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TV: Inside Brookhaven Obesity Clinic

Dimensions Magazine

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Nov 28, 2005
Note: Brookhaven is NOT a WLS clinic, it is a facility for treating extremely large patients that are not regularly accomodated in standard hospitals. I'm neither promoting nor condemning Brookhaven - I'm just seeing if anyone else wants to discuss it.

Anyone else watching this ongoing show?

I'm impressed by the facility itself, and the lengths they go to to help their patients - though the head guy seems to be a bit of a prick at times. It's nice to know that between this place and Andover Rehab, very large and/or immobile people have some options for help. Brookhaven seems more focused on treating food addictions that Andover portrayed in their TLC program.

Last night's show was pretty interesting - they featured (among others) a fellow that was about 780 pounds with absolutely no medical consequences. Aside from immobility - the guy was in remarkable shape, good lab tests, heart strong, etc. - he's considered a 'medical miracle'. He's so large that Brookhaven had to enlarge their doorways to accomodate him, and had a custom made wheelchair built (at their $9000 expense) so he could be moved within the facility. There's also an unfortunate and annoying appearance by Richard Simmons, furthering his story with the now-famous Michael Hebranko. One other patient refused to see Simmons, and had some funny views on Simmons and his tank top/shorts... "swirl... swirl!!". LOL.

Unfortunately, the non-fat public will view this program (and these people) aghast and awestruck, and this show (so far) does little to advance understanding or acceptance. But, perhaps ongoing exposure and the resulting familiarity will lessen the sideshow aspect of the lives of the very fat.

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