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Violence and disconnection in our society

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
I was saddened by the latest school shooting in the US on the college campus. It was a horrible crime perpetrated by a sick individual and so many victims living and deceased. Peoples lives changed forever by the events of a few hours. I am a jumble of emotions right now. ANger, sadness, frustrated and wanting to do something. I think I was more saddened cause I work with many troubled youth in my city running a youth centre and outreach program for people on the street. I just made the decision to close my centre to protect youth from gang activity that is going on and show the members of these gangs that there is zero tolerance for this behaver. I sat some of the perpetrators and the rest of the kids in the centre and discussed this with them when last week when I caught wind of potential activities by these people. The kids are rallying around that are not involved and met with us at another location yesterday to see how we can solve the problems and make our centre safe again. There is allot of finger pointing going on that this person and that should have done this and that with the events on campus. Such a disconnect! Do we know for sure what we would have done in the same situation? Are we prepared to do all can do to be involved in our communities?

We see the attitude all the time in our work with those on the street and kids that have issues that those people made bad choices and they reap what they sow. Well that may be true but what if scociety as a whole stepped up and tried to be active in addressing what goes on within our communities and helped out our fellow man? Could social change occur through that? I see it all the time in a change in attitude of those who feel they have no voice and someone cares. A few years ago we were broken into and our safe stolen. In it was the 800 dollars the kids had raised throughout the year towards getting presents for Christmas along with our sound system, Tv and other small items. The community rallied around us through a call to the local radio station and held a radio marathon for the kids raising 5 thousand dollars to help us out. Many people borough donations of food for our CHristmas dinner or gifts for the kids as well. The kids were all in disbelief that the community could care about them like that. They felt like they belonged to the community for the first time, someone cares. They gave back by volunteering for other radio marathons, helping at community events and hosting anti racism and peace marches.

I guess the concept is pay it forward. Do something special for someone and ask them to return the favour for others. In this time when people are hurting and feeling unsafe a little kindness can go a long way.
OKay that is off my chest for now*Steps off soapbox*

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