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UK - Anti diet TV Opportunity

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Man up or move on!
Feb 20, 2006
Hi Folks

I had this request from ITV and thought I'd pass it on to any of you who are London based or happy to travel. If you have strong feelings about the Diet Industry then it's a great chance to make your opinion known.

I wouldn't normally pass on requests of this kind but this one I can personally vouch for. The Director Nicky Lister, and Researcher Becky Sawle both worked on the documentary I did a few years ago and they're lovely people. I'm not saying you should walk into a media appearance with your eyes shut - but at the same time these are some of the nicest people you will ever meet and they're genuinely interested in putting across a positive story.

Best Regards - Tracey


We are working with ITV1 and Ann Widdecombe on a programme about dieting.

We are looking for people who have lost weight with commercial diets and once ending the diet the weight has piled back on. This is for a one day campaign in order to bring attention to the public that in the long term, for the majority of people, diets don’t work!

We will be filming as a group, with Ann Widdecombe, travelling to a couple of locations together and sharing stories and experiences en-route to making our point loud and clear.

If you are interested and are available next week, Tuesday 26th February then please contact Nicola for more information. Either at [email protected] or 0161 835 6333

Becky Sawle | AP | Factuals | ITV plc
Tel: 0161 8327211 x2841 | [email protected]


PS - Mods, hope this is ok? Feel free to delete it and tell me off if not!

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