1300 Class
Pam Poovey's Stunt Double
I was reading an old extract from a paper about how the GFC and university graduates and how so many people are going back to get new skills, degrees and all that sort of thing, to better or change their careers.
So, anyway, I came across this article about this new type of post graduate arts degree being done at the University of Melbourne, and I'm totally in two minds about whether to do it or not.
On the one hand, it would mean postponing getting full time employment, moving away from home to another state and all that that entails for another year (I can complete the course in one year rather than two because I have already completed an honours degree to my Bachelor). But then...
On the other however, I haven't been able to get full time employment anyway because of the GFC with a combination of my youth, employment record (lacking experience...) and degree (good enough to apply, never to get anywhere), my current job (casual work in the University of Queensland Library which terminates at Christmas) and my seasonal work with Queensland Rail is only four or five weeks every quarter at the most is all I have. Doing this EMA (Executive Master of Arts) would (I hope if what the information says is true) improve my chances, especially for public sector work and even in the private sector when things pick up again and allow me to get a break into full time work in a years time at the end of 2010.
Am I over analysing this? Looking a gift horse in the mouth *if* I managed to get accepted into the program? The money and the time and all or delaying the failure of full time work this year, and would it be worth it, I can't make a decision yet.
So, anyway, I came across this article about this new type of post graduate arts degree being done at the University of Melbourne, and I'm totally in two minds about whether to do it or not.
On the one hand, it would mean postponing getting full time employment, moving away from home to another state and all that that entails for another year (I can complete the course in one year rather than two because I have already completed an honours degree to my Bachelor). But then...
On the other however, I haven't been able to get full time employment anyway because of the GFC with a combination of my youth, employment record (lacking experience...) and degree (good enough to apply, never to get anywhere), my current job (casual work in the University of Queensland Library which terminates at Christmas) and my seasonal work with Queensland Rail is only four or five weeks every quarter at the most is all I have. Doing this EMA (Executive Master of Arts) would (I hope if what the information says is true) improve my chances, especially for public sector work and even in the private sector when things pick up again and allow me to get a break into full time work in a years time at the end of 2010.
Am I over analysing this? Looking a gift horse in the mouth *if* I managed to get accepted into the program? The money and the time and all or delaying the failure of full time work this year, and would it be worth it, I can't make a decision yet.