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Vegas Bash And Amazonfest

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2005

Glad to say I am trying to make it to Vegas Bash this year. And my Friends are going with me Lusicous and Cherilicious. They have been in my training and are doing the thing big time. And hopefully attend the AMAZON FEST

We will be having sessions while in vegas We will be there the whole week.
But for me to get to vegas I need your deposits right away.
If something happens that I cannot go you will recieve your deposits back
But if you dont show for the session or you have no choice but to cancel
then the deposit is non refundable.

If you cant afford a private session you can be a sponsor for 100.00
you will be included in a special Squash Party I will have in my Room.
If you can sponsor 200.00 You will get special attention at the Squash Party.
You will be of course get squashed the most LOL.

If you not going to vegas but wish to sponsor anyway for 50.00 you will recieve a cd
with copies of squash party pictures and maybe a few video clips.
NOTE: EVERYONE WILL BE AIRBRUSHED OUT for privacy if you wish.
Masks are encouraged.

Contact me ASAP because We want to book flights and hotel while we still can.

Deposits can be made via PayPal or Money Order NO CHECKS!!!

EMAIL ME NOW!!!!! [email protected]

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