, so that the food would be hot. Each time the table was empty, another table full arrived.
I was in heaven. I could eat a big Mac in three bites. The love birds didn't eat much as they were too excited, so I ate most of it. I had to say I was almost full by the end of it; I'd eaten over 50 burgers with fries, etc. But there was still room for the cake. The manager had outdone herself; a truly stunning cake arrived, two layers of soft light sponge with thick fond icing. I ate the top layer to myself. Paul and Sian shared the bottom layer with the staff in there. While we were there, we rang Rosie, told her the good news and arranged to go out with her and Steve for a meal that night. I went home to bed while Paul took Sian to find a ring. By the time I got in, I was peckish again, so I drank a two-pint gain shake made with cream and then slept for three hours. Pure heaven.
Dressing up that night was fun, as I found the black skirt that was Sian's that I had worn out the first weekend I was here. It wouldn't go around one of my thighs now. We had fun trying and took lots of pictures. Sian tried it on and the seams gave way when she got it to her thighs. Paul looked very proud of her at this point and kissed her plump tummy and whispered, she still was too skinny! We laughed at this as she was now 200lb and no way skinny any more.
Getting dressed, I chose to wear my white halter neck dress as a top as it was no longer big enough to be worn as a dress. Even now, it just sat over my chest, leaving some belly on show with my black studded jeans. Boy, did I feel so very very sexy with my tummy on show, waddling about in kitten heels,
Sian wore one of my old fitted dresses that would just about fit my leg now. She had curves in all the right places, and I could see why Paul was besotted with her; she really was a very pretty girl. Paul looked handsome in his jeans and white t-shirt.
We met Steve and Rosie in the wine bar and ordered champagne. Rosie look sensational in a red cut out dress, showing her curves of deliciously. Steve couldn't keep his hands off her. After a couple of bottles, we went for a meal, steak Diane for all of us. I then had chicken in white sauce; while they chatted, we had dessert. The girls joined me in two portions and then I joined the boys for cheese and biscuits. After this, we went dancing. I had to limit myself to one dance with each chap that asked, as I was getting short of breath when dancing now. So one dance, one drink and then the next partner - I sure did enjoy myself, though.
Tim and Rod were there and came to celebrate, too. More champagne. Three a.m. soon came. The couples wanted to go home, but I was hungry, so Tim and Rod came with me, and the others got a taxi back. Our diner was full, but when Sue saw us, she found us a table and as always just kept the food coming. I had such fun with the boys; it was my first time on my own with them, and they were good company, eating alongside me but never trying to keep up - they knew better than that.
At 6a.m., I admitted I was tired, still not full but tired, so we paid, Tim got me a cab and Rod presented me with a box. When I was in the cab I opened it, it was a spoon and a whole gateaux, with a note saying so I wouldn't starve on the way home. Oh, how I love my friends. And, sure enough, it was gone by the time we pulled up outside.
Monday morning came, and I wanted to do a weighing. It was only a week since my last weighing, but I'd outdone myself, and I wanted a treat of knowing how well I'd done. As I tottered on the scales, and it swung around to 330, I gasped - no way, not in a week! It settled at 328, 28lb of pure beautiful fat in one week. I was delighted. I asked Rosie if she wanted to step on, but she looked down and muttered something.
Speak up, honey, I can't hear you, I said.
I don't want gain any more, she whispered.
I just stared at her.
We want to get married and have children, and I'm scared I'll be too fat to have them if I keep gaining, I don't want to lose any, just not gain any more.
I started laughing. And hugged her.
Fool, that's a great reason to maintain. but please don't try and talk me out of gaining any more, I said.
She too started laughing and said that she would feed me more, as she wouldn't be eating as much. This was music to my ears.
As we were about to leave, I went to the toilet and told Rosie I'd see her in the office. As I squeezed out of the cubicle, I saw Pauline was washing her hands,
Hi, I said politely. Did you have a good weekend?
What's it to you, fatso? she sneered. If you must know, I had a fantastic time. Steve and I were together all weekend. So you can tell that fat friend of yours to find another!
I started to giggle at the lies. Oh, don't worry, she has her own fella; she doesn't need one like yours! Thinking, at least Rosie's is real!!!! And not in her imagination.
She looked as if she was about to explode,
Are you bringing him to the Christmas doo? I asked sweetly.
Ummm, ummm, if he's not working, of course, and then she stomped out.
I actually fell on to the floor laughing. I had difficulty breathing, I was laughing so hard. Rosie came rushing in as she had seen Pauline leave.
What's the matter . are you hurt?
I couldn't talk for laughing. Eventually, I calmed down enough to tell Rosie what she had said. She, too, had to sit down from laughing too much. Eventually we calmed down, and Rosie got up. I couldn't get up; I was so fat I just couldn't get up. We started giggling, and in the end Rosie had to roll me on to my tummy, and I had to get on to all fours and lean on the wall to help me up. We went back to the office and started work, ¾ hour late.
I noted on my phone that I had a message. It was my boss; he had called and wanted my to ring him back.
Oh, you are there. I was worried you were ill! he sounded so concerned that I decided to tell part of the truth.
No, I got stuck in the ladies, I replied, I've gained a little since I started here, and, as I've grown, the toilet cubicles haven't.
Well, I'll have that altered, he said. Is there anything else? So, biting the bullet, I explained I needed a higher desk as I was having difficulties reaching the keyboard as my tummy got in the way. I waited for a rude comment. But none came. He just said, okay, he would get someone over that day to sort these things out. He said it was nice to hear that a girl like their food, and he was looking forward to meeting me at the Christmas dance in eight weeks time and to hold the first dance for him. I agreed and had to end the call as a customer was on the other line.
All that day I daydreamed about him what he would look like, what I would wear, but most of all the words, I like a girl that can eat. Who truly enjoys their food kept going round and round in my head.
At lunch, I told Rosie about our conversation; she just grinned at me. We started to make plans. I thought about what I should wear, and, as I think, I eat. I managed four portions from EVERY stall and even managed five from the ice cream stall. I only realised what I'd done when the room erupted in clapping and wolf whistles.
As I took my bow, I heard my seam give a little on my skirt so I thought, What the heck, and went for two more bowlfuls. Again, wolf whistles. As I took my bow, the seam went entirely. There I stood, resplendent in my work suit, showing my stockings and thong to the world; now, the men did go wild.
I just laughed and said to Rosie I'd be late back from lunch, as I needed to shop. She got my coat for me and I left.
(To be continued)
It's been a few weeks now since my sister Sian joined me here in California, and I don't know what I did without her. She cooks, cleans, washes, irons, etc. It's like having a personal maid, so that's what she's become. She now gets a wage so she can do what she wants when I'm at work, etc.
Rosie eats with us most days, but does like her own space. So Mondays and Wednesdays, she goes home from work and chills, and Sian and I have those evenings together. We tend to go out. I go to the wine bar that I first went to when I moved here, and Sian joins me. She brings the car so I can drink a few beers. I have beer now, as it has more calories than wine, and I get less of a hangover! Which is also good for work the next day.
Steve still works there and is still very sexy. I do so see what Rosie saw in him. He always says hi and chats; he tells me how lovely I look every time I go in, too. It's a shame he was horrid to Rosie, as I think they would make a fantastic couple. He always asks after her, and when she waves to Sian and I on the way past, he blushes and gazes after her.
I'm now 300lb of pure sexiness. My thighs rub when I walk, which can be a pain in this heat, but, hey, one has to pay a small price to obtain this amount of beauty. My tummy still seems to gain the most, but I found a photo from when I left New Jersey, and I have gained everywhere. My arms have small batwings, as we call them where extra fat is. My chin is almost resting on my chest all the time, not only when I look down. My butt is huge, not curvy and round like Rosie's, but wide like a shelf. It's fantastic. My boobs se3m to have slowed down and just spread sideways under my arms, but they still look fantastic. But it is my tummy that I'm in love with; it's so soft; so resplendent. It is just beginning to droop; it has rolls of fat spiralling downwards. It bounces when I walk, and, when I go up steps, my thighs touch it. I truly am in love with my belly; at work I sit rubbing it, too. LOL.
I think the reason my belly hasn't drooped yet is mainly because I still swim three times a week. It helps my muscles, and I love the looks I get in my bikini: some total horror, which makes me giggle and stick my tummy out further; others are hot looks, and the life guard always asks if I'm fine and looks into my eyes when he's asking. He's cute, but just not the one.
Rosie is still gaining, but only around 2lb a week; she says that in a year she will have gained another 104lb, and that, on top of her weight now, is enough. She wants to take it slowly. She remains a gorgeous woman, and I have managed to keep her in her fitted clothes; she lent me one of her loose dresses the other day as she thought it would be easier for changing at the swimming pool. It was skintight; she hadn't realised just how much fatter I am than her. But I wore it anyway. It was like peeling a sausage. Thank Goodness Sian was there or else I'd have been stuck; we laughed so much I actually split the side, which made us laugh even more, especially with the tits I've got. We went for a meal after to see if both sides would go. They did; the waiter was so embarrassed. Not us - we just laughed and ate some more.
Sian was beginning to plump out, too. I suppose with all the cooking she was doing for me and the meals out, it would be hard not to. She just wore the clothes I had outgrown, as some were still new. I was gaining at such a rate I couldn't always wear all I had bought.
Pauline at work was still trying to bully Rosie; as I got fatter, she tried it with me.
The other day when I was in the ladies room, she followed me in and blocked my way, poking my tummy.
You got your dream, then, she sneered. I think you are even fatter than your TWIN! She was referring to a previous attack on Rosie.
Yes, was my reply. I'm living my dream. Are you? I stood there, rubbing my immense tummy, looking her straight in the eye.
She blushed at this comment and then moved out of my way. I made sure I brushed past her so she could feel just how fat I was, then turned round and winked at her and went back to my office. She left us alone after that - for a while, anyway.
Work remained fun; my boss had taken to ringing me each morning for a chat. I'd never met him as he worked in the neighbouring city in the other office. I looked forward to these calls as he was very funny and made me laugh; sometimes we didn't even talk about work, just about what we had been up to.
He knew what I had looked like from the C.V. I'd faxed over when I accepted the job, but he had no idea how much I'd changed since then. I wanted to know what he looked like, so I kept pestering him; he described himself as well-built, 6ft 3, with no hair. My imagination would run wild at night, dreaming about him. I really wanted to meet him, but for some reason I was shy about telling him how fat I'd got. This was new to me, as I usually flaunted it at any given opportunity.
Lunchtime was the most fun for this. The chiefs at each stall had taken to bringing me food, and each brought two platefuls. So that was 16 a day, just at lunch. Every day, one of them would try to get me to have a 3rd. If I did the whole canteen would give me a standing ovation, and the chief took a bow. Rosie loved this part, as she got to eat four or five platefuls without any one noticing, as they were too busy watching me. She isn't a show off, but I am, LOL.
It was coming up for another weekend, and Gail's was on the agenda. Boy, I loved Gail's! I was becoming one of the middle-sized girls. Rosie was still in Little League, but she always got chatted up. Me, I was never left alone; even Sian was getting some attention now that she was plumping up. Paul, the bouncer, seemed to have taken a shine to her - and her to him - so getting in was never a problem.
As always, we had drinks and food, and then partying began. Rosie and Sian had wine; I stuck to beer. It was Chinese as always, but it was the whole menu now. And I ate most of it, which always set me in the mood to shake it on the dance floor. As always, Tim and Rod were there; they had become good mates now, never more than that. They knew and accepted this, but were always the first to ask us to dance and get the beer in. We had been there a couple of hours, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone staring at Rosie. I turned to have a full look. Oh, my God, there was Steve! And what's more, he was only looking at Rosie; no one else seemed to be in the room for him. I shimmed over.
Hey, not seen you here before, I gasped. Dancing always made me breathe heavy.
No, I've never been before. Wanted to, but didn't know if I would get in.
She's looking hot, isn't she?
Yes, was his reply. I hadn't even had to say who; it was obvious the way his eyes had never left Rosie's ass as she shimmed on the dance flour with Sian and Tim. Is that her boyfriend? he asked quietly.
Why? I asked.
This time he took his eyes off her and looked at me, Can we go and talk, please? His eyes were pleading with me, so I took him to a sofa and sat him down.
Go on, then, I simply said.
Boy, could he talk! He explained how almost a year ago he had seen Rosie and found her lovely. They had chatted, and he had left work early and went to the club she had said they were going to. He had had a fantastic time, and Rosie had, too. He asked her if he could take her out again, which she had agreed to. Then, when she had gone to the toilet, her friend Paula or something had came up to him and out of nowhere kissed him. He'd pushed her away and gone looking for Rosie to take her home and warn her about her so-called friend, but he couldn't find her. After that, he used to see her occasionally as she walked past the bar, but always she was gone when he'd gotten outside. And then I had brought her in one day, and it was like he'd been given a second chance. But work was so busy, he couldn't get to talk to her.
He explained how he had seen me and seen how beautiful I had become as I had grown - he blushed at this point - and he had noticed that Rosie had become even more beautiful every time he saw her through the window. He figured that we must come to Gail's, but his boss had been ill, so he hadn't been able to come until tonight. He said that he'd prayed that she would be here. He also explained that he had had to tell all this to the bouncer so he could get in!! He blushed here, too, bless him. And when he had gotten in, there she was - this vision of loveliness that he had dreamed about every night for the past year.
The poor boy. I had to explain to him why Rosie had ran off: that Pauline had told them all at the office she was going out with him, and that he would never look at a fat cow like Rosie. He was appalled and now understood why Rosie had behaved the way she had. I told him to sit where he was.
I then went to the dance floor, took Rosie away from some other young man she was dancing with and took her to Steve. She froze when she saw him and turned to run, but I had hold of her, and turned her to me and simply said, Listen to him; there is something he has to say. Once he has finished, if you want to go home, I will take you.
She didn't say anything, just nodded, and quietly sat down next to him. I left and went back to the bar - not that I was there for long before someone took me back to the dance floor.
After an hour or maybe two, Rosie and Steve came and said they were leaving. Did I mind? I just laughed and said, no, I had Sian to get me home. After eating, of course, which they both laughed at.
Paul, the bouncer, came to the diner with us. Sue, our favourite waitress, was there, and, without asking, just brought everything off the menu. I didn't think I could manage it all, as Rosie wasn't there. Fool, of course, I did - and had room for four more helpings of strawberry cheesecake. I was tired, so we all went back to our place, including Paul! I had no objections; it's Sian's home, too.
At 2:30 p.m., I was awoken as someone jumped on my bed.
Rosie had arrived, brimming with news about her evening, and about Steve. Wow, was she loved up! They had arranged to go out that night. Did I mind? Silly girl, of course, I didn't. We chatted for ages, and once I was up and showered went out for food, she told me she didn't want anyone to know about this at work as she wanted to see if Pauline kept up the pretence of seeing Steve. We agreed to ask her on Monday what she had been doing. That night, Sian also went out with Paul, and I stayed in. This was the first night in on my own since I had moved here, all those months ago. It was a night for pampering.
Once they had gone, I locked the door and undressed, no need for clothes. I rang for food to be delivered at 10 p.m. - the full Chinese menu, just for me. Thank goodness for good wages!
I hadn't seen myself this resplendent before. As I walked around the rooms, I could see my reflection in the windows and mirrors. Oh, how goddess-like I looked! My many rolls on my now drooping belly, they were soft and smooth to look at. My tummy now hung down, covering my vagina, resting on my thighs when standing. I hadn't realised how low it had become, as looking down you don't notice this. But gazing at myself, I was falling in love with my body even more. My thighs now had creases where fat overflowed onto fat, and my knees had disappeared, My chin sat firmly upon my chest at all times. My double ff cups looked like soft ripe peaches; they looked so small compared to my enormous belly. As I turned around slowly, I liked how all this fat slowly wobbled as I turned like waves on the beach, sending ripples downwards. Even when I stood still, it took a while for the fat to stop moving.
My back now had three rolls of fat where there had once been a waist; they hung from my shoulders, looking like fantastic love handles. My butt was massive and had actually started to curve outwards as well as width ways. I had dimples all over my body. My calves, I noticed, had a roll of fat at each nearside. As I walked to my bedroom, I could see myself in a full-length mirror. I didn't walk any more; I waddled, fat swinging from side to side.
I am truly fat now, I whispered to myself. I couldn't help it, but my hands couldn't leave me alone. I had to touch and feel every soft part of me, eventually climaxing in a heap on the bed. I was exhausted from loving myself and fell asleep, only to be awoken a short while later to the sound of the door bell.
Forgetting I was naked, I got my purse and paid, wondering why the poor boy was giving me strange looks. It was only when I was in the kitchen did I realise. Boy, did I laugh again, watching my fat wobble as I did so. After that, I sat in front of the television and ate. I ate all the food in less then two hours. By the end, my stomach was nicely full, and it showed on the outside. I fell asleep again.
When I awoke, it was 2 a.m., and I was hungry again. Thankfully, Sian was a good girl and had left food for me, instead of me having to cook. So I warmed it all up in the microwave - chilli and rice, my favourite, enough to feed a family of 10. I giggled at what she would say when she saw I'd eaten it all and a Chinese. I followed it with, as ever, cheesecake - a family size one, of course - with thick cream and ice cream. Now I was at last full, so I crawled in to bed, too fat and full to even love myself again.
For a change I was up first, so I started breakfast, eating toast while I cooked. The smell of bacon woke Paul up, and he came in to the kitchen to sit with me while I cooked.
Looks like you had guests last night, he said, looking at the empty plates I'd left out.
Nar, just me; I was a little peckish, I giggled.
Wow, girl, you can eat. I thought you had added a little, he giggled back.
This, from Paul, was a compliment, and I took it with a shake of my ass, which caused us both to laugh. Sian wandered in, wanting to know what was so funny; she laughed too and asked if we could tell him about my dream life. I liked Paul and knew he loved big girls, so I agreed. While I dished out breakfast, Sian told him how I wanted to eat until I couldn't walk. That I would become so fat I would have to stay in bed - and that she'd be my right hand girl and look after me, cooking, etc. Paul looked at me in amazement, then hugged me and told me to go for it.
He then said this caused him some concern as he was going to ask Sian to move in with him. I felt sad at this, but if she wanted to, I was happy for her to move out. She replied that she wouldn't leave me - but how about if Paul moved in here? He could help towards the rent and food costs. I thought this was a fantastic idea, but did Paul want that? We turned to look at him.
Hey, every fat admirer's dream is living here. I get to see my girl everyday, and I get to see my favourite sister-in-law-to-be grow so so fat that she will one day need my help. I'd love to move in.
Did I hear you right? asked Sian. Your sister-in-law!!!!
Oh year, I forgot the middle bit, didn't I? laughed Paul.
He got down on one knee.
Sian, you are the most beautiful, kindest, funniest girl I have ever met. I never want to leave you. Would you do the honours and become my wife?
I cried. Sian squealed and said yes. So we got dressed and went out to celebrate. This was to be my treat, but they could choose - you will never guess where they wanted.
MacDonald's! Yes, burgers to celebrate their engagement. So there it was. I asked them to get a table, but not a booth as I had trouble getting in and out nowadays. While I ordered, I grabbed the manager and explained why we were there and arranged for them to get a cake from somewhere. I then ordered everything off the menu x3. The manager was fantastic and assigned someone just to us, so that the food would be hot. Each time the table was empty, another table full arrived.
I was in heaven. I could eat a big Mac in three bites. The love birds didn't eat much as they were too excited, so I ate most of it. I had to say I was almost full by the end of it; I'd eaten over 50 burgers with fries, etc. But there was still room for the cake. The manager had outdone herself; a truly stunning cake arrived, two layers of soft light sponge with thick fond icing. I ate the top layer to myself. Paul and Sian shared the bottom layer with the staff in there. While we were there, we rang Rosie, told her the good news and arranged to go out with her and Steve for a meal that night. I went home to bed while Paul took Sian to find a ring. By the time I got in, I was peckish again, so I drank a two-pint gain shake made with cream and then slept for three hours. Pure heaven.
Dressing up that night was fun, as I found the black skirt that was Sian's that I had worn out the first weekend I was here. It wouldn't go around one of my thighs now. We had fun trying and took lots of pictures. Sian tried it on and the seams gave way when she got it to her thighs. Paul looked very proud of her at this point and kissed her plump tummy and whispered, she still was too skinny! We laughed at this as she was now 200lb and no way skinny any more.
Getting dressed, I chose to wear my white halter neck dress as a top as it was no longer big enough to be worn as a dress. Even now, it just sat over my chest, leaving some belly on show with my black studded jeans. Boy, did I feel so very very sexy with my tummy on show, waddling about in kitten heels,
Sian wore one of my old fitted dresses that would just about fit my leg now. She had curves in all the right places, and I could see why Paul was besotted with her; she really was a very pretty girl. Paul looked handsome in his jeans and white t-shirt.
We met Steve and Rosie in the wine bar and ordered champagne. Rosie look sensational in a red cut out dress, showing her curves of deliciously. Steve couldn't keep his hands off her. After a couple of bottles, we went for a meal, steak Diane for all of us. I then had chicken in white sauce; while they chatted, we had dessert. The girls joined me in two portions and then I joined the boys for cheese and biscuits. After this, we went dancing. I had to limit myself to one dance with each chap that asked, as I was getting short of breath when dancing now. So one dance, one drink and then the next partner - I sure did enjoy myself, though.
Tim and Rod were there and came to celebrate, too. More champagne. Three a.m. soon came. The couples wanted to go home, but I was hungry, so Tim and Rod came with me, and the others got a taxi back. Our diner was full, but when Sue saw us, she found us a table and as always just kept the food coming. I had such fun with the boys; it was my first time on my own with them, and they were good company, eating alongside me but never trying to keep up - they knew better than that.
At 6a.m., I admitted I was tired, still not full but tired, so we paid, Tim got me a cab and Rod presented me with a box. When I was in the cab I opened it, it was a spoon and a whole gateaux, with a note saying so I wouldn't starve on the way home. Oh, how I love my friends. And, sure enough, it was gone by the time we pulled up outside.
Monday morning came, and I wanted to do a weighing. It was only a week since my last weighing, but I'd outdone myself, and I wanted a treat of knowing how well I'd done. As I tottered on the scales, and it swung around to 330, I gasped - no way, not in a week! It settled at 328, 28lb of pure beautiful fat in one week. I was delighted. I asked Rosie if she wanted to step on, but she looked down and muttered something.
Speak up, honey, I can't hear you, I said.
I don't want gain any more, she whispered.
I just stared at her.
We want to get married and have children, and I'm scared I'll be too fat to have them if I keep gaining, I don't want to lose any, just not gain any more.
I started laughing. And hugged her.
Fool, that's a great reason to maintain. but please don't try and talk me out of gaining any more, I said.
She too started laughing and said that she would feed me more, as she wouldn't be eating as much. This was music to my ears.
As we were about to leave, I went to the toilet and told Rosie I'd see her in the office. As I squeezed out of the cubicle, I saw Pauline was washing her hands,
Hi, I said politely. Did you have a good weekend?
What's it to you, fatso? she sneered. If you must know, I had a fantastic time. Steve and I were together all weekend. So you can tell that fat friend of yours to find another!
I started to giggle at the lies. Oh, don't worry, she has her own fella; she doesn't need one like yours! Thinking, at least Rosie's is real!!!! And not in her imagination.
She looked as if she was about to explode,
Are you bringing him to the Christmas doo? I asked sweetly.
Ummm, ummm, if he's not working, of course, and then she stomped out.
I actually fell on to the floor laughing. I had difficulty breathing, I was laughing so hard. Rosie came rushing in as she had seen Pauline leave.
What's the matter . are you hurt?
I couldn't talk for laughing. Eventually, I calmed down enough to tell Rosie what she had said. She, too, had to sit down from laughing too much. Eventually we calmed down, and Rosie got up. I couldn't get up; I was so fat I just couldn't get up. We started giggling, and in the end Rosie had to roll me on to my tummy, and I had to get on to all fours and lean on the wall to help me up. We went back to the office and started work, ¾ hour late.
I noted on my phone that I had a message. It was my boss; he had called and wanted my to ring him back.
Oh, you are there. I was worried you were ill! he sounded so concerned that I decided to tell part of the truth.
No, I got stuck in the ladies, I replied, I've gained a little since I started here, and, as I've grown, the toilet cubicles haven't.
Well, I'll have that altered, he said. Is there anything else? So, biting the bullet, I explained I needed a higher desk as I was having difficulties reaching the keyboard as my tummy got in the way. I waited for a rude comment. But none came. He just said, okay, he would get someone over that day to sort these things out. He said it was nice to hear that a girl like their food, and he was looking forward to meeting me at the Christmas dance in eight weeks time and to hold the first dance for him. I agreed and had to end the call as a customer was on the other line.
All that day I daydreamed about him what he would look like, what I would wear, but most of all the words, I like a girl that can eat. Who truly enjoys their food kept going round and round in my head.
At lunch, I told Rosie about our conversation; she just grinned at me. We started to make plans. I thought about what I should wear, and, as I think, I eat. I managed four portions from EVERY stall and even managed five from the ice cream stall. I only realised what I'd done when the room erupted in clapping and wolf whistles.
As I took my bow, I heard my seam give a little on my skirt so I thought, What the heck, and went for two more bowlfuls. Again, wolf whistles. As I took my bow, the seam went entirely. There I stood, resplendent in my work suit, showing my stockings and thong to the world; now, the men did go wild.
I just laughed and said to Rosie I'd be late back from lunch, as I needed to shop. She got my coat for me and I left.
(To be continued)