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Too Fat For a PHD?

Dimensions Magazine

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"Bitter Old Man"
Sep 29, 2005
, Male

Posted on twitter by a University of New Mexico professor named Dr. Geoffrey Miller.

I don't think Dr. Miller was quite prepared for the shitstorm of drama that took place after his comment on twitter went viral. Femenist and size acceptance websites and blogs began their assault on him, and a campaign was started to get him fired from his position at UNM.

Today, a Facebook friend of mine gave me a contact number for the university's psych department where Dr. Miller works so that we could request his dismissal. We shared the contact with many others. I called the school, and the receptionist was very accomodating, and gave me the e-mail address of the chairperson of the psych department. 10 minutes later, my e mail was sent.

UNM has already issued a statement.

The Uni*ver*sity of New Mex*ico admin*is*tra*tion and fac*ulty were sur*prised by Dr. Geof*frey Miller’s tweet. We are deeply con*cerned about the impact of the state*ment, which in no way reflects the poli*cies or admis*sion stan*dards of UNM. We are inves*ti*gat*ing every aspect of this inci*dent and will take appro*pri*ate action.

When UNM’s Depart*ment chair learned of the tweet, she con*tacted Pro*fes*sor Miller, who is cur*rently on unpaid leave from UNM while at NYU. He told her that his com*ment on Twit*ter was part of a research project. We are look*ing into the valid*ity of this asser*tion, and will take appro*pri*ate mea*sures. As mem*bers of the UNM com*mu*nity, we are all respon*si*ble for demon*strat*ing good judg*ment when using social media or other com*mu*ni*ca*tions vehicles.

So much for telling fat people that they "can't do something". And props to the people who reached out to the school, proof that there is strength in numbers.

By the way, you might want to check the following website (click here) showing some of the recent fatties who have achieved their PHDs

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