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Too small clothing (no, this isn't feeder related)

Dimensions Magazine

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Results STILL NOT typical
Sep 30, 2005
So, I went out to a bar/club tonight with friends. As it happens, its a primarily lesbian bar, so BBWs dancing the night away was not an uncommon sight, nor were BBWs in situationally appropriate clothing that was fairly revealing. One girl I noticed (who was, strictly speaking, straight; not that i'm one to judge on the count, but she was their with an apparent boyfriend so I'm mentioning), was wearing low-riding jeans that were a couple sizes smaller than what might have been comfortable on her. She was also wearing a short-cut shirt which, also, a couple sizes smaller than what might be intended. She's not an SSBBW, more in the mid to low 200's, though I'm awful on estimating numbers. Never understood what gets some guys off about numbers. At any rate, she's distinctly fat and the clothing that's she's chosen has the effect of basically leaving her pot belly on display. Not just a little peak, either. We're talking 50% and more on a regular basis.

Now, I'm not going to judge such attire. You want to wear it, its not place to say no. And indeed, when it comes to BBWs wearing such clothing, I've really got nothing to complain about. What I don't get, is that she seemed to spend most of the night tugging her shirt down and hiking her pants up. I honestly cannot understand how someone could wear an outfit such as she was, and not get that the significant baring of midriff and more was an eventuality. Do people really look at themselves in the mirror and rather than get a total view of how the outfit will look, they just look to see if it'll look okay at one very specific angle and take that as validation?

I've got no problem if you want to show off your pot-belly, but I don't get how you wouldn't forsee this. I mean, honestly, her outfit was going in the wrong direction on two fronts, and wasn't even close to fitting in a way that would leave her belly anything but exposed. It reminded me of men who think comb-overs look good. Looking a way you're okay with from one very particular angle in the mirror is a far cry from actually looking like that in the wild. I guess it just amazes me that some people don't seem to have grasped the dyamics at play here. I can understand the tugging when the belly is just seen a little and may have genuinely been unforseen. But for this young woman to not see how completely far the outfit was from fitting is just puzzling. Does such a person really just delude themselves into seeing the split-second the outfit seems to fit as being representative? Do they want to show off their body, but then have second thoughts when they are out? Its not the only time I've seen a woman tugging in vain at clothes that wouldn't remotely fit. Just wondering what goes on with it.

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