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Update on My Situation

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
First I would like to thank everyone for their continued show of support for my situation. I have been going through a lot of changes lately. Some good some bad. All working towards a goal of becoming more mobile.

I am happy to say that on June 1st I began a diet called Medifast.My weight on June 1st was 687 lbs. We finally figured out a way to weigh me a few days ago and my weight is now 580 lbs. making that a 107 lb loss. I am extremely happy with that. It has already made a significant affect on my breathing and my blood pressure. Since my blood pressure was staying at 120 over 70 before medifast it has now dropped a little more then we wanted it to.It has been 85 over 56 a lot lately. The nurse from my medifast program thinks it is because my body is needing less diureticcs so we switched me to only 4 times a week. It seems to have kept me from feeling dizzy all the time.

My bed is still a serious issue. We have made a few temporary fixes. More like band aids for the situation. The people from medifast are trying to help me out and set me up to sell medifast to raise money for a bed. So at least I now have an additional way to try to help myself a bit from my bed.

It is a bit easier to get up now that Ciar has done a bit of patch work on the bed. He is using a pry bar to lift up the bed and shove wood under it to raise it up so I can get out.He has to do that on all sides of the bed and the middle. Then when I go into the shower he has to take it all out and lower the bed to allow me to get into it. He had to build a special frame for me to do this. The frame weight 303 lbs so it should be sturdy enough to hold me.
Hes just not sure how long he can keep doing it this way as it takes a lot out of his back to do this. Hes experimenting with some car jacks under there as well.

Here are some photos of the bed.


I am still on my diet and hoping to one day in the near future be a vital part of society from outside of these walls. I know weight loss is not what this forum is about and I apologize for mentioning it. So many of you have emailed me asking for an update that I felt it was best to do it on here.
Thank you to all of you out there that continue to be a shoulder tyo lean on.


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