Today's NEWSDAY, one of our local papers, had an interview of Stephanie Klein, author of MOOSE: A MEMOIR OF FAT CAMP. Thought I'd share it here, as I'm sure it'll ring true for many of you.
Ms. Klein's statements brought back many awful memories for me. I am a survivor of not only fat camps, but the even more dreaded Girl Scout camp where, at the age of 10, I was tormented so badly, I started wetting the bed. Matter of fact, while there's a part of me that would like to read her book, I have no intention of reliving any of those horrible years at this point in my life.
There was a time when I would have loved knowing others shared and related to my misery, but what good would dredging up all that muck do me now? I've made peace with a lot of the awful things I experienced before the advent of the size acceptance movement, and prefer to remember the good times in my life, of which there were many.
Don't think I'll ever make peace with the yucky taste of one of the first liquid diets, Metrecal, that was forced upon me when I was only 14, 'though... When I see photos of me at that age now, I get really angry, as I had a body to die for, but was made to feel fatandugly.~Bountifully, Fuchsia
Ms. Klein's statements brought back many awful memories for me. I am a survivor of not only fat camps, but the even more dreaded Girl Scout camp where, at the age of 10, I was tormented so badly, I started wetting the bed. Matter of fact, while there's a part of me that would like to read her book, I have no intention of reliving any of those horrible years at this point in my life.
There was a time when I would have loved knowing others shared and related to my misery, but what good would dredging up all that muck do me now? I've made peace with a lot of the awful things I experienced before the advent of the size acceptance movement, and prefer to remember the good times in my life, of which there were many.
Don't think I'll ever make peace with the yucky taste of one of the first liquid diets, Metrecal, that was forced upon me when I was only 14, 'though... When I see photos of me at that age now, I get really angry, as I had a body to die for, but was made to feel fatandugly.~Bountifully, Fuchsia