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Uptown Girl - by Big Beautiful Dreamer (~BBW, Foreplay)

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Big Beautiful Dreamer

ridiculously contented
Feb 26, 2006
~BBW, Foreplay - A backstreet guy finally finds what he's looking for. And so does his uptown girl.

[Author’s note:] This brief beginning was in the Discard Room, created by an anonymous author. In homage to the iconic Billy Joel song, I have inserted sub-heads with lines from the song. –Big Beautiful Dreamer

Uptown Girl
By: Big Beautiful Dreamer

She’s been living in her uptown world

On a sunny afternoon, Roderick, a good-looking twenty-something professional, decided to go out for a drive through the city in his two-door black coupe that he enjoyed so much. He drove through the Bronx, where he saw her.

Waiting for the bus outside a plus-size clothing store, she stood 5'5” and, he guessed, about 250 pounds. Her pudgy abdomen was revealed beneath her too-small top, jeans visibly tight and outgrown. A glimpse of long curly dark hair and the sight of her golden flesh almost caused him to crash into a livery cab that suddenly stopped in front of him. He saw her enjoying an Italian ice. She licked it in slow motion, enjoying it to the last drop. He put down the car window and spoke to her in Spanish, trying to get her attention, at least make eye contact, to no avail. It saddened him to see her waddle slowly with the bags she had onto the bus.

He envisioned her sinking with relief into a seat, spilling over the plastic curve designed for smaller bottoms than her gorgeously tempting cushion.
Driving back home, he looked frequently into his side mirrors to catch a glimpse of anyone who made him feel the way that girl had, but saw nothing. Nothing but the tiresome keyboard waiting for him once again. Hearing promises from dates he'd never meet, or dates who disappointed him once away from the computer: They would talk of being liberated and carefree and describe eating binges, saying they didn’t care who watched. On the date, however, they would pick at salads and shun dessert.

Roderick's frustrations grew with each disappointment, with each talk show he'd watch, or nightclub outing he would go on as he'd see women of his dreams bursting out of scanty outfits, but he was unable to find one to truly fulfill him. He’d approach them and they would respond with cynicism, implying that a slender guy after a big girl was only interested in an easy lay. He cursed his desires, as they did him more pain than good.

As time passed, his desires got stronger, especially in his sleep. He even contemplated his utterly average build, 5’10” and 185, imagining himself swelling. He knew how warm his belly felt after being stuffed full, though it didn’t seem to put weight on him. He imagined finally letting loose enjoying everything he always wanted to without concern of other's opinions or images.

He visualized seeing the shadow of his shape rounded and bulging out further from the recliner he spent more and more time watching tapes of talk shows featuring Mama Cass, Kelly Price (pre-diet), Liz Torres and others as his mind drifted even further to images on his computer.

His love affair with fat was growing even stronger by the day, and he was wanting it, needing it, feeling so warm and soft, just giving that feeling of true pleasure. He went from occasional food binges to nightly ones. He would devour a footlong hero sandwich, relishing the globs of mayo, melted cheese, fresh tasting ham just waiting to be devoured. His belly would stretch and swell, leaving him looking pregnant – until the next day. He called to mind the pregnant woman he’d seen last summer, wearing a tiny white shirt stretched inadequately over her gravid tummy for all to see.

Gorging, imagining his own stretch marks, knowing he would have to loosen the sash on his robe before it gave way.

His belly was too full – the footlong, the chips, the quart of pop – but his heart was too empty. He still yearned for someone to share in his love and passion. He didn’t know that his endless frustration would soon come to an end. [End of the portion written by Anonymous. Story continued by BBD.]

*~* *~*​

I bet she’s never had a backstreet guy

Roderick loved that song. He had been a backstreet guy, growing up in a third-floor walkup in Bay Ridge. His father had been chronically unemployed, occasionally finding work, then being jobless again. He had a hot temper that often got him fired. Sometimes he’d come home at lunchtime, not even having lasted the day.

Ma had a GED, which made her the more educated one, and worked as a secretary. It paid sort of okay, but it was hard to raise three kids on a small salary. Pop’s occasional paychecks usually went to fend off overdue bills, paying off the Con Ed just in time to keep the lights on.

No one in the house was much on reading, but Ma had gotten it into her head that education was the ticket out. Angus, the oldest, had gone to City College and gotten a job with Con Ed. He had Ma’s pacifistic temper, so he had kept it.

Mary Anne, the middle child, had scandalized Ma and Pop by converting to Catholicism at age 16. The Maclarens were Presbyterians, even if they seldom darkened the church door. But Mary Anne had always been a dreamy one, and it seemed she had plans. At age 18, she’d followed Angus to City College, where she’d gotten a sociology degree, then promptly joined the Sisters of St. Joseph of Medaille. She now worked for the Sisters of St. Joseph Dear Neighbor Ministries in Wichita, Kansas.

Roderick had followed Angus and Mary Anne to City College, earning a B.Arch. and getting a job in an architecture firm. He’d worked hard and patiently gotten up the ladder and was now pulling down more than $60,000 plus an occasional bonus. He lived in a decent apartment and had that coupe he loved. He had his share of women interested in him, but they were all the same – either too scrawny for his taste, or assuming that he was jerking them around.

So he found himself night after night, with no company but his computer, temporary solace in his swollen and aching belly, occasionally progressing to a first date with a girl whose online declarations did not match her public behavior. And girls like that one in the Bronx who wouldn’t even give him a glance.

Then everything changed.

She's been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can

Her name was Tia. She was 26 and a bookstore clerk. She described herself as 5’6” and 250 pounds. She said she enjoyed eating until she nearly burst. She was the only child of wealthy parents, now retired in Connecticut.
Roderick hesitated. Though he was now within the confines of the white bread world, but he still felt like a backstreet guy. Tia was likely to be spoiled. And anyway, he’d been disappointed before. Finally, reluctantly, he made a date.

Tia was gorgeous. Roderick felt his mouth drop open. She was, as advertised, easily 250 – that might have been an underestimate. Her temptingly luscious figure was poured into a painfully small dress, spaghetti straps digging into breathtakingly soft and creamy shoulders. The neckline plunged, showing peeps of plumply rounded breasts jostling each other and straining the fabric across her chest. The fabric below was pulled tightly over a bountiful swell of hips and a soft, round tummy, so tightly that he could see the outline of her belly button. Below the skirt, dimpled knees flashed, fair fleshy calves were on display. Her hand in his was soft and plump.

Experimentally, Roderick suggested an appetizer. Tia couldn’t decide. They ordered two. Roderick settled back, expecting Tia to take one nibble and quit. To his pleased surprise, he found himself in mild competition for the contents of the plates.

Ditto the bread basket.

And forget salads. Tia ordered and ate every scrap of a deep bowlful of pasta alfredo, then expressed a desire for Chocolate Overload. Roderick was so pleased he almost forgot to eat his own dinner. Almost.

Over dinner, Tia confessed her boredom with the constrained lifestyle in which she’d been brought up. “They want me to be interested in music, paintings, fashion – they want me to be thin,” she added resentfully. “We don’t talk very often,” she added wistfully.

They talked about bowling, which they both enjoyed, and movies and music (ditto). They were enjoying each other’s company, and Roderick, for one, was enjoying seeing a woman who would actually eat in public.

When they finally finished, both confessed to being stuffed. They left the restaurant slowly and made their way first to Roderick’s coupe, then to his apartment. Roderick made them coffee and they reclined, he in his easy chair, she on the sofa. Roderick kept losing his train of thought because she was so attractive.

“I have a question,” Tia said shyly. “Um … my dress is so tight right now it’s killing me. Would it … would you … could I take it off?”

“Yes please,” Roderick blurted, then blushed. Tia started to giggle, then clutched her stomach. Slowly, they stood up. Roderick was amazed at the tensile strength of the zipper. With effort, he got the thing unzipped, then helped her wriggle out of it.

She sank down on the sofa again in relief, her breasts spilling out of her ice blue satin bra and her tummy swollen and distended, her ice blue bikini panties barely visible.

“Ohh, that’s better,” she groaned. She massaged her visibly engorged tummy, tautly bloated. Shyly, she looked over at Roderick.

“Why don’t you get more comfortable?” she suggested. Roderick blinked. He couldn’t believe his ears – or his eyes. Tia was reclining now, her breasts spilling well over her bra and the bra resting above her swollen belly, hips straining her panties. Roderick’s own body responded as expected.

And when she knows what
She wants from her time​

Grunting a little with effort, Roderick stood up. He undid his tie. Slowly, he unbuttoned his shirt. He had to tighten his belt just a little before he could unbuckle it. God, did it hurt! He let it out, then undid his trousers. Involuntarily he shuddered with relief.

“You could sit over here,” Tia said softly. Roderick sank onto the sofa. Tia gently rucked up his undershirt and prodded Roderick’s swollen and tender middle.

“Ooh, I see a full tummy,” she teased. Roderick gently touched hers in turn.

“I see another full tummy.”

“I’m full,” Tia admitted. “Please rub my tummy?”

He did. She reciprocated. Slowly, slowly, their immediate fullness easing, they began to explore other arenas.

And when she wakes up
And makes up her mind​

Roderick woke first, which was what he wanted. He dressed quickly, then slipped out. When he returned, Tia was yawning and rubbing her eyes.

“Wow,” she murmured through a yawn. Roderick set down the breakfast: a dozen doughnuts and two large cups of coffee.

The night before, Tia had seemed shy and a little uncertain – at least at first. This morning, she seemed a lot more confident.

“Can I ask you something?” Tia swallowed the last bite of her third doughnut.

“Mm-hmm.” Roderick’s own mouth was full at the moment.

“Last night, at dinner … seemed like you didn’t mind my appetite.”

Careful, don’t scare her off. “I didn’t mind.”

There was a pause. Tia, who was attacking the doughnuts as though she’d not eaten for days, gobbled down her fourth and fifth doughnuts. Roderick was glad he had a box of doughnut holes stashed in the kitchen. He was on his sixth, and Tia looked as though she would want her six.

“Would you, um, mind … if I … ate like that … often?”

“No … I wouldn’t mind,” Roderick said. Roderick thought: Yes, please!

The dozen doughnuts were history, and so were the doughnut holes. Tia stood up, brushed off crumbs, and groaningly stretched. She was naked, and her large tummy was distended, bobbling above the spill of flesh around her hips. Her breasts seemed to float, impressive and full. Her soft arms wobbled with the movement; her chin doubled, dimples peeped. She padded out, naked, to the kitchen and Roderick followed.

“Do you know what a feedee is?” she asked.

“Um … no …” Just the word made Roderick excited.

“Maybe you could make some pancakes while I explain,” Tia said. She casually flipped on the coffee maker.

Roderick reached for the Bisquick.

She’s getting tired of her high class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She’s got a choice​

Roderick would ordinarily have been more than full after six doughnuts and half a box of doughnut holes. But pancakes, like movie popcorn, are hard to resist. Roderick flipped the first four onto Tia’s plate, then gave himself the next four. He poured syrup generously onto his stack. Tia was making decent headway on the contents of her plate.

Tia said, “I’ll explain what a feedee is. But first…” she swallowed a large mouthful of pancake and licked her lips.

Tia had gone to Bridgeport University and gotten a B.A. in English. By the time she had graduated from college, she carried over 200 pounds. Her parents had had enough of fat camps, private trainers, private chefs, and other tactics they had employed over the years. They weren’t vindictive or cruel. They just washed their hands of the situation. She had a trust fund and received a monthly allowance that provided a very nice apartment, a car, and enough spending money for a couple of vacations every year. The bookstore job was for Tia’s own self-respect and “play money.” Tia seemed matter-of-fact, maybe a little wistful, about the fact that she and her parents rarely spent time with each other.

“Now,” she said. “What a ‘feedee’ is, is different for everybody. Here’s how I describe it. I enjoy having someone encourage me to eat. I get turned on by someone feeding me a lot. I find it sexually arousing to be made very full and then to be intimate. It’s a preference.” She smiled.

“I was always the fat, friendly one in my crowd,” she said. “I made my debut, but the boys flocked to the thin ones. In college, I was everybody’s wingman. My apartment was the safe haven from a bad date, I was the sympathetic gal pal, the shoulder to cry on. It never occurred to anybody to date me.”

Roderick paused. “I would very much like to date you, Tia,” he said softly. “And I would like to do whatever makes you happy.”

Tia’s hug was soft and warm, her bare belly pressing against the thin fabric of his T-shirt, the gentle pressure against his own full stomach prompting a stir of arousal. He debated internally.

“There’s enough batter for a few more pancakes,” he said. “And I can feed them to you in bed.”

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