I have lots of candy favorites! :wubu: However, once when I was a kid, I got a treat that was kinda like a Reeses Peanut butter cup, but it has a marshmellow-like ooey gooey center. And I never saw it again...
Until today!! When I was browsing thru the Cracker Barrel Store after a particularly satisfying dinner. It seems that the Russell Sifers Candy Co in Merriam, KS is making Valomilks again, but is having trouble beating out "BIG Chocolate" for shelf space in grocery stores.. and so they were able to get space at Cracker Barrel.
I bought all they had! :eat2:
Until today!! When I was browsing thru the Cracker Barrel Store after a particularly satisfying dinner. It seems that the Russell Sifers Candy Co in Merriam, KS is making Valomilks again, but is having trouble beating out "BIG Chocolate" for shelf space in grocery stores.. and so they were able to get space at Cracker Barrel.
I bought all they had! :eat2: